Curriculum & Instruction – September 21, 2007

Calendar Events

September 24, 2007 Curriculum AA/AP Meeting

September 27, 2007Board Meeting (Evening)

Purpose: To provide timely curriculum and performance-based instructional information to school-based leadership teams and to classroom teachers.


Dr. Will Rumbaugh, Director

"Ten Roles for Teachers as Leaders":

Did you see the most recent issue of Educational Leadership on Teachers as Leaders? The article by Harrison and Killion (pp. 74-77) offers ten sample formal and informal leadership roles teachers can assume to break any isolation that may exist:

1. Resource Provider

2. Instructional Specialist

3. Curriculum Specialist

4. Classroom Supporter

5. Learning Facilitator

6. Mentor

7. School Leader

8. Data Coach

9. Catalyst for Change

10. Learner

Benchmark Assessments:

I wanted to give you a heads-up so you can be planning for next year. As you know, we are no longer using Performance Series (except for some isolated cases). In its place, Cobb is putting into place Achievement Series. This is an online tool that allows districts to build assessments for schools and teachers, and it even allows teachers to build assessments and share them with others. The tests that are created can be administered via paper/pencil or online.

C&I is currently beginning to build Benchmark Assessments that will be put into Achievement Series. These assessments will coincide approximately with the 9-week grading periods and with the units found in the Course Guides on PICASSO (thus they will be tied to the appropriate standards and pacing). For elementary, the following Benchmark Assessments are being built for use next year:

Grades 1-5 Reading/Language Arts (4 Benchmark Assessments, one for each 9 weeks)

Grades 1-5 Math (4 Benchmark Assessments, one for each 9 weeks)

Grades 1-5 Science (4 Benchmark Assessments, one for each 9 weeks)

Grades 1-5 Social Studies (4 Benchmark Assessments, one for each 9 weeks)

Report Cards:

Now that the Kindergarten Report Card has been revised and is being implemented in schools, the revision committees are working on 1st and 2nd grade report card revisions. We will keep you up-to-date on the progress of these committees. The plan is for these new report cards to be completed and in use in your schools next year (2008-09).


Kathy Annis, Director

CRCT Fall Letter:

Remember to send the autumn letter to parents during the month of October if you have not done so already. The letters and translations can be found in PICASSO, Instruction/Curriculum tab, Summer link in left menu.


Jan Hollis, Supervisor/K-5

Action: Share with new Teachers

The Elementary Handbook is available online at

Once the handbook is accessed, there are hotlinks to subject area handbooks on the opening pages. Encourage teachers to become familiar with this information on PICASSO as it is no longer printed and sent out to schools annually.

FYI: AP’s Action - Share Writing Assessment information with new 3rd-5th Grade Teachers

Writing Assessment Trainings Power Points on PICASSO

Last Spring was our first experience with the new GA Writing Assessment for 3rd and 5th grades. You may wish to review the Writing Assessment presentation with teachers new to grades 3 and 5. The Writing Assessment Trainings for grades 3 & 5 are posted on the Language Arts Standards page on PICASSO at

Action: Share with new Teachers

DRA Reminder

The Primary DRA (K-3) is a recommended method for determining the independent reading level of students in grades K-3. Using this independent level, a teacher can determine the appropriate instructional level for guided reading, which is usually one level higher than the student’s independent reading level. While it does not provide an exact reading level, the Intermediate DRA (4-5) pinpoints specific strengths and needs of each student and will help determine the focus of your guided reading instruction.

Additional information regarding administration of the DRA and level equivalents is also available in the English/Language Arts handbook at


If you are interested in Soar to Success training for any of your staff, please contact Language Arts secretary, . Should there be enough interested, we will try to set up the training. Also – if you have these materials in your elementary building and are not using them, a school has requested a set. Again, please contact Risa to let her know they are available.

FYI: Administrative Staff

A revised Balanced Literacy Classroom checklist was provided at the principals’ meeting. This new revision includes suggestions for teacher resources and materials for instruction, as well as more explicit instructional guidance for each block of Balanced Literacy. A Guided Reading Look-Fors expanded version was also shared at recent trainings. It is hoped that these pieces might support your discussions of instructional expectations at your school. Both are attached to this Briefings.

FYI: Administrative Staff – Plan to Send Teachers – Free Registration

As noted on the Spring Elementary Professional Learning Calendar:

On October 19th, Teacher Created Materials will be sponsoring “From Phonics to Fluency to Proficient Reading” - presented by Dr. Tim Rasinski, a leading researcher and author in the area of reading fluency. Dr. Rasinski is a professor of literacy education at KentStateUniversity. He has written over 150 articles and has authored, co-authored or edited over 15 books or curriculum programs on reading education. He is co-author of the award winning fluency program called Fluency First, published by the Wright Group. His scholarly interests include reading fluency and word study, reading in the elementary and middle grades, and readers who struggle. His research on reading has been cited by the National Reading Panel and has been published in journals such as Reading Research Quarterly, The Reading Teacher, Reading Psychology, and the Journal of Educational Research.

