Trout Lake, Klickitat county, WA.
List covers plants found in the area around Trout Lake, located about one mile northwest of the town of Trout Lake. Study by George Pearson, N. O. Zehr and Reid Schuller. 314 spp.
These lists represent the work of different WNPS members over the years.
Their accuracy has not been verified by the Washington Native Plant Society.
We offer these lists to individuals as a tool to enhance the enjoyment and study of native plants.
*Introduced species
Scientific Name Common Name Plant Family
Abies grandis / Grand fir / PinaceaeAcer circinatum / Vine maple / Aceraceae
Acer glabrum / Douglas maple / Aceraceae
Acer macrophyllum / Big-leaf maple / Aceraceae
Achillea millifolium / Yarrow / Asteraceae
Achlys triphylla / Vanilla leaf / Berberidaceae
Actaea rubra / Baneberry / Ranunculaceae
Adenocaulon bicolor / Pathfinder / Asteraceae
Agropyron repens* / Quack grass / Poaceae
Agropyron smithii / Bluestem / Poaceae
Agrostis alba* / Red top / Poaceae
Alisma plantago-aquatica / American waterplantain / Alismataceae
Alnus rubra / Red alder / Betulaceae
Alnus sinuata / Sitka alder / Betulaceae
Alopecurus aequalis / Short-awned foxtail / Poaceae
Alopecurus pratensis* / Meadow foxtail / Poaceae
Amaranthus retroflexus* / Red-root pigweed / Amaranthaceae
Amelanchier alnifolia / Serviceberry / Rosaceae
Anaphalis margaritacea / Pearly everlasting / Asteraceae
Anemone deltoidea / Columbia windflower / Ranunculaceae
Angelica genuflexa / Kneeling angelica / Apiaceae
Anthemis cotula* / Dog fennel / Asteraceae
Apocynum androsaemifolium / Spreading dogbane / Apocynaceae
Aquilegia formosa / Red columbine / Ranunculaceae
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi / Bearberry / Ericaceae
Arenaria macrophylla / Big-leaf sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria pusilla / Dwarf sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria stricta / Slender sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arnica amplexicaulis / Streambank arnica / Asteraceae
Arnica cordifolia / Heart-leaf arnica / Asteraceae
Arnica latifolia / Mountain arnica / Asteraceae
Arrhenatheram elatius* / Oat-grass / Poaceae
Aruncus sylvester / Goatsbeard / Rosaceae
Asarum caudatum / Wild ginger / Aristolochiaceae
Asperula odorata* / Sweet woodruff / Rubiaceae
Aster modestus / Great northern aster / Asteraceae
Athyrium filix-femina / Lady fern / Polypodiaceae
Berberis aquifolium / Tall Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Berberis nervosa / Cascade Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Botrychium multifidum / Leathery grape-fern / Ophioglossaceae
Botrychium virginianum / Virginia grape-fern / Ophioglossaceae
Brodiaea congesta / Ookow / Liliaceae
Brodiaea howellii / Howell's brodiaea / Liliaceae
Bromus orcuttianus / Orcutt's brome / Poaceae
Calochortus subalpinus / Subalpine mariposa / Liliaceae
Calypso bulbosa / Fairy slipper / Orchidaceae
Camassia quamash / Common camas / Liliaceae
Campanula scouleri / Scouler's harebell / Campanulaceae
Capsella bursa-pastoris* / Shepherd's purse / Brassicaceae
