Dr. S. Sacchidanand E-Mail: registrar evaluation @ yahoo.co.in

Registrar (Evaluation) Ph: 080-26961930 / 35 Fax: 26961931

No:R(E)/Pre – Ph.D/Nursing IV-Batch/April – 2010 Date:22:03:2010


Sub: Conduct of Pre – Ph.D Examination during April 2010

It is hereby notified that the Pre – Ph.D examination in Nursing faculty (under National Consortium) will be held on:29:04:2010 (Research Methodology between 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM), and 30:04:2010 (Nursing Theories between 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM) at the centers (1) Christian Medical College, Vellore (2) Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi and (3) NIMHANS, Bangalore.

The last date for the payment of examination fee and submission of the filled in application forms to the Nodal Officer is as follows:

1. Without fine - 07th April 2010

2. With penal fee of Rs. 1000/- - 10th April 2010

The Examination fee is Rs. 10, 000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only)

In addition to the prescribed fee, a sum of Rs. 25/- and Rs. 100/- towards examination application form with Admission Card and towards Marks Card respectively has to be paid by all the candidates (Total of Rs. 10,125/-).

Candidate should remit the fee to the University funds through Challan (Form – 2), the students can download the challan from RGUHS website (www.rguhs.ac.in) and they can pay in challan in any of the State Bank Groups and Vijaya Bank, in RGUHS EXAMINATION ACCOUNT NO: 54019480870, on or before the specified dates. The fees received after the due date will not be considered.

The Nodal Officer should return the duly filled in Examination application forms along with Admission Card after obtaining the signature of the candidates concerned affixing the latest Stamp Size photographs of the candidate on the application form and admission card. The application forms should reach the Registrar (Evaluation) by name on or before the dates specified below either by speed post or by personal delivery. Forms received after the due date will not be considered.


Dates of submission of duly filled in application forms to the university:

1. Without fine - 13th April 2010

2. With fine - 17th April 2010

The fees once paid cannot be refunded or readjusted under any circumstances. The change of centers cannot be permitted. It is the responsibility of the Nodal Officer to ensure that the prescribed fee is collected from the candidates concerned and remitted to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.

Admission ticket will be issued to the candidates by the Nodal Officer on or before 25th April 2010.

By order

Registrar (Evaluation)

Copy to:

1.  The Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.

2.  The Finance Officer, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore for information with a request for further needful action in the matter.

3.  PA to Vice – Chancellor to place before the Vice – Chancellor.

4.  The President, Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi.

5.  Nodal Officer, National Consortium for Ph.D in Nursing, NIMHANS, Bangalore.

6.  Guard file.