Course Syllabus

Freshman Composition II (ENC 1102):CRN 21269

Spring 2017

Instructor: Chris Borglum

Office: 248 Winter Park Campus

Office Phone: 407-582-6869

E-Mail: (copy yourself on all e-mails to instructor!!!)

Office Hours:MW 9:20-9:50 a.m. and 11:20-11:50 a.m.; TR 9:20-9:50 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m.;

F 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Course Description: Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in ENC 1101 or ENC 1101H. Application of skills learned in ENC 1101. Emphasis on style; use of library; reading and evaluating available sources; planning, writing, and documenting short research paper. Gordon Rule course in which the student is required to demonstrate college-level writing through multiple assignments. Minimum grade of C required if ENC1102 is used to satisfy Gordon Rule and general education requirements.

Texts:Literature: a Pocket Anthology,6th edition Ed. R.S. Gwynn, New York: Addison-Wesley, 2014.

Grading Policy: Your grade will be based on your writing assignments, exams, reading responses and research paper. The breakdown of these elements is as follows:

professionalism 100 points

writing assignments 300 points

midterm exam 100 points

final exam 100 points

reading response quizzes100 points

research paper steps 100 points

research paper 200 points

Note: A "C" or better is necessary to pass this course as stipulated by the Gordon Rule.

Professionalism:The great thing about college is that, unlike K-12, no one is forced to attend! That tells me that you want to be here, or at the very least you want a degree from Valencia to help you toward your other goals in life. That’s great! But somehow that doesn’t always mean that petty behaviors common to K-12 classes don’t occur in college classrooms.

I want everyone to have a great learning experience in this class, and that requires us all to be engaged in the material, considerate to each other, and cognizant of contributing to a positive learning atmosphere. So I’m going to assess your display of “professionalism” in the class. Nearly all students see community college as a stepping stone to a career, so we might as well start working on being professional now.

To that end, regular attendance is expected and necessary to ensure one’s success in the class. Three or more unexcused, unexplained absences can result in your withdrawal from the course. After four absences, barring extraordinary, documented circumstances, you WILL be withdrawn from the course. Meantime,each unexcused absence will result in a ten-point deduction from your attendance grade. Acceptable reasons for absence given to me in advance may (or may not!) be excused. Chronic tardiness is disruptive and rude to me and your classmates. After your second late arrival,I will count each two tardies as one absence. That means that if you arrive late eight times, you could be withdrawn, and you’ll certainly be wrecking your Professionalism grade.If you come to class late, it is your responsibility to see me after class to ensure that I have noted your arrival in the grade book. Otherwise, the gradebook is right.

Professionalism also comprises personal behaviors in the classroom. We should all be respectful of each other, especially when one of us has the floor for speaking. Overt shows of boredom (playing with phone, sleeping, slack-jawed open-mouthery) are disrespectful and obnoxious; if you’re not interested, try pretending to be! In general, the professionalism assessment allows everyone a chance to think carefully about how his/her behavior affects the class environment. Be a positive contributor to that environment!

Reading Response Quizzes: Reading responses will be based on the homework reading one has done for any class meeting, and these quizzes will be taken via Black Board online. Responses should be five-to-eight-sentence (a solid paragraph) answers to discussion questions based on the reading selection for that day’s class. They will be graded excellent (10), very good (9), good (8), acceptable (7), or not-so-good(6 or below). Good responses will integrate quotes from the work being discussed in order to provide evidence for one’s reading. These writings are meant to ensure that one has carefully read the story/poem and has thought about it seriously. Missed responses cannotbe made up. Two other non-droppable scores assessed for keeping an organized notebook (see “Notebook/Binder” on the next page). Your lowest response grade(not including the notebook scores) will be dropped.Nearly all quizzes will be taken on BlackBoard, but I reserve the right to drop an unannounced reading quiz in class.

Midterm and Final Examinations: Your midterm and final will each consist of awritten response to an open-ended question and a number of short answer and definition questions, all of which will deal with stories and poems you will have read during the semester. Thus you'll want to take notes on class discussions and keep them organized in your notebook for easy reference.

