Potential Local LeadingAge Minnesota PAC Fundraisers:
- Payroll/Admission Packet Stuffer……………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
- Put this flyer explaining the importance of LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC in with the weekly payroll or Admission Packet. Designate a point person for individuals to contact if they wish to donate.
- Payroll Withholding Form…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
- Allows an easy way for staff to contribute to LeadingAge Minnesota PAC through payroll deductions
- Money Jar Fundraiser Kit………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
- Place a Money Jar in the breakroom or a central location and ask staff to make a contribution to help give seniors and caregivers a voice in the political process. To make it more interesting, sites could turn this into a competition between floors or departments or have an administrator contribution match.
- Included in the Kit: Flyer (containing information regarding LeadingAge Minnesota PAC) and donation forms
- Bake Sale Fundraiser Kit……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
- Hold a bake sale at your community. Invite individuals (families, residents, staff) to donate baked goods to the sale. Any proceeds will go to LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC.
- Included in the Kit: Flyer (containing information regarding LeadingAge Minnesota PAC), sign up forms for baked goods and contribution forms
- Pot Luck Fundraiser Kit…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
- Hold a pot luck at your community. Have individuals bring their favorite dish to share and make a suggested $5 donation to eat at the pot luck. All donations will go to LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC.
- Included in the Kit: Flyer (containing information regarding LeadingAge Minnesota PAC), sign up forms for dishes and donation forms
Who is LeadingAge Minnesota?
LeadingAge Minnesota is the state’s largest association of organizations serving older adults. Together with more than 50,000 caregivers, LeadingAge Minnesota members serve 63,000 older adults in the places they call home from home and community-based services, senior housing and assisted living communities to skilled nursing facilities. LeadingAge Minnesota works to shape the future of aging services and ensure older adults live with dignity, meaning and purpose. One way to accomplish this goal is working with lawmakers at the state level.
What is LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC?
The LeadingAge Minnesota Political Action Committee (PAC) (formerly Aging Services PAC) supports lawmakers dedicated to preserving a high quality of life for Minnesota seniors and supporting services and caregivers to meet the evolving needs of our state’s aging population. LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC does not distinguish its support on the basis of political party.
Why Donate to LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC?
There are three ways to advocate on behalf of seniors, caregivers and older adult services at the state level: direct lobbying, grassroots and donations. LeadingAge Minnesota has a team of lobbyists that meet directly with lawmakers to help shape public policy affecting older adults and those who provide them with care. Additionally, LeadingAge Minnesota has a grassroots network that allows citizens to easily connect with their lawmakers about the need to take care of older adults and support those who provide them with quality care. Finally, through donations, LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC is able to directly impact the political atmosphere at the State Capitol and give a strong voice to issues that serve the needs of Minnesota’s growing senior population. It takes all three ways to be successful at the Capitol.
How does LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC Make Decisions?
LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of its members from around the state who serve older adults in a variety of settings. Contributions and endorsements are determined based on a lawmaker’s position on issues that are critical to ensuring safe and quality care from experienced caregivers that seniors deserve and their families expect.
How is LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC Funded?
LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC is supported solely by individual voluntary contributions. Political Action Committees cannot accept contributions from corporations nor can membership dues be used to support its activities. Contributions may come in the form of cash, personal checks, money orders or online donations. Contributions are not tax deductible. ***You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any proposed contribution amounts are merely suggestions; you may choose to contribute more or less or not at all.
For more information or to make a contribution to LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC please contact {Name of point person} at {phone number}, {email} or stop by at {office number}
*All materials prepared and paid for by LeadingAge MN PAC.
Payroll Withholding Agreement/Donation Receipt
If individuals would like to make a contribution to LeadingAge Minnesota’s Political Action Committee they can do so through cash, personal check, or payroll deduction. This form is an easy way to keep track of all donations.
- List the first and last name of the individual
- List the total amount that this individual contributed to LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC
- Enter P if the individual contributed via payroll or C if the individual contributed via cash/personal check
- If the individual contributed through a payroll deduction list the total number of deductions
- If the individual contributed $20.00 or more please include their address
- Sign and mail this form, along with a money order or cashier’s check (corporate checks cannot be accepted) covering the full amount contributed to:
LeadingAge Minnesota PAC
Attention: Kari Thurlow
2550 University Avenue West Suite 350 South
St. Paul, Minnesota 55114
Checks and money orders made payable to LeadingAge Minnesota PAC
Name Amount ‘P’ or ‘C’# of Deductions Address
This is to certify that the enclosed check represents personal contributions to the LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC by the individuals listed above and that no corporate funds are included. Records authorizing these payroll deductions are available at the facility.