Tim recently served a three year term on the Board of Directors of the International Reading Association and from 1992 to 1999 he was co-editor of The Reading Teacher, the world's most widely read journal of literacy education. He currently serves as co-editor of the Journal of Literacy Research. He is also a past-president of the College Reading Association and he has won the A. B. Herr Award from the College Reading Association for his scholarly contributions to literacy education.

Prior to coming to KentState Tim taught literacy education at the University of Georgia. He taught for several years as an elementary and middle school classroom and Title I teacher in rural Nebraska.

“From Phonics to Fluency to Proficient Reading” will be presented October 19, 8:00-11:00, at MountBethelUnitedMethodistChurch. There are only 150 spaces available. Schools are invited to send up to 2 teachers to this half-day training. No registration fee is required! Schools are only asked to provide subs.

Registration must be submitted to by October 3rd.


Sally Creel, Supervisor/K-5

Science Textbook Adoption

We are looking for teachers interested in being a part of the elementary science textbook adoption committee. I am asking administrators to send me the names of teachers in their building willing to serve on this committee. We will need passionate, experienced, knowledgeable and novice teachers of all grade levels K-5 to serve on this committee. We will be meeting 5-6 times between October and March. All subs will be paid for by C&I. The first meeting date will be on October 3rd from 8:00-4:00. The location is to be determined. Please send the names of teachers to Sally Creel. Thanks!

Software for New Digital Microscopes for Elementary Schools

Several schools have received their digiscope, digital microscopes. These are elementary friendly microscopes that come with a digital camera on top. Schools that sent 5th grade teachers to science trainings recently all received a digiscope for their school. Schools that send representatives to future 5th grade trainings will also receive a digiscope for their schools.

We are excited to announce that the software for the digiscope has been officially approved. You many now put in a technology request to have a TSS come and load the software on your computers. The software may be loaded on more than one computer. Please feel free to contact technical support customer care center at 770-426-3330, via e-mail at , or visit the CCSD intranet page and fill out a request on-line using the Remedy system at


JoAnn Wood, Supervisor/K-5

FYI:Elementary Social Studies Staff Development Opportunities: Fall, 2007

On September 18th, the following information was e-mailed to all assistant principals regarding workshops available to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers this fall on economics and civics topics. Along with the letter (attachment below), AP’s received a registration form (attachment below) that teachers may use to register for one of these sessions. Please note that schools are limited to 1 or 2 teachers total as specified for particular workshops. This information is being shared via briefings, through APs, and on the blog in order to reach the widest possible audience.

In order to avoid confusion as much as possible, I am asking that teachers have their form signed by the principal, make a copy to keep of their registration form, and then send one copy in as directed before Sept. 28th. We will confirm by e-mail with each teacher with a date/time/location reminder, along with the substitute code. All sessions are free of charge, and subs are covered. Teachers will receive materials in the sessions.

Thank you so much for supporting these excellent learning and professional growth opportunities.

Attached please find the letter and registration form already e-mailed to AP’s for distribution.

Elementary Social Studies Blog:

Check regularly for resources and updated information.


Lynn Hamblett, Supervisor/K-5

Action: FYI/Attend training if possible

Local Eligibility Committee

Each school should have a Target Local Eligibility Committee (LEC). Members should include the Target teacher, grade level representatives and a representative from administration. This committee will be making decisions regarding gifted eligibility at their local school. As students come in from other counties and states, the committee will review the test data that accompanies the students in order to make decisions about eligibility. Decisions may include, but are not limited to: 1) further testing is needed, 2) the student is eligible for gifted services, 3) the student is ineligible for gifted services, 4) the case is odd in some manner and the Central Eligibility Committee needs to review.

There will be training for your Local Eligibility Committee on October 11, 2007 from 3:00-4:30 in the board room at the central office. We encourage all schools to send representatives as we will go through mock scenarios that may present themselves throughout the year. We will also look at the documentation that will accompany the LEC meetings.

Action: FYI

Cognitive Abilities Test will be administered to First Grade

The Cognitive Abilities Test will be administered to all first grade students during system-wide testing. Please make sure your test coordinator includes first grade teachers in all training for system-wide testing.

Action: FYI

Upcoming Elementary ALP Meetings

Date & Time / Location / Topic
November 5 All Day / TurnerChapelChurch / Testing issues
November 19 & 20 All Day / TurnerChapelChurch / Professional Learning Days

**There is no money to pay for substitutes for the November 19 & 20 professional learning days, so your teacher(s) will need your approval to cancel classes.