Deadline Procedures: Assignments in ENC 1102 are organized sequentially; therefore, they are to be submitted by the deadline. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to make up the work. Late papers will lose ten points per day late, regardless of whether or not class meets. This includes weekends, as papers can be submitted as attachments, in MS Word or rich text, through e-mail. Papers submitted after I’ve taken them up during the class period (or later on the date due) will lose five points.Rewrites must be submitted by the deadline or they will not be accepted. Remember, you MUST copy yourself on any e-mail to me, including those with papers attached. Thus, if an e-mail with paper attached doesn’t make it to me, you’ll have proof of the submission. Finally, I will not accept any essay more than two weeks after its original due date under any circumstances.

Writing Format: All papers in this course must be typed, double spaced. Title pages are unnecessary for the short essays, but each short essay should have a title centered at the top of the first page. All out-of-class papers must be fastened by paper clips or, preferably, by staples. Unfastened papers will not be accepted; papers submitted to me in this fashion will be considered late. Please do not submit short essays in plastic binders or in folders.

Rewrites: Only a paper with a grade of 89 or lower may be rewritten, and only one paper may be rewritten during the semester. The rewrite grade will replace the original grade. A paper that was never turned in for an original grade may NOT be turned in on the rewrite due date.The rewrite can score no higher than a 92.

Rewrites must be submitted with the original paper, or they will not be accepted. The two papers should be paper clipped together with the original paper below the rewrite. I need the original to see the progress you've made by reacting to the commentary on it. A successful rewrite will show attention to the suggestions made on the original, with improvements made in grammar, mechanics, and, most importantly, content (claims, logic, support, etc.).

Keep in mind that doing a rewrite is OPTIONAL: your choice.

Research Paper: Your research paper will be five to eight pages written about a specific short story you will read in the course. You will be placed in a lottery with your classmates to select one of five short stories on which to focus your research. You will have 3-4 classmates working on the same story with whom to share your findings and problems. Still, the final result will be solely your own work, and you will be graded only on what you do.

Your research paper will require you to use Modern Language Association (MLA) documentation format to incorporate secondary sources (criticism, biography, analysis) into your writing to support your ideas. You will use parenthetical references throughout the paper to indicate citations which will be listed on a works cited page.

Your research paper must be completed in steps. An explanation of each of these steps is included on the last page of this syllabus. The research paper points will be distributed thusly:

Oral Presentation 25

Critical Evaluation worksheets 25


Rough Draft Peer Review 25

Final Draft200

300 total points possible

It is imperative that you keep up with the steps of the research paper, so you don’t get overwhelmed attempting to do it all at the last minute. No part of the research paper process may be skipped; you will NOT be permitted to go on to the next step until you have completed the previous. Five points are deducted for each business day one is late for each RP step (not including the oral presentation). The Rough Draft Peer Review is an exception; if you don’t have a rough draft on its due date, you simply lose those 25 points.

NOTE: Your research paper may NOT be rewritten.

E-Mail to Instructor:IF YOU WANT A TIMELY RESPONSE, SEND ALL E-MAILS TO ME THROUGH ATLAS—THAT IS, MAIL TO . Do NOT e-mail me through Black Board!!! Students should copy themselves on all e-mails sent to the instructor, particularly if a paper is attached. This provides proof of the date and time of the transmission in case the message is lost or delayed. If you miss class, use our Black Board site to get handouts.

Notebook/Binder: You should keep a separate notebook (or section of a larger binder) to organize the notes and handouts from this course. You are responsible for keeping everything I give you during the term. This includes all graded work—do NOT lose or throw away written responses or papers ever, preferably, or at least not until you’ve received your final grade in the class.Your notebook/binder will be assessed as two non-droppable reading response gradesbased on the rubric found on the penultimate page of this syllabus.

Research Paper Steps

Oral Presentation (25 points): Your oral presentation will be given on the day your story is discussed in class (see course schedule). You MUST speak for 3-5 minutes, giving your analysis of the question you have decided to research from the “Research Questions” handout for your story. Speaking for less than three minutes makes the maximum score on this step 15 points. At the other extreme, I will stop you if you reach five minutes, and you will lose points if you have not completed your presentation within ten seconds after the five-minute deadline. Otherwise, your short discussion will be assessed based on its focus on the question and its logical support. You may do the presentation from where you sit; you do not have to come to the front of the class. If you are not prepared to do your presentation on its due date, you will lose five points—as long as you can show me the completed outline within 24 hours. After that, you’ll lose five more points per day late you submit your outline to me. You will do your make-up presentation on the RP catch-up day.You must have a hard copy of your outline for me on your presentation day; not having one makes the maximum score 15 points.

