Asylum seekers
Asylum seekers have been making headlines recently and are at the centre of an emotional debate.
Focus Questions
- What was the main point of the BtN story?
- Who is a refugee?
- What is the Australian Government’s policy on refugees?
- Who is an asylum seeker?
- What does `asylum’ mean?
- How are asylum seekers protected by international law?
- What can happen if the Government decides an asylum seeker is not a genuine refugee?
- What are people smugglers?
- Describe recent events in Australia involving people smugglers and asylum seekers.
- What do you think should happen next?
Understanding refugees and asylum seekers
Please note: Students who have had traumatic experiences may find the topic upsetting.
Students will develop an understanding of refugees and asylum seekers by reflecting on their own perceptions and considering the experiences of refugees fleeing their homes. In small groups, ask students to brainstorm and record words they associate with `asylum seeker’ and `refugee’.
As a class, share what each group brainstormed. Record all responses on a large sheet of paper. Ask students to consider the following questions:
· Which words have a positive or negative meaning?
· Where they have heard the words used - media, friends, family?
· What has shaped their understanding and opinion of refugees?
People don’t plan to become refugees. Usually, circumstances beyond their control force them to flee. Students will consider the experiences of refugees by imagining they had to flee their home in a hurry leaving their family and belonging to move to another country. Working in pairs, ask students to think about and discuss the following:
· Where will you go?
· How will you travel?
· What resources will you need?
Students then create a piece of writing or an image to describe the experience.
Display students work and ask each pair to talk about their descriptions.
What do you understand more clearly about refugees and asylum seekers since completing this activity?
Further investigations
Explore how some refugees use art to tell their stories. The following website has artwork created by refugees
Create a myth-busting quiz about refugees and asylum seekers. Some of the web links at the end of this activity may help students with their research.
8 Related Research Links
ABC News – Rudd warns of asylum seeker influx
ABC 730 Report – Bob Debus joins the 730 Report
The UN Refugee Agency – Frequently asked questions
Australian Red Cross – Junior Red Cross news – Refugees and asylum seekers
Australian Human Rights Commission – Asylum seekers and refugees
© ABC 2009