Carex aquatilis / Water sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex arcta / Northern clustered sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex canescens / Silvery sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex deweyana / Dewey's sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex feta / Sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex lanuginosa / Wooly sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex lasiocarpa / Slender sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex lenticularis / Lenticular sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex leporina / Hare sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex limnophylla / Pond sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex nebrascensis / Nebraska sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex retrorsa / Sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex rostrata / Beaked sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex sitchensis / Sitka sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex stipata / Sawbeak sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex subfusca / Sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex vesicaria / Inflated sedge / Cyperaceae
Castilleja miniata / Scarlet paintbrush / Scrophulariaceae
Ceanothus sanguineus / Redstem ceanothus / Rhamnaceae
Ceanothus velutinus / Snowbrush / Rhamnaceae
Centaurea cyanus* / Batchelor button / Asteraceae
Cerastium nutans* / Nodding chickweed / Caryophyllaceae
Cerastium viscosum* / Sticky chickweed / Caryophyllaceae
Chimaphila menziesii / Little pipsissewa / Ericaceae
Chimaphila umbellata / Pipsissewa / Ericaceae
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum* / Ox-eye daisy / Asteraceae
Cichorium intybus* / Chicory / Asteraceae
Cicuta douglasii / Water-hemlock / Apiaceae
Cinna latifolia / Reedgrass / Poaceae
Circaea alpina / Enchanter's nightshade / Onagraceae
Circium arvense* / Canada thistle / Asteraceae
Circium vulgare* / Bull thistle / Asteraceae
Clarkia rhomboidea / Common clarkia / Onagraceae
Claytonia lanceolata / Western spring beauty / Portulacaceae
Clintonia uniflora / Queen's cup / Liliaceae
Collinsia parviflora / Small-flowered blue-eyed Mary / Scrophulariaceae
Collomia grandiflora / Large-flowered collomia / Polemoniaceae
Collomia heterophylla / Varied-leaf collomia / Polemoniaceae
Convolvulus nyctagineus / Night-blooming morning-glory / Convolvulaceae
Conyza canadensis* / Horseweed / Asteraceae
Corallorhiza mertensiana / Western coral-root / Orchidaceae
Corallorhiza striata / Striped coral-root / Orchidaceae
Cornus canadensis / Bunchberry / Cornaceae
Cornus nuttallii / Pacific dogwood / Cornaceae
Cornus stolonifera / Red-osier dogwood / Cornaceae
Corylus cornuta / Hazelnut / Betulaceae
Crataegus douglasii / Black hawthorn / Rosaceae
Cryptantha rostellata / Beaked cryptantha / Boraginaceae
Cynosurus echinatus* / Hedgehog dogtail / Poaceae
Cystopteris fragilis / Fragile fern / Polypodiaceae
Dactylis glomerata* / Orchard grass / Poaceae
Disporum hookeri / Hooker fairy-bell / Liliaceae
Dulichium arundinaceum / Dulichium / Cyperaceae
Eburophyton austiniae / Phantom orchid / Orchidaceae
Eleocharis palustris / Common spike-rush / Cyperaceae
Elymus glaucus / Western ryegrass / Poaceae
Epilobium angustifolium / Fireweed / Onagraceae
Epilobium minutum / Small-flowered willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium paniculatum / Tall annual willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium watsonii / Watson's willow-herb / Onagraceae
Equisetum arvense / Common horsetail / Equisetaceae
Equisetum fluviatale / Swamp horsetail / Equisetaceae
Equisetum hyemale / Scouring rush / Equisetaceae
Equisetum telmateia / Giant horsetail / Equisetaceae
Eriophyllum lanatum / Oregon sunshine / Asteraceae
Erodium cicutarium* / Filaree / Geraniaceae
Erysimum asperum / Rough wallflower / Brassicaceae
Erythronium grandiflorum / Glacier lily / Liliaceae