Critical Reading Worksheets (25 points): You must fill out CRWs on a minimum of three sources you might use in your research paper (note: your story itself does not count as one of these). CRWs will be assessed on the effort put into them, not necessarily on how accurate your MLA citations are at this point. By “effort” I mean that I expect to see that you have considered the subject matter/perspective of the source you’ve read and can show that consideration on the page through substantive analysis of its value for your paper. You don’t necessarily have to use a source about which you filled out a CRW in your research paper; it’s okay to change your mind. Likewise, you certainly may use sources in your paper for which you never filled out a CRW. You will lose five points per business day late for tardy submission of CRWs.

Outline (25 points): Your formal MLA outline is due on the date indicated on the course schedule. Your outline will be assessed on how clearly it follows MLA structure and format rules. Your outline also should show a clear focus on the thesis and an ability to support it. As with the CRWs, late outlines will lose five points per business day after the due date.

Rough Draft (25 points): You must participate in the class peer review on the date indicated on the course schedule. Your rough draft must be typed and have a Works Cited page, and it should be something you would feel comfortable handing in for the final grade if you had to do so. You will lose points for sloppy or incomplete rough drafts. Not participating in the peer review will cost you all 25 points; there is no make-up review.

Important Research Paper Requirements

You must use at least three outside sources, and at least one source must be text-based (a book or journal, not froman electronic source).

At least one source cited must be found in its complete form; in other words, reading only excerpts or summaries of criticism (e.g. Short Stories for Students, Short Story Criticism) is not acceptable.

No part of the process may be skipped; you will not be allowed to complete a step until the previous step has been done.

Your paper must show appropriate integration of quotes (see quote integration handout).

Classroom Conduct and Civility Expectations: Students must at all times behave in accordance with the student catalogue’s conduct code (6Hx28: 10-18). However, that code is only a baseline. I expect students to act like reasonable, civil, agreeable human beings toward me and, more importantly, toward classmates. Now is as good a time as any to begin thinking (if one has not already) about how one’s behavior impacts the way one is seen by others. Thus, the following is a list of behaviors to which I want people to adhere when in our classroom, with space for further suggestions by the class as a whole:

Shut door quietly if entering or leaving while class is in session

Bring textbook, notebook, and writing utensil(s) every day

Listen respectfully to comments of others (this means minimal side whispering, etc.)

Put your cell phone away unless using it as a dictionary (I reserve the right to openly mock you if I catch you trying to use your phone under the desk, etc.)

If you insist on ignoring class proceedings, pretend you’re still engaged; that is, don’t put your head down on your desk, and try to keep your mouth closed

Failure to follow these expectations can lead to embarrassing attention being drawn to you or to ejection from the classroom. Continued obnoxiousness can lead to withdrawal. The bottom line is simple: come prepared, challenge yourself, enjoy learning, have fun, grow. And allow others to do so, too.

Withdrawal Policy: Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the withdrawal deadline of Friday, November 5, will receive a grade of “W.” A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. A faculty member MAY withdraw a student up to the beginning of the final exam period for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W.” Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.” For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 4-07 please go to:

Academic Honesty: Valencia College expects that all work done by a student represents his or her own intellectual effort. In this course you will be reading and analyzing literary works. If you choose to read critical sources which offer commentary on any of our assigned readings, you need to acknowledge that in any work you submit for the class. Including ideas or language which are not your own without attribution in any submission for this class can lead to a zero on that assignment or even a hearing for student misconduct with the Winter Park Campus Dean of Students. I may allow you to rewrite an assignment which displays plagiarism for some greatly reduced amount of points, but only if you acknowledge the plagiarism and appear appropriately contrite. The bottom line is that you should do your own work and acknowledge any use of the ideas of others.

ENC 1102Name: ______

Notebook Scoring Rubric (20 pts. total)

Assignment (includes handouts, notes, and other materials related to assignment) / Complete and Organized
(5 pts.) / Mostly Complete and Fairly Well Organized
(4 pts.) / Somewhat Complete and Organized
(2 pts.) / Incomplete or Disorganized
(1 pts.)
1. Schedule (syllabus optional); midterm exam
2. Writing Assignment Handouts and essays themselves (2 handouts, graded WAs #1 and #2)
3. Other Content Handouts (terms, RP story notes, RP questions for your assigned story, MLA handouts)
4. Class Discussion Notes