Action: FYI

Target Lead Teachers for each area

You may begin to see Target Lead Teachers in your schools. They have various roles which include supporting and mentoring new target teachers, providing support with accelerations, providing professional development, serving on the ALP advisory council, along with other duties related to gifted services. The Target Lead Teachers for each area are: Area 1 & 2 – Becky Schulman; Area 3 – Judy Sawyer; Area 4 – Dona Long; Area 5 – Monica Burke; Area 6 – Elizabeth (Beth) Hendrickson. Please contact Lynn Hamblett if you have any questions or would like additional support for a Target teacher at your school.


Adrienne McAuley, TSA


Action: Share with EIP contact teachers

Thank you to all who participated in the EIP contact meetings on August 30th and 31st. I appreciate all your hard work on the FTE process which is over and above your daily teaching responsibilities.

FTE Reminders:

  • EIP Parent Notification Letters should have been sent home with a 10 day calendar deadline date for an opportunity to conference.
  • First and third graders will be taking the ITBS on October 2, 2007, FTE day. We recommend that you count students on the FTE in the program that they normally would be participating in on Tuesday, October 2.
  • EIP classroom teachers that are ESOL endorsed may count their EIP students as served all day in addition to being served a segment(s) for ESOL on the FTE. EIP teachers have a wonderful opportunity to become ESOL endorsed by taking free ESOL classes on Saturdays or after-school. Email Wesley Pankey in the ESOL department for details.
  • Count only EIP students on the FTE that are served in a Self-Contained model with 11-14 EIP students and Reduced Class Size model according to the sliding scale in the EIP guidelines. Augmented/Pull-out Model teachers need to serve eligible EIP students and count them on the FTE even if they generate Make Whole Segments.


Mark Anderson, Supervisor/K-12

Share With: All Staff

Action To Be Taken: Post on Marquee if possible.

2nd Annual Cobb Walk for Wellness: October 13, 2007; Marietta City Square; 8:00am-3:00pm

The Cobb Walk for Wellness is again being held this year. Students, family members, and school staff are encouraged to attend this event. Many resources will be available to support your wellness program. Schools are asked to send the Wellness Walk Information Flyer home to parents in Friday Folders on 9/28/07. This flyer will be sent to each physical education teacher. Schools are also asked to advertise the Walk for Wellness on the school marquee during the week of 10/8/06-10/12/06 if possible.

Students may order at 10K T Shirt for $5 through physical education teachers. Family and friends may register for the Make-A-Wish 5K run (competitive) for $10. If interested, print and mail Registration Form. Volunteers are needed to help organize goodie-bags. If your club needs service hours, please have them contact for more information.

Share With: All classroom teachers

Action To Be Taken: Physical Education teachers will showcase kit/program at grade level meetings


The Environmental Protection Agency has a great program that is free of charge and helps teacher address health education objectives and the harmful effects of the sun. K-5 kits are available. A kit is being sent to all physical educators to share with grade levels. Please visit this site for your free lesson plans and to register to become a SunWiseSchool.

Share With: All classroom teachers

Action To Be Taken: Contact WellStar if interested

Dr. WellBee

WellStar Health System is pleased to offer programs (see link below) to help children learn about health and safety. Each program is free and lasts approximately 45 minutes. All programs meet the Cobb County Performance Standards in Health Education and are presented by qualified instructors. To schedule a program, call (770) 793-7453 or send an email to

Program/Presentation Descriptions

Share With: Wellness Council

Action To Be Taken: Contact Dr. Johnson if interested

C.H.O.I.C.E.S. (Center Helping Obesity In Children End Successfully)
CHOICES is a Non-Profit Organization addressing the needs of overweight and obese children in Georgia. CHOICES health educators will come into your school to support your local school wellness plan. They have student, parent, and community programs. They have programs in the following areas: We Can (ASP), youth fitness, nutrition, peer socialization, community collaboration, Children’s Expo, and Wellness Camps. They also can help you design and run a health fair in your school/community. For more information call Kenya Heard at 678-819-3663 or at

Program Web Site:

Share With: All Classroom Teachers

Action To Be Taken: Send in Names of Interested Teachers

In conjunction with the Program Evaluation for Health and Physical Education, I would like to make visits to classroom teachers during the instruction of health education. My visits will collect some of the same data as Learning Walks but will collect additional input specific to health education. Please let me know if I can visit a grade level or any teacher in your school. I will need times that health is taught for each teacher. I will spend 20-30 minutes in each observation. Please contact me to discuss as needed at 770-426-3469 or at


Andy Spinks, Supervisor/K-12

The Media Specialist: Your School’s Designated Co-Teacher

I have never liked baseball’s “designated hitter” rule. Having a specialist who steps in to hit makes it too easy for the offense to score runs, and it makes the manager’s decisions regarding lineup changes too simple. Teaching, however, is not a game. We must capitalize on any advantage that we can find to make instruction more effective. As you know, co-teaching is one of the most effective instructional practices we can employ, and the CCSD Curriculum & Instruction division has made it a priority this year to make sure our teachers understand the advantages of this practice and the methods for using it.