Festuca subulata / Bearded fescue / Poaceae
Fragaria chiloensis / Coastal strawberry / Rosaceae
Fragaria vesca / Wild strawberry / Rosaceae
Galium aparine / Cleavers / Rubiaceae
Galium triflorum / Fragrant bedstraw / Rubiaceae
Gaultheria ovatifolia / Slender wintergreen / Ericaceae
Gaultheria shallon / Salal / Ericaceae
Geranium molle* / Dovefoot geranium / Geraniaceae
Geum macrophyllum / Large-leaved avens / Rosaceae
Gilia capitata / Globe gilia / Polemoniaceae
Glyceria elata / Tall mannagrass / Poaceae
Gnaphalium microcephalum / Slender cudweed / Asteraceae
Gnaphalium uliginosum* / Marsh cudweed / Asteraceae
Habenaria dilatata / White bog-orchid / Orchidaceae
Habenaria saccata / Slender bog-orchid / Orchidaceae
Habenaria unalascensis / Alaska rein-orchid / Orchidaceae
Heracleum lanatum / Cow parsnip / Apiaceae
Heuchera micrantha / Small-flowered alumroot / Saxifragaceae
Hieracium albiflorum / White-flowered hawkweed / Asteraceae
Hippuris vulgaris / Mare's tail / Hippuridacee
Holodiscus discolor / Ocean spray / Rosaceae
Hordeum leporinum / Charming barley / Poaceae
Horkelia fusca / Tawny horkelia / Rosaceae
Hypericum formosum / Western St.John's-wort / Hypericaceae
Hypericum perforatum* / Klamath weed / Hypericaceae
Iliamna rivularis / Streambank globemallow / Malvaceae
Ipomopsis aggregata / Skyrocket / Polemoniaceae
Juncus acuminatus / Tapered rush / Juncaceae
Juncus balticus / Baltic rush / Juncaceae
Juncus bufonius* / Toad rush / Juncaceae
Juncus effusus / Soft rush / Juncaceae
Juncus nevadensis / Sierra rush / Juncaceae
Lactuca biennis / Tall blue lettuce / Asteraceae
Larix occidentalis / Western larch / Pinaceae
Lathyrus palustris / Marsh peavine / Fabaceae
Lathyrus polyphyllus / Leafy peavine / Fabaceae
Lemna minor / Water lentil / Lemnaceae
Lilium columbianum / Tiger lily / Liliaceae
Linnaea borealis / Twinflower / Caprifoliaceae
Listera convallarioides / Broad-lipped twayblade / Orchidaceae
Lolium perenne* / English ryegrass / Poaceae
Lomatium triternatum / Nine-leaf lomatium / Apiaceae
Lonicera ciliosa / Orange honeysuckle / Caprifoliaceae
Lonicera involucrata / Twinberry / Caprifoliaceae
Lotus corniculatus* / Birdsfoot trefoil / Fabaceae
Lotus nevadensis / Nevada deervetch / Fabaceae
Lupinus laxiflorus / Spurred lupine / Fabaceae
Lupinus polyphyllus / Big-leaf lupine / Fabaceae
Lupinus rivularis / Streambank lupine / Fabaceae
Luzula campestris / Field woodrush / Juncaceae
Lycopus asper / Rough bugleweed / Lamiaceae
Lysichiton americanum / Skunk cabbage / Araceae
Madia gracilis / Common tarweed / Asteraceae
Medicago lupulina* / Black medic / Fabaceae
Medicago sativa* / Alfalfa / Fabaceae
Mentha arvensis / Field mint / Lamiaceae
Mentha piperita* / Peppermint / Lamiaceae
Mentha spicata* / Spearmint / Lamiaceae
Menyanthes trifoliata / Buckbean / Menyanthaceae
Mertensia paniculata / Tall bluebells / Boraginaceae
Microsteris gracilis / Pink microsteris / Polemoniaceae
Mimulus dentatus / Toothed-leaf monkey-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Mimulus gutattus / Common monkey-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Mimulus lewisii / Lewis's monkey-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Mimulus moschatus / Musk-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Mimulus pulsiferae / Pulsifer's monkey-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Mitella pentandra / Alpine miterwort / Saxifragaceae
Montia parvifolia / Streambank spring beauty / Portulacaceae
Montia perfoliata / Miner's lettuce / Portulacaceae
Montia siberica / Candyflower / Portulacaceae
