Burrough Green Annual Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of AGM Meeting Monday 23rd May 2016 held in Sheriffs Court Community Room at 8:04pm
Councillors present: Cllr. Jo. Batting (JB), Cllr. Greg Way (GW), Cllr. Ken Simpson (KS), Cllr. Ansa Khan (AK), Cllr. Mark Penhaligan (MP) & Cllr. Philip Hill (PH)
Present:Vicky Bright – Parish Clerk. 4 members of the public
Item / Action16/05/1 / Election of Chairman:
Cllr. Jo Batting was proposed by Cllr. Mark Penhaligan and seconded by Cllr. Greg Way. Cllr. Jo Batting was elected following a majority vote for and Cllr. Batting accepted the position of Chairman for the year 2016-2017.
To Receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office:
Cllr. Batting signed the declaration of office of Chairman for the year 2016-2017 and this was witnessed and countersigned by the Clerk.
16/05/07 / Accepted Apologies for absence - LGA 1972, Section 85(1) & (2):
Cllr. Angela Harris.
Election of Vice Chairman:
Cllr. Greg Way was proposed by Cllr. Ansa Khan and seconded by Cllr. Ken Simpson. Cllr. Greg Way was elected following a majority vote for and Cllr. Wayaccepted the position of Vice Chairman for the year 2016-2017.
To Receive the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office:
Cllr. Way signed the declaration of office of Vice Chairman for the year 2016-2017 and this was witnessed and countersigned by the Clerk.
To Receive the Declarations of Office by Members
All members with exception of Cllr. Philip Hill who duly resigned, signed their declaration of acceptance of office of Councillor for the year 2016-2017 and these were witnessed and countersigned by the Clerk. The Clerk is to forward the form to Cllr. Harris to sign & return. The Clerk will notify ECDC Monitoring Officer of the vacancy of Councillor.
Members Declaration of Interest (for items on the agenda) – LGA 2000 Part III:
Cllr.’s Greg Way and Jo Batting declared an interest in Item 14 iv.
Appointment of the Responsible Financial Officer:
Resolved 16/05/06.01
It was agreed by full Council that the Clerk would continue in the role as Responsible Financial Officer for the year 2016-2017.
Approval of the Minutes of the AGM Meeting held 18th May 2015 - LGA 1972, Schedule 12, para 41(2):
Resolved 16/05/07.01
The minutes of the AGM meeting held on 18th May 2015, were adopted as a true statement and signed by the Chairman (JB). / Clerk
16/05/08 / Adoption of the Annual Governance Statement for 2015-2016:
The internal audit was reviewed and the Clerk reported that the internal auditor had found no discrepancies, but had made mention to high reserves and that a plan to earmark or spend these reserves was recommended.
Resolved 16\05\8.01
The Annual Return for 2015-2016 was scrutinised and the Annual Governance Statement Section 1 was adopted as a true statement by all Councillor’s present and signed as such by the Chairman (JB) and the RFO.
16/05/09 / To Receive the Final Accounts for the Financial Year ended 31st March 2016:
Resolved 16/05/9.01
The final accounts and Bank Reconciliations for the financial year ended 31st March 2016 were scrutinised and approved by all Councillor’s. The accounts were signed as a true statement by the Chairman (JB).
Resolved 16/05/9.2
Section 2 Accounting Statements 2015/16 of the Annual Return were approved and accepted by all Councillor’s and signed as such by the Chairman (JB) and the RFO.
16/05/13 / Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 22nd March 2016 - LGA 1972, Schedule 12, para 41(2):
Resolved 16/05/10.01
The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd March2016, were adopted as a true statement and signed by the Chairman (JB).
The Clerk advised of Footpath diversion Number 11.
The Clerk advised that 16/00251/FUL had been approved.
Resolved 16/05/12.01
It was agreed to submit No Objections to 16/00449/FUL.
Resolved 16/05/12.02
It was agreed to submit No Objections to 16/00602/FUL.
ECDC have advised that a funding possibility for Speed Watch and a static VAS may be a possibility with match-funding. A Tombola and Football match is planned for July to raise funds 50/50 for the VAS and the Play Area.
16/05/16 / Finance:
Parish Council Bank Balances and Reconciliation
The Payments and receipts for April/May 2016 were scrutinised and approved. The Lloyds Treasurer account balance was confirmed as £19,301.96 as of 29th April 2016.
Resolved 16/05/14.01.
That the Bank balances and reconciliation of payments & receipts be received and adopted and initialled as such by the Chairman (JB).
Cheques for signing and approval
Resolved 16/05/14.02
It was agreed to approve the payments of the following outstanding invoices and the cheques were approved and signed by Cllr. Jo Batting and Cllr. Greg Way.
642 / Mr P Hill / Mileage / 36.00
643 / Mrs V Bright / Expenses / 8.10
644 / Mrs V Bright / Office allowance 2016-17 / 200.00
645 / L F Field / Grass cutting / 312.50
646 / Came & Company / Insurance / 542.81
647 / Mr R Stone / Hours / 55.14
648 / Mijan Ltd / Internal audit fee / 52.25
649 / Reading Rooms / Hall Hire / 88.00
650 / CAPALC / Membership 2016-17 / 181.05
Approval of Annual Donations
Resolved 16/05/14.03
It was agreed to approve the following annual donations for 2016-17.
Village voice / Donation / LGA 1972 s142 / 125.00
Reading Rooms / Donation / LGA 1976 (Misecllaneous Provisions) s19 / 50.00
Ellesmere Centre / Donation / LGA 1976 (Misecllaneous Provisions) s19 / 50.00
BG Playgroup / Donation / S 137 / 50.00
Archive Group / Donation / S 137 / 50.00
Play Area / Grasscutting Donation / 150.00
PCC / Donation / Local Government Act 1972, s. 214(6) / 250.00
Cricket Club Grass-Cutting Donation
The Clerk read a letter from the Cricket Club advising that they will no longer be contributing towards the grass-cutting. They will have a direct contract with Les Field and pay him directly for cutting the Cricket Pitch.
Resolved 16/05/14.04
It was agreed to set up a Standing Order to pay Les Field the grass cutting fees in the future. The Clerk is to contact Mr Field to get his bank account details and set up the Standing Order.
Play Area Bank Account
Due to the absence of Cllr. Harris this item is to be deferred to the July agenda.
Parish Matters:
Replacement Bench Quotes
Resolved 16/05/15.01
It was agreed to purchase the bench from Corido 2.4m/8ft in Teak for £519.99.
Bus Shelter Quotes
The Clerk presented a selection of quotes for different designs and materials for the replacement bus shelter. The Clerk was asked to go back to FCM Carpentry to obtain designs and drawings/dimensions of the Oak shelter. Deferred to the July agenda.
Village Green Land De-Registry
No update. Deferred to the July agenda.
Sanctuary Housing
Cllr. Hill advised that a new Operations Manager was in place, but that no correspondence or update had been received. It was suggested that a new Resident be appointed as contact following Cllr. Hill’s resignation, it was suggested that Carla Nicholson might take on the role, Cllr. Batting is to approach her and ask.
Village Communication
It was suggested that a Village Facebook page be set up as an online forum for residents and for online Village Voice. The Clerk is to look into setting up and managing the Facebook page on a trial to see how it takes off.
Items for next meeting:
- Play Area Land Registry (Witness ID Verification) Update
- Play area bank account
- 30mph Bin Stickers/VAS
- Facebook page
- Bus shelter quotes
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9:30pm.
Signed: Greg Way Date: 25th July 2016
Vice Chair, BGPC / Clerk