SEMESTER: B.PHARM. Ist Sem. SESSION: JULY-DEC., 2014 Name of the Teacher: Dr. Sunil Kumar
Subject: Pharmacognosy (B.P.H. 1.1.5)
S. No. / Topic to be covered / No. of Lectures / Year/Month/week1. / An introduction to active constituents of drugs: General introduction to phytoconstituents and about the subject.
A very brief discussion on complete syllabus. / 02 / 2014, July3rd
2. / Introduction, classification, isolation and properties of glycosides / 02 / 2014, July4th
3. / Introduction, classification, isolation and properties of tannins / 01 / 2014, July5th
4. / Introduction, classification, isolation and properties of carbohydrates / 01 / 2014, Aug. 1st
5. / Introduction, classification, isolation and properties of alkaloids, lipids and Volatile oils / 04 / 2014, Aug. 2nd
6. / Definition, history, scope and development of Pharmacognosy / 03 / 2014, Aug. 3rd
7. / Sources of drugs: biological, marine as sources of drugs / 03 / 2014, Aug. 4th
8. / Geographical and plant tissue cultures as sources of drugs
Classification of drugs: alphabetical method / 04 / 2014, Aug. 5th
9. / Morphological, taxonomical, pharmacological classification with their merits and demerits / 04 / 2014, Sept. 1st
10. / Chemical and other classification with their merits and demerits
Cultivation, collection, processing and storage of crude drugs: factors influencing cultivation of medicinal plants, / 04 / 2014, Sept. 2nd
11. / Pest management and natural pest control agents / 04 / 2014, Sept. 3rd
12. / Types of soils and fertilizers of common use
Introduction to Plant growth regulators and their applications / 05 / 2014, Sept. 4th & 5th
13. / Polyploidy, Mutation and hybridization with reference to with reference to medicinal plants medicinal plants / 04 / 2014, Oct. 1st & 2nd
14. / Adulteration of crude drugs and their detection by organoleptic, microscopic, physical, chemical, and biological methods of evaluations / 08 / 2014, Oct. 3rd & 5th
15. / Systematic Pharmacognostic study of following:
Carbohydrates and derived products: Agar, Gum acacia Honey, Isabgol, Pectin and Starch. / 04 / 2014, Nov. 2nd
16. / Lipids: bees wax, castor oil, cocoa butter, cod liver oil, shark liver oil and wool fat. / 04 / 2014, Nov. 3rd