Myosotis discolor* / Yellow & blue forget-me-not / Boraginaceae
Myosotis laxa / Small-flowered forget-me-not / Boraginaceae
Myriophyllum hippuroides / Western milfoil / Haloragaceae
Nemophila parviflora / Small-flowered nemophila / Hydrophyllaceae
Nepeta cataria* / Catnip / Lamiaceae
Nuphar polysepalum / Pond lily / Nymphaeaceae
Oenanthe sarmentosa / Water parsley / Apiaceae
Oplopanax horridum / Devil's club / Araliaceae
Orobanche pinorum / Pine broomrape / Orobanchaceae
Orogenia linearifolia / Great Basin orogenia / Apiaceae
Osmorhiza chilensis / Mountain sweet-cicely / Apiaceae
Pachistima myrsinites / Mountain box / Celastraceae
Pedicularis racemosa / Sickletop lousewort / Scrophulariaceae
Penstemon ovatus / Broad-leaf penstemon / Scrophulariaceae
Penstemon procerus / Small-flowered penstemon / Scrophulariaceae
Penstemon sp. / Penstemon / Scrophulariaceae
Petasites frigidus / Coltsfoot / Asteraceae
Phacelia heterophylla / Varileaf phacelia / Hydrophyllaceae
Phalaris arundinacea* / Reed canarygrass / Poaceae
Philadelphus lewisii / Mock-orange / Hydrangeaceae
Phleum pratense* / Timothy / Poaceae
Phlox speciosa / Showy phlox / Polemoniaceae
Pinus contorta / Lodgepole pine / Pinaceae
Pinus monticola / Western white pine / Pinaceae
Plantago lanceolata* / English plantain / Plantaginaceae
Plantago major* / Common plantain / Plantaginaceae
Poa compressa / Canadian bluegrass / Poaceae
Polygonum aviculare* / Doorweed / Polygonaceae
Polygonum erectum / Erect knotweed / Polygonaceae
Polygonum persicaria* / Heartweed / Polygonaceae
Polypodium glycyrrhiza / Licorice fern / Polypodiaceae
Polystichum munitum / Sword fern / Polypodiaceae
Populus tremuloides / Quaking aspen / Salicaceae
Populus trichocarpa / Black cottonwood / Salicaceae
Potamogeton natans / Floating-leaf pondweed / Potamogetonaceae
Potentilla glandulosa / Sticky cinquefoil / Rosaceae
Potentilla gracilis / Graceful cinquefoil / Rosaceae
Prunella vulgaris / Self-heal / Lamiaceae
Prunus emarginata / Bitter cherry / Rosaceae
Prunus virginiana / Chokecherry / Rosaceae
Pseudotsuga menziesii / Douglas fir / Pinaceae
Pteridium aquilinum / Bracken / Polypodiaceae
Pterospora andromedea / Pinedrops / Ericaceae
Puccinellia pauciflora / Weak alkaligrass / Poaceae
Pyrola asarifolia / Pink wintergreen / Ericaceae
Pyrola secunda / One-sided wintergreen / Ericaceae
Quercus garryana / Oregon white oak / Fagaceae
Ranunculus aquatilis / Water buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus flammula / Lesser spearwort / Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus macounii / Macoun's buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus repens* / Creeping buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus uncinatus / Little buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Rhamnus purshiana / Cascara / Rhamnaceae
Ribes cereum / Wax currant / Grossulariaceae
Ribes inerme / Whitestem gooseberry / Grossulariaceae
Ribes lacustre / Prickly currant / Grossulariaceae
Ribes sanguinium / Red-flowered currant / Grossulariaceae
Rorippa curvisiliqua / Western yellowcress / Brassicaceae
Rosa gymnocarpa / Baldhip rose / Rosaceae
Rosa nutkana / Nootka rose / Rosaceae
Rosa pisocarpa / Clustered wild rose / Rosaceae
Rubus leucodermis / Blackcap / Rosaceae
Rubus parviflorus / Thimbleberry / Rosaceae
Rubus spectabilus / Salmonberry / Rosaceae
Rubus ursinus / Wild blackberry / Rosaceae
Rumex acetocella* / Sheep sorrel / Polygonaceae
Rumex crispus* / Sour dock / Polygonaceae
Rumex obtusifolius* / Broad-leaved dock / Polygonaceae
