State Managed Shelter

Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan

January 2015 – December 2017

Multi-year Training

and Exercise Plan (TEP)


Successful completion of the State Managed Shelter System mission requires ongoing training and exercises by SMS state agency stakeholders both independently and in coordination. SMS stakeholders used after action reports and feedback from prior SMS exercises and training to identify priority capabilities and to develop a three-year (January 2015 – December 2017) schedule of training and exercises. The State Managed Shelter (SMS) Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) is the roadmap for State Managed Shelter stakeholders to accomplish these priorities.

All participating organizations are responsible for identifying, developing, and implementingthe training and exercises needed to build and sustainSMS program core capabilities-both within their agency and within the SMS system. Additionally, all organizations are equally responsible for participating in periodic assessments and revisions of the TEP. The Virginia Department of Social Services, as the lead agency for State Managed Shelters, will maintain and update this plan in coordination with SMS state agency stakeholders.


State Managed Shelter Program

Multi-year Training

and Exercise Plan (TEP)

Points of Contact (POCs)

State Administrative Agent:

Patricia Snead

Manager, Office of Emergency Management

Virginia Department of Social Services

801 E. Main Street

Richmond, VA 23219

Agency Points of Contact:

Virginia Department of Social Services

Michelle Pope

Emergency Planner, Office of Emergency Management

Virginia Department of Health

Cynthia Shelton

Assistant Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness

Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

Phil Miskovic

Emergency Preparedness Planner

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services


Emergency Animal Sheltering Coordinator

Virginia State Police

Tracy Russillo


Virginia Department of Emergency Management

Mr. Aaron Kesecker

Exercise Training Officer


State Managed Shelter Program

Multi-year Training

and Exercise Plan (TEP)


The purpose of the State Managed Shelter (SMS) Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) is to document all SMS stakeholders’ overall training and exercise program priorities for the time period of January 2015 through December 2017. It is considered to be a living document that can be updated and refined annually. These priorities are linked to corresponding core capabilities, and, if applicable, a rationale based on existing strategic guidance, threat assessments, corrective actions from previous exercises, or other factors. This Multi-year TEP identifies the training and exercises that will help the SMS programbuild and sustainthe core capabilities needed to address itstraining and exercise priorities.

The Multi-year TEP lays out a combination of progressively building exercises – along with the associated training – which address the priorities identified in the Training and Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW). A progressive, multi-year exercise program enables organizations to participate in a series of increasingly complex exercises, with each successive exercise building upon the previous one until mastery is achieved. Further, by including training in the planning process, organizations can address known shortfalls prior to exercising capabilities.

Included in thisMulti-year TEP is a training and exercise schedule, which provides a graphic illustration of the proposed activities scheduled for the years2015 through 2017.


State Managed Shelter Program

Multi-year Training

and Exercise Plan (TEP)

Program Priorities

Successful completion of the State Managed Shelter (SMS) System mission requires ongoing training and exercises by SMS state agency stakeholders both independently and in coordination.The Commonwealth of Virginia SMS State Agency Stakeholders meet quarterly to address overarching issues. At the January 2015 Stakeholders’ meeting, the agency representatives discussed areas that needed to addressed through training and exercises both within their agency and within the SMS system. Stakeholders used lessons-learned and after action improvement plans from the 2014 Patriot’s Rise State Managed Shelter Exercise series as well as previous state managed shelter exercises to identify priority capabilities and to develop a three-year (January 2015 – December 2017) schedule of training and exercises. The State Managed Shelter (SMS) Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) is the roadmap for State Managed Shelter stakeholders to accomplish these priorities.

  1. STAFF PERFORMANCE: Improve the ability of all shelter staff to perform assigned duties in the State Managed Shelter system.

CORE CAPABILITIES: Mass Care Services, Public Health and Medical Services, On-Scene Security and Protection, Public Information and Warning, Operational Coordination

  1. OPERATIONAL PLANNING: Ensure that plans, policies and procedures are adequate and appropriate to support successful implementation of the State Managed Shelters.