Signature: ______Date: ______
*All materials prepared and paid for by LeadingAge MN PAC.
Helpraise money to give seniors and caregivers a voice!
/- I am a supporter of LeadingAge Minnesota’s Political Action Committee (PAC), and I am raising money to help support their efforts. The money raised will help give seniors and their caregivers a voice in the political process.
- If you wish to make a contribution you will be able to find the money jar at [insert designated location]
- Contributions are completely voluntary, and if $20 or less, completely anonymous. Please help me raise at least $148 to support those 148 lawmakers that supported seniors this year!
- For more information on LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC, please see the back of this page.
Who is LeadingAge Minnesota?
LeadingAge Minnesota is the state’s largest association of organizations serving older adults. Together with more than 50,000 caregivers, LeadingAge Minnesota members serve 63,000 older adults in the places they call home from home and community-based services, senior housing and assisted living communities to skilled nursing facilities. LeadingAge Minnesota works to shape the future of aging services and ensure older adults live with dignity, meaning and purpose. One way to accomplish this goal is working with lawmakers at the state level.
What is LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC?
The LeadingAge Minnesota Political Action Committee (PAC) supports lawmakers dedicated to preserving a high quality of life for Minnesota seniors and supporting services and caregivers to meet the evolving needs of our state’s aging population. LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC does not distinguish its support on the basis of political party.
Why Donate to LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC?
There are three ways to advocate on behalf of seniors, caregivers and older adult services at the state level: direct lobbying, grassroots and donations. LeadingAge Minnesota has a team of lobbyists that meet directly with lawmakers to help shape public policy affecting older adults and those who provide them with care. Additionally, LeadingAge Minnesota has a grassroots network that allows citizens to easily connect with their lawmakers about the need to take care of older adults and support those who provide them with quality care. Finally, through donations, LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC is able to directly impact the political atmosphere at the State Capitol and give a strong voice to issues that serve the needs of Minnesota’s growing senior population. It takes all three ways to be successful at the Capitol.
How does LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC Make Decisions?
LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of its members from around the state who serve older adults in a variety of settings. Contributions and endorsements are determined based on a lawmaker’s position on issues that are critical to ensuring safe and quality care from experienced caregivers that seniors deserve and their families expect.
How is LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC Funded?
LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC is supported solely by individual voluntary contributions. Political Action Committees cannot accept contributions from corporations nor can membership dues be used to support its activities. Contributions may come in the form of cash, personal checks, money orders or online donations. Contributions are not tax deductible.
***All contributions are completely voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any proposed contribution amounts are merely suggestions; you may choose to contribute more or less or not at all. LeadingAge Minnesota PAC will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or the decision not to contribute. All materials prepared and paid for by LeadingAge MN PAC.
Money JaR Donation
Contributions are entirely voluntary. For reporting purposes, if you contribute $20 or more, please include your full name, address and amount donated along with the date the contribution was made
Full Name Amount Address
***All contributions are completely voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any proposed contribution amounts are merely suggestions; you may choose to contribute more or less or not at all. LeadingAge Minnesota PAC will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or the decision not to contribute. All materials prepared and paid for by LeadingAge MN PAC.
You’re Invited to A Bake Sale!
/Please Come Enjoy Delicious Treats at The Bake Sale on {Event Date} at {Event Time} in {Event Location}!
- I am a supporter of LeadingAge Minnesota’s Political Action Committee (PAC), and I am raising money to help support their efforts. The money raised will help give seniors and their caregivers a voice in the political process.
- If you would like to donate baked goods to the bake sale please contact {Name of Contact} at {Phone Number} or {Email}
- Contributions are completely voluntary, and if $20 or less, completely anonymous. Please help me raise at least $148 to support those 148 lawmakers that supported seniors this year!
- For more information on LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC, please see the back of this page.
Who is LeadingAge Minnesota?
LeadingAge Minnesota is the state’s largest association of organizations serving older adults. Together with more than 50,000 caregivers, LeadingAge Minnesota members serve 63,000 older adults in the places they call home from home and community-based services, senior housing and assisted living communities to skilled nursing facilities. LeadingAge Minnesota works to shape the future of aging services and ensure older adults live with dignity, meaning and purpose. One way to accomplish this goal is working with lawmakers at the state level.
