Unit 2, Quiz #1: Medieval Asia & Africa

1. Which of the following accurately describes the Medieval Islamic world?

  1. destroyed writings containing classical Greek and Roman ideas
  2. ended the traditional practice of religious pilgrimages to Mecca
  3. blocked trade with the Christian European world due to religious differences
  4. made major advancements in the fields of science and mathematics

2. A similarity between the ancient western African kingdoms of Mali, Ghana, and Songhai is that these kingdoms:

  1. severely limited the power of their rulers
  2. practiced Christianity as their official religion
  3. established strong economies based on trade
  4. isolated themselves from contact with other cultures

3. Mansa Musa’s journey to Mecca in the 1300’s is evidence that ...

  1. Christian beliefs had a strong impact on western Africa
  2. most African leaders had to travel outside the continent to be educated
  3. European culture was superior to the cultures of western Africa
  4. Islam had a major impact on the Kingdom of Mali

4. Which conclusion can be drawn from a study of the early civilizations of Axum, Kush, Mali and Songhai?

  1. these African societies flourished despite engaging in very little trade with other cultures
  2. farming was more extensive in the Nile River Valley than it was in the Fertile Crescent
  3. without the advances of the early Egyptians, other African cultures would have failed to develop
  4. these societies had a long and rich history long before their first contact with Europeans

5. What was the medieval Islamic view of slavery?

  1. Slavery was allowed, but Muslims could not be enslaved and non-Muslim slaves were encouraged to convert
  2. Slavery was allowed, with slaves only serving in basic, menial jobs such as harvesting crops
  3. Slavery was not allowed because it made Europeans reluctant to engage in trade with Muslims
  4. Slavery was strictly forbidden as an uncharitable act and, therefore, against the teachings of Islam

6. What was the purpose of the medieval Chinese practice of footbinding?

  1. It limited women's mobility, forcing them to assume a more domestic role
  2. It deterred people from committing serious crimes, out of fear of this often crippling punishment
  3. It protected the feet of Chinese soldiers, allowing them to march more quickly and be more effective in combat
  4. It empowered Chinese youth to take a larger role in politics and the economy

7. IbnBattuta and Marco Polo were similar in that both

  1. ruled over vast empires that included diverse peoples
  2. fought to free their people from Mongol rule
  3. produced written records of their extensive travels
  4. converted thousands of people to Christianity

8. Which of the following diagrams accurately reflects the Japanese feudal structure?

  1. b. c.

9. As the wind does blow
Across the trees, I see the
Buds blooming in May

Which medieval culture would have produced haiku poetry of this style?

  1. Ming China
  2. Heian Japan
  3. Ghanan Africa
  4. Mughal India

10. "The Yassa (law) of Genghis Khan forbids lies, theft and adultery and prescribes love of one's neighbor as one's self; it orders men not to hurt each other and to forget offenses completely, to spare countries and cities which submit voluntarily, to free from taxes temples consecrated to God, and to respect old people and beggars. Whoever violates these commands is to be put to death."

Although Genghis Khan's personal religious beliefs are unknown, based on the excerpt above from the Yassa, or legal code of Genghis Khan, make an argument for which religious system may have influenced the Khan the greatest. Be sure to support your answer with evidence from the document.