
Notes of a Meeting in the Council Offices with the Planning Manager Mr Richardson of Blue Cedar Homes on Wednesday 8th July 2015.

Present: Cllr Glyn Dobson (Mayor Ottery St. Mary), Cllr Ian Holmes (Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Planning Committee) Cllr Elli Pang (Town Ward), Cllr Peter Faithful (Town Ward and East Devon District Councillor), Cllr Josefina Gori (North Ward) and Mr Richardson (Representative Blue Cedar Homes).

Ø  The Mayor welcomed Mr. Richardson who proceeded to explain his position in the company as Planning Manager, his experience in the job and that this was the first project he had undertaken since he started working for the company. Mr. Richardson asked those attending if they could introduce themselves. Cllr. Gori agreed to take notes and indicated that the meeting would be recorded, there was no objection.

Ø  The Mayor clarified with Mr. Richardson that nothing said during the meeting was of a confidential nature. Mr. Richardson and those present agreed to it.

The Mayor also clarified that those at the table were not there to make a decision but were free to ask questions. He also clarified that those present were there to hear from Mr. Richardson about what plans Blue Cedar Homes had for the 55 houses they were applying to build in Ottery St. Mary.

The Mayor explained that the reason of the meeting was mainly to give those present the capability to answer questions regarding the proposed development with real facts when approached by the public.

There was slight confusion as to the format of the meeting and the Mayor explained that that they were not there to make any decision on the development as that could only be done when the formal planning application was submitted to the Council Planning Committee. The Mayor insisted the meeting was mainly to get the necessary information to allow them to answer to the public with the real facts.

Mr. Richardson provided to those attending brochures of previous developments so those attending could have an idea of how the new properties would look, would be equipped and how they would manage them.

Ø  Mr. Richardson explained they were a company that mainly built age restricted properties. The properties build in Ottery will be restricted by covenant and covered by the S106 agreement for the 50+ age group.

There will be 15 homes which will have their own management presence, two or three times a week on the site, the houses will be built with adaptation in mind, they will be typically two bedroom with capability to be adapted to three. All the thresholds in the house will be friendly, with plenty


of accessibility around the house and plenty of outdoor adaptation. The properties will come with a management charge which will help to maintain

the levels of maintenance required by the occupier and also a charge for the maintenance of communal areas. The management fees will depend on the level of ability of the tenant.

Ø  Mayor Dobson asked there were 15 houses built under the S106 agreement for the 50+ group but wanted to know what happened with the other 40.

Mr Richardson explained that they normally don’t mix market houses with the 50+ type but in this case they are doing so. In addition to the 50+ houses they were planning to build 40 more for the open market. Regarding timing they were hoping to submit an outline application next month.

Ø  Mr Richardson indicated that on Monday 13th July in the afternoon representatives of Blue Cedar will be meeting the adjoining residents to the development individually as this has been their request and it was a policy of the company to meet with those affected.

The Mayor indicated that the Council was very anxious about Blue Cedar Homes having a proper public exhibition as soon as possible.

Ø  Mr. Richardson again explained their policies regarding meeting adjoining residents to a development and indicated that in this case it was a bit difficult because they only had an outline of the future development.

Ø  The Mayor insisted on getting confirmation from Mr. Richardson that in addition to meeting the residents they will still have a public consultation. Mr Richardson indicated that usually the public consultation is planned for when the proper planning application is presented.

The Mayor insisted that although by law they were not obliged to do the planning consultation it is expected the developers will inform the general public. The Mayor also asked Mr. Richardson to advice the Council in plenty of time so they could prepare a venue.

Ø  Cllr Gori asked Mr. Richardson when could they do this exhibition. Mr. Richardson answered that realistically it could be early August. Mr. Richardson clarified that they will need time to prepare it but it will coincide with the 21 days that the Planning Authority will be asking for it.

Cllr Pang and Cllr Holmes requested giving plenty of time to advice the public as August is a time when most people go on holidays.

Ø  Mr. Richardson proceeded to show an outline of the development and Cllr Holmes indicated that during the meeting they had with the residents their main concern was where the access would be and increase on the amount of traffic.


Mr. Richardson showed a site plan and indicated that it would probably change ahead of the application. He also indicated he could not leave the map with those attending because as it is bound to change and it will only produce confusion.

