1. Log-in to Ksystems.

2. Click on the words Data Entry.

3. In the drop down box, click on the words Service Reporting-Calendar.

4. Select the first letter of the child's last name.

5. Select the status. The default is always set to "Active".

6. Select Gender. "All" is always the Default setting.

7. Select the Roster Year being reported. If the current year does not have any children listed, select the prior year's roster. Services may be entered for any of the children listed. When the existing year's roster is updated then all the children will appear under the current roster year.

8. Select the name of the child for whom services are being submitted

9. Select the appropriate Service. Administrators must choose a service type. Therapists have the service pre-set.

10.Select the appropriate Service Mode. For most services provided, either Individual or Group will be selected.

11.Type the exact Number of Minutes for the session. If reporting an absence, the scheduled duration of the session may be entered in the Minutes box.

12.Enter the number of children in the Group session. If the mode is Individual, a 1 must be entered in the Groupfield box.

13. Administrators who are reporting services must choose the name of the therapist who provided the service. Therapists will have their name pre-selected to match the ID used to log in.

13. Choose the Program. CSE is used for submitting services for school-aged children. CB and RS are used for submitting services for pre-school aged children in NY counties only.

14. Progress Notes (PN) may be entered in the text box.For ease in duplication of notes, the previous 10 progress notes submitted are stored for reselection in the drop down box located above the PN text box.

15. Select the Month of Service & Year of Service to be reported.

16. Select the date(s) to be reported. A new progress note must be entered prior to date selection when entering multiple services with notes.

17. As Dates are selected, the Services Units and Progress Notes are placed below the calendar in the appropriate boxes.

Once all Services to be reported on this child have been entered and added, click the Submit Units button.This button will provide the user with a confirmation that service unit data was successfully sent to Kinney. Click OK.

Once OK is clicked, Ksystems provides the user with a report page of the data that was just entered.At this point, there are three options to choose from. You may print this page for your own records, you may return to the Ksystems main menu, or you may select another child for which to submit services.