Rumex salicifolius / Willow dock / Polygonaceae
Salix bebbiana / Bebb willow / Salicaceae
Salix lasiandra / Pacific willow / Salicaceae
Salix scouleriana / Scouler willow / Salicaceae
Sambucus cerulea / Blue elderberry / Caprifoliaceae
Sambucus racemosa / Red elderberry / Caprifoliaceae
Sanguisorba occidentalis / Annual burnet / Rosaceae
Saxifraga arguta / Brook saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Scirpus microcarpus / Small-flowered bulrush / Cyperaceae
Scrophularia californica / California figwort / Scrophulariaceae
Scrophularia lanceolata / Lance-leaf figwort / Scrophulariaceae
Senecio integerrimus / Western groundsel / Asteraceae
Senecio sylvaticus* / Wood groundsel / Asteraceae
Senecio triangularis / Arrowleaf groundsel / Asteraceae
Silene scouleri / Sleepy catchfly / Caryophyllaceae
Sisyrinchium angustifolium / Blue-eyed grass / Iridaceae
Sisyrinchium douglasii / Grass-widow / Iridaceae
Sitanion hystrix / Squirreltail / Poaceae
Sium suave / Water-parsnip / Apiaceae
Smilacina racemosa / False Solomon's seal / Liliaceae
Smilacina stellata / Star-flowered Solomon's seal / Liliaceae
Solanum dulcamara* / Bittersweet nightshade / Solanaceae
Solidago canadensis / Meadow goldenrod / Asteraceae
Sorbus sitchensis / Sitka mountain-ash / Rosaceae
Sparganium angustifolium / Floating bur-reed / Sparganiaceae
Spiraea betulifolia / Birch-leafed spirea / Rosaceae
Spiraea douglasii / Hardhack / Rosaceae
Spiranthes romanzoffiana / Hooded ladies-tresses / Orchidaceae
Stachys cooleyae / Cooley's hedge-nettle / Lamiaceae
Stachys mexicana / Mexican betony / Lamiaceae
Stellaria longipes / Long-stalked starwort / Caryophyllaceae
Streptopus amplexifolius / Clasping-leaved twisted-stalk / Liliaceae
Symphoricarpos albus / Common snowberry / Caprifoliaceae
Symphoricarpos mollis / Creeping snowberry / Caprifoliaceae
Tanacetum vulgare* / Common tansy / Asteraceae
Taraxacum officinale* / Dandelion / Asteraceae
Taxus brevifolia / Western yew / Taxaceae
Tellima grandiflora / Fringecup / Saxifragaceae
Thuja plicata / Western red cedar / Cupressaceae
Tragopogon dubius* / Oysterplant / Asteraceae
Trientalis latifolia / Broadleaved starflower / Primulaceae
Trifolium hybridum* / Alsike clover / Fabaceae
Trifolium pratense* / Red clover / Fabaceae
Trifolium repens* / White clover / Fabaceae
Trillium ovatum / White trillium / Liliaceae
Tsuga heterophylla / Western hemlock / Pinaceae
Tsuga mertensiana / Mountain hemlock / Pinaceae
Typha latifolia / Common cattail / Typhaceae
Urtica dioica / Stinging nettle / Urticaceae
Utricularia vulgaris / Common bladderwort / Lentibulariaceae
Vaccinium ovalifolium / Oval-leafed huckleberry / Ericaceae
Valeriana sitchensis / Sitka valerian / Valerianaceae
Vancouveria hexandra / Inside-out-flower / Berberidaceae
Veratrum insolitum / Siskiyou false hellebore / Liliaceae
Veratrum viride / Green false hellebore / Liliaceae
Verbascum blattaria* / Moth mullein / Scrophulariaceae
Verbascum thapsus* / Common mullein / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica americana / American brooklime / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica scuttelata / Marsh speedwell / Scrophulariaceae
Vicia americana / American vetch / Fabaceae
Vicia sativa* / Common vetch / Fabaceae
Viola glabella / Stream violet / Violaceae
Viola nuttallii / Yellow prairie violet / Violaceae
Zigadenus paniculatus / Panicled death-camas / Liliaceae
Trout Lake, Klickitat County, WA.
WNPS Plant Lists.
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