EYBA Regular Meeting Agenda
Parkview Community Hall, 9135 146 Street
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Participants: / Shaun Pope / Executive DirectorMarvin Washington / President
Chad Bowie / Vice President / NW
Lynn Hyska / Treasure
Erika Washington / Secretary
Doug Baker / Greenfield / SW
Al Lee / Lansdowne
Brad Coleman / Willowby
Carr Miceli / Wellington
Betts Vanderhoek / NEBA
Brad Vanderhoek / NEBA
Omar R. Valdez / Grovenor
Natalie Hoy / SE Swarm
Tim Walker / Riverbend
Allen Hummel / SE Swarm
Arden Spachynski / St. Albert
Christina Froberg / Parkview
Rick Nisbet / Ermineskin
Regrets: / Dorri Martin / Glenora
Paula Demay / Scona
Connie Gilson / Yellowbird
Graham Hogg / Beaumont
Tracy Knutson / Leduc
Darlene Anstice / SBA
Serge Froment / Morinville
Chuck Hebert / Wetaskiwin
1. Call to Order Welcome
1.1. Meeting called to order at 6:45 p.m.
2. Acceptance of Previous Minutes
2.1. Community Directors Meeting – Sunday October 18, 2009
2.2. Motion to accept Natalie Hoy / Brad Vanderhoek / carried
3. Additions Approval of Agenda
3.1. Add Discipline and Insurance to New Business
3.2. Motion to accept with additions Allen Hummel / Doug Baker / carried
4. Agenda Items
4.1. Go Center Update – David Dorwood presented an update on the Go Center.
4.1.1. There is $35,000,000 committed to the project. Project cost is projected to be $42,000,000.
4.1.2. Capital Campaign is starting to raise $9,000,000.
4.1.3. Basketball court availability is planned to be Monday through Thursday 60% of the basketball courts after 7:00 p.m. On Friday night, all courts except the main court will be available. Saturday and Sunday, all the courts will be available except the main court.
4.2. Juvenile teams continuing on – Submit Juvenile teams that are continuing after January to Shaun ASAP. The quicker he knows which teams are continuing, the quicker he can schedule them. Deadline is December 9th to let Shaun know.
4.3. Code of Conduct –
4.3.1. Since there is snow on the ground, it is imperative that teams, players, and families remove wet and dirty shoes.
4.3.2. Please remind families and coaches to not bring in coffee. Please inform Shaun of team names that are not following the coffee rule.
4.3.3. Community directors to remind families, coaches, and players of the Fair Play Form content.
4.3.4. Community directors to remind their coaches that coaches are not to control games before or after them. They are not to stop or interfere with the previous games.
4.3.5. EYBA is meeting with Ed Harrison of EBOA to discuss issues next week.
4.4. Meetings – There will be only 3 community director meetings per year. Meetings will now be September / October, the Semi-Annual AGM, and AGM.
4.5. Provincials –
4.5.1. Provincials are scheduled for March 20th and 21st.
4.5.2. The gyms have been scheduled for provincials. They are requesting 19 gyms covered on Friday. Shaun is working with Basketball Alberta to get longer gym hours and reduce the number of gyms.
4.5.3. Gym assignments will be based on the number of teams that started the season.
4.5.4. The cost per provincials will be $525 / team.
4.5.5. The T-shirts will be ordered by EYBA.
5. New Business
5.1. Discipline – There were 2 discipline issues this year. One for attempting to kick another player. One for confronting a referee on court.
5.2. Insurance – Insurance will now cover coaches as well as players.
5.3. NAIT – NAIT e-mail asking if we want to do a players night out for NAIT games. They have offered 5 dates; Jan 8th, Jan 15th, Jan 29th, Feb 2nd, Feb 19th. Let Shaun know if any teams are interested in participating.
5.4. Bears / Panda Night Out Wrap-up – It went well. EYBA adopted a Bear and a Panda.
6. Adjournment – Motion Arden Spachynski.