Owner Name
- The work performed shall be as per the terms and conditions of the Owner/Contractor Contract.
- Scope of Work: Includes all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the preparation, demolition, reconstruction, rehabilitation, site work and cleaning to produce a complete project. Coordinate with all other Contractors (if applicable).
- Debris: All debris shall be disposed of legally. Include all costs for disposal of hazardous waste unless noted otherwise. It is recommended waste be segregated prior to being sent to landfills and as much as possible be recycled. Construction waste generally consists of wood, drywall, metal, concrete, dirt, cardboard and plant debris (green waste) from the landscape. Identify the types and quantities of materials generated at the job site and reuse or recycle at least 50% of the construction debris, including green waste. Allocate space for recycling bins and containers on the job site and train workers to separate green waste from other materials. For more information on recycling facilities California Integrated Waste Management Board at
- Lead-Based Paint: Some or all of the paint may be lead-based. The Contractor shall take all legally required precautions necessary including those required by law to protect persons and property from lead paint hazard. All hazardous waste shall be tested and disposed of in accordance with all laws and regulations.
- Protection of Property: Protect all adjacent properties and Owner's properties, including, but not limited to, automobiles, trees, shrubs, walks and driveways. Leave premises clean of paint drippings, splatter, over spray and all debris associated with the work.
5. Definitions:
a. Remove shall mean remove and dispose of unless otherwise noted.
b. Replace shall mean remove, dispose of and install new unless otherwise noted.
c. Install shall mean provide and install new unless otherwise noted.
d. Reinstall shall mean remove, clean and reinstall unless otherwise noted.
Contractor shall provide all permits required to complete the work described in this scope ofwork. The building permit must be on site before the first payment request will be approved and a copyof the signed building permit will be required before the final progress payment will be released. The Contractor shall apply for, pay for, obtain and forward copies of the indicated permits to the following person: _____ .
Any requests for substitutions of specified items from the original scope of work and shall include:
a.the manufacturer's specifications; and
b.full installation instructions and warranties.
The project administrator and Owner must approve the changes prior to the substitution.
The Contractor, the project administrator and Owner will perform a walk-thru of the property together to clarify the work to be performed before construction begins.
This section provides general requirements for painting specified elsewhere in the Scope of Work. All existing paint shall be assumed to be lead-based unless specifically noted otherwise. The lines below are for the Owner and Contractor to use to record color selection. Include manufacturer, manufacturer color name and manufacturer number.
Manufacturer / Color name / NumberExterior Wall
Exterior Trim
Interior Wall
Interior Trim
The Contractor shall purchase, maintain and provide the project administrator with certificates of insurance for: Statutory Worker's Compensation and Employers Liability; Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with minimum bodily injury limits of $100,000 per accident and $300,000 per aggregate. The above policies shall name the Owner as insured beneficiary.
The Contractor shall purchase, maintain, and provide certification of Worker's Compensation with the following limits: Coverage A - Provide Statutory Minimum Employer's Liability $500,000 each accident; Coverage B - $500,000 disease per employee. Certificates shall indicate contingent liability coverage and Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability coverage is in force.
Contractor shall remedy any defect due to faulty material or workmanship and pay for all damage to other work resulting from work per the scope of work which appear within one year from final payment. Contractor shall furnish Owner with all manufacturers' and suppliers' written warranties covering items furnished under this contract prior to release of the final payment.
The applicable wage decision included in the bid package for the bidding contractors to factor the wage rates into their bids. If the contract is awarded within 90 days of the bid, then the wage decision used in the bid package is the “locked in” wage rates for the listed trades for the duration of the project. Otherwise the wage decision at the time of contract signing is used. These rates apply to the prime contractor all subs on the job site.
02230-Site Clearing
1. Recycle Job Site Construction
Segregate waste sent to landfills. Construction waste generally consists of wood, drywall, metal, concrete,
dirt, cardboard and plant debris (green waste) from the landscape. Identify the types and quantities of
materials generated at the job site and reuse or recycle at least 50% of the construction debris, including green
waste. Separate green waste from other materials. Contact the California Integrated Waste Management
Board at for more information on recycling facilities.
2. Demolition, Interior-
Custom Remove existing wall and/or ceiling surface in the largest pieces practical. Includes all plaster, lath
and fixtures from shower/tub unit wall, floor and ceiling area.Remove debris from site and haul to a legal
landfill. Vacuum wall and floor surfaces. Protect containment plastic with plywood sheet. Mist small debris
with water.