CORE CAPABILITIES: Operational Coordination, Planning

  1. COMMUNICATIONS: Ensure that communications systems including telephone, radio, and data can support the operational requirements of the State Managed Shelters.

CORE CAPABILITIES: Operational Communication

  1. LOGISTICAL PLANNING: Prepare State Managed Shelter sites to meet the logistical requirements of the shelter.


Methodology and Tracking

Training courses and exercises included in the State Managed Shelter Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan have been chosen by agency stakeholders to build and sustain SMS program core capabilities. Priorities for training and exercising follow the HSEEP building block approach by ensuring appropriate training and solid plans are in place before conducting more complex exercises.

At the conclusion of each exercise, the exercise planning team will produce an After Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) and track the implementation of corrective actions.

AAR/IP will be made available to all stakeholders, included in the next iteration of the TEP, and used in follow-on training and exercises.

Currently AvailableTraining

Many resources are currently available on-line that can address training needs to meet the TEP priorities of the State Managed Shelter Program. These programs are available at any time for staff to complete or refresh.

Additional on-line trainings are anticipated to be developed and are listed on the multi-year training and exercise schedule when they are anticipated to be released.

Priority 1
Staff Performance / Priority 2
Operational Planning / Priority 3
Communications / Priority 4
Logistical Planning
Date Updated / Course Title / Priority / Core Capability / Lead Agency
10/2013 / IS-10.a Animals In Disasters: Awareness and Preparedness / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
8/2010 / IS-11.a Animals In Disasters: Community Planning / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
10/2013 / IS-22 Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
  • Public Information and Warning
10/2013 / IS-29 Public Information Officer Awareness / 1 /
  • Public Information and Warning
10/2013 / IS-100.b Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS-100 / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
10/2013 / IS-200.b ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
10/2013 / IS-201 Forms Used for the Development of the Incident Action Plan / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
6/2014 / IS-240.b Leadership and Influence / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
  • Mass Care Services
3/2014 / IS-241.b Decision Making and Problem Solving / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
  • Mass Care Services
3/2014 / IS-242.b Effective Communication / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
  • Mass Care Services
10/2013 / IS-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
2/2014 / IS-386 Including People with Disabilities and Others with Access and Functional Needs in Disaster Operations / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
10/2013 / IS-700.a National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
10/2013 / IS-702.a National Incident Management System (NIMS) Public Information Systems / 1 /
  • Public Information and Warning
1/2010 / IS-703.a NIMS Resource Management / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
10/2013 / IS-800.b National Response Framework, An Introduction / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
10/2013 / IS-806 Emergency Support Function (ESF) #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
10/2013 / IS-808 Emergency Support Function (ESF) #8 – Public Health and Medical Services / 1 /
  • Public Health and Medical Services
6/2012 / MVP Conflict Management Skills / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
  • Mass Care Services
11/2014 / EWAPhoenix at the State Managed Pet Shelter / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
1/2015 / EWAPhoenix at the Pet Shelter Tutorial / 1 /
  • Mass care Services
Basic Radio Use at the SMS / 3 /
  • Operational Communication

Additionally, classroom-style trainings are regularly scheduled and offered that can meet the training needs of the SMS system.

Date Updated / Course Title / Priority / Core Capability / Lead Agency
ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
ICS-400 Advanced Incident Command System / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
G-290 Basic Public Information Officer Course / 1 /
  • Public Information and Warning
V810 Incident Command System Forms Review / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
Registration and Intake for State Managed Shelters / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
Pet First Aid / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
Logistics 101 Logistical Awareness and Fundamentals / 4 /
  • Planning
VEOC-101/201 Introduction to the VERT and VEOC Crisis Management Systems / 3 /
  • Operational Communication
VEOC-150 WebEOC for State Agencies / 3 /
  • Operational Communication


Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Multi-year Training

and Exercise Plan (TEP)

Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule

Priority 1
Staff Performance / Priority 2
Operational Planning / Priority 3
Communications / Priority 4
Logistical Planning
Year / Quarter / Date / Event / Priority / Core Capability / Lead Agency / Training / Exercise / Meeting
2015 / 1 / 1-9 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise Concepts and Objectives Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 1 / 1-12 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholders Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 1 / Bi-annual Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Disaster Emergency Response Team Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
2015 / 1 / 2-13 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise Initial Planning Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 1 / 3-12 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise Midterm Planning Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 1 / 3-31 / Incident Management Organization Tabletop Exercise / 2 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 2 / 4-10 / Agency Emergency Preparedness Workgroup Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 2 / 4-13 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise Logistics Workshop Final Planning Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 2 / 4-23 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholders Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 2 / 4-30 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise Logistics Workshop / 4 /
  • Planning
2015 / 2 / 5-8 / Agency Emergency Preparedness Workgroup Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 2 / 6-10 / WebEOC 101/201 / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDEM / X
2015 / 2 / 6-12 / Agency Emergency Preparedness Workgroup Meeting / VDSS / X
Year / Quarter / Date / Event / Priority / Core Capability / Lead Agency / Training / Exercise / Meeting
2015 / 2 / NEW - State Managed Shelter Orientation On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / 7-7 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise Registration and Intake Drill MSEL Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / 7-7 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholders Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / 7-10 / Agency Emergency Preparedness Workgroup Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / 8-12 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise Registration and Intake Drill Final Planning Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / 8-14 / Agency Emergency Preparedness Workgroup Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / 8-27 / Pet Shelter Leadership Team Seminar & Tabletop / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
  • Mass Care Services
/ VDACS / X / X
2015 / 3 / 9-11 / Agency Emergency Preparedness Workgroup Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / 9-16 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise Registration and Intake Drill / 1/3 /
  • Operational Communications
  • Mass Care
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / NEW - Hospitality/Dormitory Group Position-Specific On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / NEW - Greeter and Children’s Issues Coordinator Position-Specific On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / NEW - Registration and Intake Position-Specific On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / NEW - Registration and Intake Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care
/ VDSS / X
Year / Quarter / Date / Event / Priority / Core Capability / Lead Agency / Training / Exercise / Meeting
2015 / 4 / 10-3 thru 9 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise Alert and Notification Drill / 1/3 /
  • Public Information and Warning
  • Operational Communications
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 4 / 10-9 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise Functional / 2/3 /
  • Operational Communications
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 4 / 10-14 / Agency Emergency Preparedness Workgroup Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 4 / 10 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholder’s Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 4 / 11-13 / Agency Emergency Preparedness Workgroup Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 4 / 11 / 2015 State Managed Shelter Exercise After Action and Improvement Planning Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 4 / 12-11 / Agency Emergency Preparedness Workgroup Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 4 / 12 / State Managed Shelter Annual Seminar – Central Region / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 4 / NEW - Resident Activities Team Position-Specific On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 4 / NEW - Food Services Coordinator Position-Specific On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 1 / 1 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholder’s Meeting / VDSS / X
2016 / 1 / 3 / State Managed Shelter Annual Seminar – Eastern Region / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 1 / Logistics Workshop / 4 /
  • Planning
Year / Quarter / Date / Event / Priority / Core Capability / Lead Agency / Training / Exercise / Meeting
2016 / 1 / NEW - Family Assistance Center Registration and Intake On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 2 / 4 / State Managed Shelters State Agency Stakeholder’s Meeting / VDSS / X
2016 / 2 / 4 / State Managed Shelter Annual Seminar – Northern Region / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 2 / 5 / State Managed Shelter Annual Seminar – Piedmont Region / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 2 / 5 / Command and General Staff Functions Practical Evolutions / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
2016 / 2 / 6 / State Managed Shelter Annual Seminar – Western Region / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 2 / NEW - Shelter Management Team On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 2 / NEW – Shelter Logistics Team On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 2 / NEW – Shelter Operations Team On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 2 / NEW – Planning Team On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 2 / NEW – Shelter Manager On-Line Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 3 / 7 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholder’s Meeting / VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / 8 / State Managed Shelter Registration and Intake Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
/ VDSS / X
2015 / 3 / 8 / State Transfer Point Registration and Intake Training / 1 /
  • Mass Care Services
/ VDSS / X
Year / Quarter / Date / Event / Priority / Core Capability / Lead Agency / Training / Exercise / Meeting
2016 / 4 / 9 / State Transfer Point to State Managed Shelter Registration, Intake, and Dormitory Drill / 2/3 /
  • Mass Care Services
  • Operational Communications
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 4 / 10 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholder’s Meeting / VDSS / X
2016 / 4 / 10 / State Managed Shelter Human Shelter Services Tabletop Exercise / 1/2 /
  • Mass Care Services
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 4 / 12 / State Managed Shelter Annual Seminar #1 / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2016 / 4 / NEW – Shelter Assistance Program On-Line Training /
  • Mass Care Services
/ VDSS / X
2017 / 1 / 1 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholder’s Meeting / VDSS / X
2017 / 1 / 2 / State Managed Shelter Management (IMO and Shelter Management Teams) Tabletop Exercise / 1/2 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2017 / 1 / 3 / State Managed Shelter Annual Seminar #2 / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2017 / 1 / Logistics Workshop / 4 / Planning / VDSS/ VDEM / X
2017 / 2 / 4 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholder’s Meeting / VDSS / X
2017 / 2 / 4 / State Managed Shelter Annual Seminar #3 / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2017 / 2 / 5 / State Managed Shelter Annual Seminar #4 / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
2017 / 2 / 6 / State Managed Shelter Annual Seminar #5 / 1 /
  • Operational Coordination
/ VDSS / X
Year / Quarter / Date / Event / Priority / Core Capability / Lead Agency / Training / Exercise / Meeting
2017 / 2 / Full-Scale Exercise (NOVA Evacuation Plan) / 2/
3 /
  • Operational Coordination
  • Operational Communication
  • Mass Care Services
  • Public Health and Medical Services
  • On-Scene Security and Protection
  • Public Information and Warning
/ VDSS / X
2017 / 3 / 7 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholder’s Meeting / VDSS / X
2017 / 3 / 10 / State Managed Shelter State Agency Stakeholder’s Meeting / VDSS / X

