Spelling Homework Activities

Below is a list of activities you can do with your spelling words. You may choose any activity you like each week. Please write the activity you choose at the top of your paper. I encourage you to try a new activity each week. Have fun!

Please keep this list in a safe place at home.

Three Times Each / Write each word 3 times. Use your best printing.
Computer Spelling / Type your words on the computer, print out, and return to school
ABC Order / Write all of your spelling words in ABC order.
Spelling Sentences / Use your spelling words in sentences. Underline your words. You can use more than one word in a sentence.
Spelling Stories / Make up a story using as many of your spelling words as you can. Underline your spelling words. Write any words you do not use at the bottom of the page.
Rhyming Writing / Write your spelling words and next to them write a rhyming word.
Ex. there hair
dog fog
Red Vowels / Write your spelling words. Trace over the vowels in each word with a red pencil, crayon, or marker.
Consonant Circles / Write your spelling words. Circle the consonants with a colored pencil, marker, or crayon.
Short Vowel, Long Vowel / Make two headings on your paper: Short Vowel and Long Vowel. Write your spelling words in the appropriate column.
How many syllables? / Divide your paper into 5 columns. Clap out the syllables in each word and write it in the appropriate column.
Shortest to Longest / Find the shortest word on your list. Write it first. Find the next shortest word. Write it second. Continue. The last word should be the longest. (If words have the same number of letters order does not matter)
Pyramid Writing / Write the first letter of the word. On the next line write the first and second letters. Continue until you write the entire word.
Ex. c w
ca wh
cat whe
What’s My Meaning? / Write each spelling word and its definition next to it. Remember, some words have more than one meaning.
Tongue Twisters / Write a sentence for each word where almost all of the words in the sentence start with the same letter as the spelling word. Underline the spelling word.
Ex. Tim took a trip to Texas.
Write a Letter / Write a friendly letter to a friend or family member. Use as many spelling words as you can. Make sure you follow the format of a friendly letter.
Word Search / Make a word search using your spelling words. You can make it by hand or use a computer program and print it out. (
Scrabble Writing / Write each spelling word and use the Scrabble letters to add up how much each word is worth (scrabble letters attached)
Ex. brother = 12
Money Spelling / Write each spelling word and use the coins to figure out how much each word is worth (coin & letter values attached)
Ex. play = 25 + 25 + 1 + 1 = 52


Money Spelling

A / B / C / D / E
F / G / H / I / J
K / L / M / N / O
P / Q / R / S / T
U / V
/ W / X / Y-Z