3. Location:
- Men’s shelter showers
08505-Steel Windows
- Window-Steel Casement Window Repairs- Fixed Single Glazed:
Ensure that adjacent interior and exterior walls, sills and window jambs are shielded with plastic. Remove rust and excess paint from all moving parts and components including hinges, using either chemicals (but not hydrochloric acids), or a hand-held mini grinder or rasping file. Well-bonded paint can remain sanding the edges. Gently clean off any remaining rust, debris and loose paint with a wire brush. Any bare metal should be wiped with a cleaning solvent such as denatured alcohol and dried immediately, and primed immediately to avoid rusting. Ease and adjust casements that may have become distorted. Patch the depressions with an epoxy compound with a high steel fiber content, plumber’s epoxy or autobody patching compound. If there is severe corrosion in select areas, torch out bad sections, and then weld in and grind smooth new pieces with the window unit in place. Prime the exposed metal with a rust-inhibiting primer and repaint with up to two finish coats. Replace cracked or broken glass with a pane to match existing, remove glazing compound (where needed) and apply new compound formulated for metal windows. Repair damaged hinges and fittings from stock or by having copies to match. Replace missing screws or fasteners. Finish paint. Use paint that is compatible with the anti-corrosive primer. Use one coat if existing paint is remaining, or two light coats if sections are cleaned down to bare metal. Paint should overlap glass at least 1/8” to form a seal over glazing compound. Caulk the masonry surrounds with a high quality elastomeric caulk suitable for metal.
- Locations:
- Two south facing window at the west end of the shower stalls.
- Glass Block:
Panel anchors must be installed along the jambs and head in order to secure the glass block wall to the frame (anchors will eventually be embedded into the mortar joint). Screw the short arms of the anchors to the jambs and head using two screws per anchor. Apply a full mortar bed to the sill with enough mortar so that a 1/4" joint will remain when the block are in place. After the block is positioned on the mortared sill, set the next block. Apply approximately 3/8 to 1/2-inch of mortar to the vertical edge that will be contacting the first block. Then insert a spacer between the two at the top of the joint Make certain that it is seated tightly against the spacer by pushing the block snugly into place and check all the blocks. Continue the first course by repeating the above steps for each block, periodically checking with a level that the blocks are level and in placement and adjust accordingly before proceeding to the next course. Use a damp sponge or polyfoam brush to press back into the joints any mortar that oozed out. No voids should remain in the joints. Apply mortar to the top of the course of block just laid. Again, sufficient mortar should be used for a 1/4" joint to remain when the next course is in place. Spread and smooth the mortar, but take care to keep the cross legs of the spacers as free of mortar as possible. This will ensure that the following course of block sits flat on the spacers. After the top course has been placed, remove excess mortar from block faces using damp sponge or cloth. At the top of the second or third course (depending on block size being used) you will encounter the first anchor. The top edge of the block with spacer should fit just under this anchor. Proceed as before, simply laying mortar right on top of the anchor. After the joint mortar has set up for approximately one hour, smooth all joints using a striking tool to remove excess mortar and to compact the mortar to create a moisture-proof seal. Striking should leave all joints completely filled with mortar. Tip: It’s recommended that in bathroom applications, mortar joints should be coated with a clear sealer (sandy joint grade) for mold and mildew protection. One or two hours after striking, wipe the block faces with a soft, clean cloth to remove any remaining film. Let the wall set for 24 hours before doing any additional work in the same area or using your tub or shower in the area.
- Locations:
- Create a flush surface at the end of the deep window sill in the shower stall and exterior metal
window. There will be a void between the window and the exterior window. Install a silicon seal inside the area to address any moisture infiltration.
09250-Gypsum Board
- Moisture Resistant Wallboard-1/2"
After establishing any required floor containment with polyethylene sheeting, remove existing sheetrock
and hang, tape and 3 coat finish 1/2" moisture resistant wallboard using screws at 8" o.c. and adhesive beads
along each framing member. Seal all penetrations with siliconized acrylic caulk. Prime and top coat with
alkyd enamel paint to match existing. HEPA vacuum any visible paint chips, dust and debris.
- Location:
- Soffitted area above the shower area
1. Ceramic Tile-General Requirements
Install ceramic tiles using the appropriate adhesive. Clean surplus adhesive from joints prior to grouting with
a latex or epoxy enhanced grout. Clean all tile face and apply silicone sealant where necessary.
2. Ceramic Wall Tile
Install ceramic wall tile to match existing as closely as possible over a sound surface with troweled adhesive.