State Managed Shelter Training Matrixes

Each support agency for the State Managed Shelter Program is responsible to ensure that they provide appropriate training to responding staff such they may meet the agency’s requirements within the Program. In the tables following, each support agency has listed those training requirements for positions related to their roles and responsibilities within the Program. Only those agencies that have provided this information have been listed.


Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Multi-year Training

and Exercise Plan (TEP)

Figure 1a - Virginia Department of Social Services Incident Management Organization

Figure 1b - Virginia Department of Social Services Incident Management Organization

Figure 1c - Virginia Department of Social Services Incident Management Organization

Figure 2a - Virginia Department of Social Services State Managed Shelters

Figure 2b - Virginia Department of Social Services State Managed Shelters

Figure 2c - Virginia Department of Social Services State Managed Shelters

Figure 2d - Virginia Department of Social Services State Managed Shelters

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Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Multi-year Training

and Exercise Plan (TEP)

Figure 3a - Virginia Department of Health

Figure #b - Virginia Department of Health

Figure 3c - Virginia Department of Health

Figure 4a - Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Figure 4b - Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Figure 4c - Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Figure 5a - Department of Military Affairs

Figure 5b - Department of Military Affairs

Figure 5c - Department of Military Affairs

Figure 5d - Department of Military Affairs

Figure 6a – VITA

Figure 6b – VITA

Figure 6c – VITA

Figure 7a - Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services