The Centreville High School

Alumni Association

Light Tomorrow with Today

Elizabeth P. Hagen Scholarship

Centreville High School formally opened its doors in 1901 and closed upon the opening of the newly constructed Queen Anne’s County High School in Centreville Maryland. The last class graduated in 1966.

The Centreville High School Alumni Association was organized on June 12, 1906 with twelve members.

Dr. Elizabeth P. Hagen was born December 2, 1915 in Centreville Maryland. She was the daughter of Charles and Katherine Hagen. In 1932, Dr. Hagen graduated from Centreville High School and attended Western Maryland College to receive her bachelor’s degree. After graduating from Western Maryland College, she served four years in the U. S. Navy and was a lieutenant at the time of her separation.

Dr. Hagen then went on to graduate from Columbia University, where she received her Master’s and Ph.D. in psychology. She began her professional career as a high school science teacher. In 1950, Dr. Hagen became a research associate and lecturer in the Department of Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. In 1960, the American Personnel and Guidance Association presented her with the Outstanding Research Award for her work as project coordinator and coauthor of the project findings of “The Ten Thousand Careers Study”. In 1970, Dr. Hagen was elected a Fellow of the American Psychological Association. From 1972 to 1976, she served as Dean of Academic Affairs at Teachers College. In 1978, Dr. Hagen was named the Edward Lee Thorndike Professor of Psychology and Education – a ranking she held as a professor emeritus. In 1979 she was elected to the National Academy of Education. Dr. Hagen retired from teaching in 1981 and afterwards was the coauthor of the “Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition” and a coauthor of Forms 4, 5, and 6 of the Cognitive Abilities Test.

Upon her death on February 7, 2008, Dr. Hagen graciously entrusted the Centreville High School Alumni Association with a unique monetary gift to create an endowment fund to support the association’s scholarship program. Dr. Hagen is buried in her home town of Centreville Maryland.

The Dr. Elizabeth P. Hagen – Light Tomorrow With Today – Scholarship Application

The Dr. Elizabeth P. Hagen Scholarship is an endowed scholarship established by the Centreville High School Alumni Association in appreciation for the excellent education opportunity afforded Dr. Hagen and in honor of her exceptional lifetime accomplishments. Dr. Hagen graduated from Centreville High School in 1932.

The purpose of this scholarship is to help a high school graduate – who is a direct or is a legally adopted descendant of a Centreville High School graduate – in their post high school studies during which they are enrolled full time in a fully accredited college, university, or community college.


All scholarship applications and supporting materials must be received by the Centreville High School Alumni Association selection committee on or before February 16, 2018. Selection will be made and an announcement and presentation of the scholarship will be made at the annual Centreville High School Alumni Association dinner/meeting to be held on Saturday May 12, 2018. Attendance by the winner at this meeting is requested.

Mail the completed application to the Dr. Elizabeth P. Hagen Scholarship Committee; c/o Chesapeake Charities, Inc; 101 Log Canoe Circle Suite O, Stevensville MD 21666.

Recipients must provide a copy of the letter of acceptance to the college, university, or community college they plan to attend or proof that they are currently enrolled and will be enrolled for the 2018-2019 school year. Failure to provide documentation and maintenance of a 3.5 average GPA will result in forfeiture of the scholarship.

The award will be disbursed directly to the institution that the recipient will be attending over a two year time schedule (four semesters).


The key eligibility for this scholarship is that the applicant must be a direct or legally adopted descendant of a graduate of the Centreville High School that was in existence until 1966 in Centreville, Maryland.

The applicant must plan to attend, or continue attending a two year or four year college or university on a full time basis. Graduate students and fellowships are not eligible for this scholarship.

Selection will be based on:

  1. Submitting this scholarship application as requested herein.
  2. An exceptional record of academic accomplishment which will be measured by the high school transcript; consideration of the difficulty of classes taken; overall academic merit; class standing; GPA must be a minimum of 3.5 on a scale of 4.0; transcript of SAT/ACT scores; and reference letters which address academic achievement of the applicant.
  3. Applicant should state, preferably in essay form, how this scholarship will aid in your overall educational goal.
  4. At least two letters of recommendation are requested from people other than family members. These letters may be written by guidance counselors, high school teachers, or community leaders.
  5. The award shall not be given in conjunction with any other Centreville High School Association award.

Personal Information (Attach Additional Pages if Necessary)

Last Name______First Name______Middle Initial______

Date of Birth______Social Security Number______

Home Address ______City______State______ZipCode______

Parent or Guardian Name______Phone #______

Name and Location of High School that Applicant attends or did attend______

______Class of ______

Name & Relationship to the Centreville High School Graduate______

______the year of that person’s graduation______

Your Grade Point Average in High School______Class Rank______SAT/ACT Score______

Name and Address of College You Plan to Attend______

______Have You Been Accepted?______

If Currently Attending College – Name and Address______


List Any Information Regarding Academic Achievements______




List Any Awards or Other Forms of Recognition You Have Received ______




List Any School or Community Activities______




Essay Requirement (This document may be attached to the application)

Applicants are required to submit an essay of no more than 500 words, responding to two questions: What is your field of study and how did you choose it? What do you hope to do with your education?