What is LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC?
The LeadingAge Minnesota Political Action Committee (PAC) supports lawmakers dedicated to preserving a high quality of life for Minnesota seniors and supporting services and caregivers to meet the evolving needs of our state’s aging population. LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC does not distinguish its support on the basis of political party.
Why Donate to LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC?
There are three ways to advocate on behalf of seniors, caregivers and older adult services at the state level: direct lobbying, grassroots and donations. LeadingAge Minnesota has a team of lobbyists that meet directly with lawmakers to help shape public policy affecting older adults and those who provide them with care. Additionally, LeadingAge Minnesota has a grassroots network that allows citizens to easily connect with their lawmakers about the need to take care of older adults and support those who provide them with quality care. Finally, through donations, LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC is able to directly impact the political atmosphere at the State Capitol and give a strong voice to issues that serve the needs of Minnesota’s growing senior population. It takes all three ways to be successful at the Capitol.
How does LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC Make Decisions?
LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of its members from around the state who serve older adults in a variety of settings. Contributions and endorsements are determined based on a lawmaker’s position on issues that are critical to ensuring safe and quality care from experienced caregivers that seniors deserve and their families expect.
How is LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC Funded?
LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC is supported solely by individual voluntary contributions. Political Action Committees cannot accept contributions from corporations nor can membership dues be used to support its activities Contributions may come in the form of cash, personal checks, money orders or online donations. Contributions are not tax deductible.
***You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any proposed contribution amounts are merely suggestions; you may choose to contribute more or less or not at all. LeadingAge Minnesota PAC will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or the decision not to contribute. All materials prepared and paid for by LeadingAge MN PAC.
Bake Sale
SIgn ups
Food and other items must be from individual contributions. If the value of these items exceeds $20.00, the donor’s name, address, value of item and date contributed must be recorded.
Name Baked GoodsAmount
***All contributions are completely voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. LeadingAge Minnesota PAC will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or the decision not to contribute. All materials prepared and paid for by LeadingAge MN PAC.
Bake Sale
PAC ContributionS
For reporting purposes, if you make a contribution to the bake sale of more than $20.00 please write your first and last name along with the amount.
Full Name Amount
***All contributions are completely voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any proposed contribution amounts are merely suggestions; you may choose to contribute more or less or not at all. LeadingAge Minnesota PAC will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or the decision not to contribute. All materials prepared and paid for by LeadingAge MN PAC.
You’re Invited to A POT LUCK!
/ Please Come Enjoy Food and Conversation at a Potluck on {Event Date} at {Event Time} in {Event Location}!- Bring your favorite dish to share!
- Individuals are encouraged to make a contribution of $5 that will go towards supporting LeadingAge Minnesota’s Political Action Committee (PAC). Contributions are voluntary.
- For more information on LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC, please see the back of this page.
- To RSVP and sign up for a dish please contact {Name of Contact} at {Phone Number} or {Email}
Who is LeadingAge Minnesota?
LeadingAge Minnesota is the state’s largest association of organizations serving older adults. Together with more than 50,000 caregivers, LeadingAge Minnesota members serve 63,000 older adults in the places they call home from home and community-based services, senior housing and assisted living communities to skilled nursing facilities. LeadingAge Minnesota works to shape the future of aging services and ensure older adults live with dignity, meaning and purpose. One way to accomplish this goal is working with lawmakers at the state level.
What is LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC?
The LeadingAge Minnesota Political Action Committee (PAC) supports lawmakers dedicated to preserving a high quality of life for Minnesota seniors and supporting services and caregivers to meet the evolving needs of our state’s aging population. LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC does not distinguish its support on the basis of political party.
Why Donate to LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC?
There are three ways to advocate on behalf of seniors, caregivers and older adult services at the state level: direct lobbying, grassroots and donations. LeadingAge Minnesota has a team of lobbyists that meet directly with lawmakers to help shape public policy affecting older adults and those who provide them with care. Additionally, LeadingAge Minnesota has a grassroots network that allows citizens to easily connect with their lawmakers about the need to take care of older adults and support those who provide them with quality care. Finally, through donations, LeadingAge Minnesota’s PAC is able to directly impact the political atmosphere at the State Capitol and give a strong voice to issues that serve the needs of Minnesota’s growing senior population. It takes all three ways to be successful at the Capitol.