This access will be in Slade Road, where the existing entrance to Slade Farm is. W The application is proposing to redefine the hedgerow to allow for the required visibility for safety reasons. The company will be seeking this as part of their application for detailed approval of the access. This access will be vehicular access only. They are also in talks with Devon County Council regarding the Knightstone Lane bridleway for bikes and pedestrians. DCC have not objected to the access proposals in principle. The company is investigating the possibility of improving the bridleway in terms of resurfacing, etc.

The Mayor asked to clarify who owned the bridleway and Mr. Richardson responded it was owned by DCC.

Cllr Holmes asked how it would affect the three houses along the bridleway. Mr. Richardson said it would be an improvement as they were resurfacing it.

The 15 homes will be in the Eastern side of the development. There would be a 25% affordable houses and one and a half story houses on the hump and two story houses probably the rest.

Ø  Cllr Pang asked for the location of the parking. Mr. Richardson indicated that although he didn’t have an outline of the parking at the moment it is normally reasonably generous. Normally they offer covered carport areas. Some of the market houses will have garages.

The age restricted houses on the east and the market housing on the west.

Ø  Cllr Holmes indicated that last year a development on Slade Farm was refused mainly because of recommendation of the Health and Safety Executive due to the proximity of a high pressure gas pipe.

Mr. Richardson said they had looked at it and will be considered in the planning application and as far as his knowledge was it was an agricultural grade pipe.The site will be heavily landscaped and in accordance with the existing surroundings.In the final planning application there will be a detailed plan of the landscaped access.

Ø  Cllr Pang was concerned about creating three distinct communities which could generate social problems. Mr. Richardson didn’t think that in a development of this size it would be a problem plus the fact that in modern developments such as Cranbrook social houses blend with the other houses and it is difficult to differentiate the designs.

Ø  Cllr. Gori asked how many people would live on the proposed development and if Mr. Richardson could provide figures of how many one, two, three bedroom houses they would build.Mr. Richardson gave the figures and


clarified the number of houses will probably drop during the process of the application:

2 – 1 bed

12 – 2 bed

19 – 3 bed

6 – 4 bed

13 – between 2 and 3 bedrooms

Ø  Cllr Pang was concerned about the increase of traffic to the town. Mr. Richardson explained that the access will work and the age restriction won’t produce the so called trip generation that would create a traffic impact.

Cllr. Pang indicated her concern about the way elderly people with mobility scooters will access the bridle path.

Mr Richardson indicated the access to the bridle path, It will be relatively easy to access and it will reach the right gradient to make it easy. They agreed they would make the upgrade themselves.

Ø  Cllr Gori asked why they had chosen Ottery in order for her to assess the possibility of success of the project.

Mr Richardson responded that they would not be promoting a site that they could not be sure they could sell the houses. He also added that in terms of the age requirements in East Devon, there was a feeling that although the existence of big developments like Cranbrook, the other small or big villages or smaller or bigger towns along the whole of East Devon won’t be able to supply the houses demanded. What their product can do in terms of age group is that can free up houses in the town or around the town which will allow the larger cities to provide accommodation.

Mr. Richardson indicated there would be an Amenity area for people to congregate. Cllr Pang suggested a playing area because of the distance of the development to the rest of the town. Mr. Richardson answered normally a play area is considered in bigger developments but would make note.

Ø  The Mayor recognised that it was difficult to have a final picture of what the development will be like because as they had not put a final application yet but thanked Mr. Richardson for the information as it would clarify things for him when people ask for details.

He assumed at some point next year they would be able to submit a more detailed reserved matters application.

The Mayor insisted on the importance of a public consultation as soon as possible.

Ø  Cllr Holmes indicated that Ottery originally wanted the construction of 300 houses mainly on the west side of town and now we were on 500 and this development will bring it to around 550 which explained the concern of the people in town and the need to keep the people informed. There would be


quite a bit of interest in having a Consultation as soon as possible and it will stop the spread of wrong information.

Ø  Cllr Pang indicated her concern regarding increased flooding risk. Mr Richardson explained that there was a holding mechanism that would release water into the stream.

Ø  Questioned about the article in the newspaper Mr. Richardson indicated the company also had included it in parallel with the emerging Local Plan for the promotion of the site.

Ø  The Mayor asked about responsibilities regarding maintenance of the communal areas and Mr. Richardson indicated that there would be a combined management from the register provider (housing association, etc.). Everything would depend of how many streets, etc. the EDDC/DCC is willing to adopt and what the rest will take responsibility off.

Ø  After thanking Mr. Richardson for the information the Mayor closed the meeting at 11.00am