Include preformed base, cap, stop, return and trimmer pieces to complete installation. After at least 24 hours
drying time, apply latex based Portland cement grout. Clean all excess grout and apply sealant. Choice of tile
and grout colors selection must be approved by owner prior to installation.
3. Location:
a.All three shower stalls where wall tile is visibly damaged
4. Ceramic Floor Covering
Remove existing tile and subfloor. Install new subflooring, ceramic floor tile to match existing and preformed
trim over 1/2" fiberglass reinforced Portland cement board with troweled adhesive. After 24 hours drying
time, apply latex based, Portland cement grout. Remove all excess grout & apply mildew resistant white
silicone caulk at all seams, fixture lips and pipe penetrations. Choice of tile and grout colors selection
must be approved by owner prior to installation.
a.The entire shower pan area in men’s shelter shower stalls where shower pans will be removed
- Area where tile is missing in the shower area
09510 Ceiling Tile
1. Moisture Resistant Ceiling Tile
Remove and properly dispose of existing damaged ceiling tiles and replace with King Co. Tile –Ceiling Tile
#2424F Ceiling Tile Size - 2 X4' X 1" Thick R-4.55 Insulating Factor. NRC Rating - 0.20 or approved equal.
2. Location:
a. All ceiling tiles in men’s bathroom
1. Prep And Paint Surface-Gloss
Remove cover hardware, fixtures, and accessories not to be painted. Scrape loose, peeling, cracked and blistered areas. Clean oil, grease, fungus, dirt and dust from surfaces. Fill holes and cracks. Prime all new materials and spot prime existing with acrylic latex primer. Top coat with owner's choice of premixed acrylic latex. Replace or uncover hardware, fixtures and accessories. Include trim, door and window frames in rooms called out for painting.
2. Location:
- Paint all areas of walls and ceiling in the men’s shelter bathroom where sheetrock is located
10005-Miscellaneous Specialties
- Pressured Balanced Vandal Resistant System
Leonard Valve Company Pressure Balanced Surfashower® Wall Mounted Shower Systems are factory assembled with concealed piping, 18 gauge stainless steel cover #4 finish, with top(sloped) and bottom caps. Each unit includes special cast valve and Part #:H-04 Institutional Showerhead H-04 (AC-450) brass construction anchor plate, vandal resistantscrews 2.5 GPM (9.5 l/m) max. flow rateshower head mounting brackets and ADA model #5SCRS includes a 6" rubber hose with self closing rose spray, 6 ft. (1828mm)) 3/8”rubber hose, self closing rose spray with a wall hook for the ADA compliant unit. Exposed parts are chrome plated and vandal resistant. All units to include integral vertical stainless steel extension.
- Shower Timer
Install a Leonard Valve Company RSC #74 unit shower timer for all showers.
3. Location:
- All 3 shower heads except for the ADA stall (#5SCRS in ADA stall)-4 shower systems total
1. Using a trained and certified lead paint inspector, a lead hazard risk assessor, or if approved, a sampling
technician, one hour after completion of all lead hazard reduction, renovation and maintenance work,
conduct a visual assessment for evidence of remaining paint chips, visible dust debris and residue. Randomly
select floors, window sills and window troughs to dust wipe test as per protocol in the HUD Guidelines.
Submit the dust samples, plus a blank sample, to an EPA-accredited lead analytical laboratory for
determination of lead content. Provide the owner, occupants and this agency with the clearance report and a
"Notice of Lead Hazard Reduction" within 15 days of achieving final clearance, in accordance with 23 CFR
Part 35.
BID SHEETBIDS ARE DUE by September , 2008 Attention STAFF PERSONSpecification Item / Bid Amount
02230-Site Clearing /
Demolition, Interior
Recycle Job Site Construction / $DIVISION 8-DOORS & WINDOWS
08505 Window / Window, Steel Replacement Fixed Single Glazed / $Glass Block / $
09250-Gypsum Board / Moisture Resistant Wallboard-1 / $
09300-Tile / Ceramic Tile-General Requirements / $
Ceramic Wall Tile / $
09650 Resilient Flooring
/ Cryl-A-Floor / $09900Paint
/ Prep And Paint Surface-Gloss / $09510 Ceiling Tile / Moisture Resistant Ceiling Tile / $
10005-Miscellaneous Specialties
/ Pressured Balanced Vandal Resistant System / $Shower Timer / $
a) The undersigned Contractor certifies they have carefully reviewed and agree to perform the work
described in this scope of work. The Contractor shall initial and date each page of the scope of work.
Contractor Date