Math 155 - Cooley Finite Math with Applications OCC

Section 8.5 – Probability Distributions; Expected Value

Random Variable

A random variable is a function that assigns a real number to each outcome of an experiment.

Probability Distribution

A table that lists the possible values of a random variable, together with the corresponding probabilities.

Expected Value

Suppose the random variable x can take on the n values x1, x2, x3,…, xn. Also, suppose the probabilities that these values occur are, respectively, p1, p2, p3,…, pn. Then the expected value of the random variable is


Expected Value for Binomial Probabilty

For binomial probability, . In other words, the expected number of successes is the number of trials times the probability of success in each trial.

J Exercises:

1) Roulette is a common game of gambling found in Casinos. An American roulette wheel contains 38

numbers: 18 are red, 18 are black, and 2 are green. When the roulette wheel is spun, the ball is equally

likely to land on any of the 38 numbers. Suppose that you bet $1 on red. If the ball lands on a red

number, you win $1; otherwise you lose your $1. Let x be the amount you win on your $1 bet. Then x

is a random variable whose probability distribution is as follows:

x / 1 / –1
P(x) / 0.474 / 0.526

a) Verify that the probability distribution is correct.

b) Find the expected value of the random variable x.

c) On average, how much will you lose per play?

J Exercises:

2) The following is a histogram with the random variable x representing the number of tails showing when

three fair coins are tossed:

What is the expected value for the number of tails showing? (Hint: There are two ways you can do this.)

3) In a club with 20 senior and 10 junior members, what is the expected number of junior members on a 4-

member committee?

J Exercises:

4) Suppose 5 apples in a barrel of 25 apples are known to be rotten.

a) Draw a histogram for the number of rotten apples in a sample of 2 apples.

b) What is the expected number of rotten apples in a sample of 2 apples?

J Exercises:

5) A raffle offers a first prize of $1000, 2 second prizes of $300 each, and 20 third prizes of $10 each. If

10,000 tickets are sold at 50ȼ each, find the expected payback for a person buying one ticket. Is this a fair game?

6) In one form of the game Keno, the house has a pot containing 80 balls, each marked with a different

number from 1 to 80. You buy a ticket for $1 and mark one of the 80 numbers on it. The house then selects 20 numbers at random. If your number is among the 20, you get $3.20 (for a net winning of $2.20). Find the expected payback for playing one game of Keno.

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