AkLA-A Minutes, October 10, 2012
Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2012, 6:45-8:00 p.m.
APL Muldoon Branch, Anchorage
AkLA-A Minutes, October 10, 2012
- Sigrid Brudie
- Elaine Daw
- Jodi Jacques
- Sofie Grant
- Jacob Munford
- Anne Freitag
- Erik Carlson
- Mollie Bynum
- Sallie Bynum
AkLA-A Minutes, October 10, 2012
Call to Order. Meeting called to order at 6:45 p.m. by Jodi.
Introductions, Ice Breaker. Introduced ourselves and talked briefly about books we’re reading.
Additions to Agenda:
- Mollie suggested restarting an AkLA-A tradition of awarding certificates to newly certified librarians, particularly school librarians who have achieved ASD certification. She said that Ann Morgester(ASD) would have a list. Mollie showed a sample certificate that could be used as a template. It was mentioned that new MLIS recipients could receive them as well, if there is a way to track current library students in the Anchorage area.
- Elaine said she had written to new state legislators who won the August primary election to ask where they stood on libraries, and one responded there was no longer a role for physical libraries. Elaine encouraged us to invite legislators and legislative candidates to visit the libraries where we work. Jodi added that we need to invite both state legislators and municipal assembly members/candidates.
Approval of Minutes. Mollie moved to approve September 12 minutes. Jacob seconded.
2013 AkLA-A Goals. Jodi printed and distributed 2013 goals that were generated at last week’s informal meeting. The goals were “inspired by AkLA’s mission statement and driven by AkLA-A’s mission to provide a venue for the Anchorage library community to meet, interact, develop, and exchange ideas relevant to libraries and the library profession.” Jodi asked for input on concrete ways to meet three overarching goals:
- Learning. Jodi said that Coral gives a presentation nationwide called “Librarians Build Communities,” and we could invite her to give the presentation at a local AkLA-A meeting. Jacob suggested that a school librarian, for example, could spend 15 minutes at a meeting telling what he/she is working on at his/her library. Ann said she could give a tour of the SESA library. We can learn from the experts in our own library community.
- Advocacy. Jacob feels that traditional advocacy—letter writing, envelope stuffing, and phone calling—is not sufficient. We need to find community service opportunities to make libraries visible to the community. Jacob said he is helping to plan the 2013 Anchorage Reads kickoff and that AkLA-A should be at the event to promote our organization (handing out candy canes, for example), since this is the type of event that is visible to Anchorage residents.
- Collaborative Action. Jodi suggested we think of community groups that are natural library partners. AkLA-A members could individually attend one meeting of a potential partner organization, make contact, andsend an email to the AkLA-A listserv on ways we can work together to strengthen the library-community partnership.
- Treasurer’s Report. Jacob said he has gone through all of Nina’s files and that a Treasurer’s report is forthcoming. With the temporary closure of the post office box, there is still some question regarding membership dues checks that have actually been processed. Jodi will go to the bank to get this clarified. Jacob will be the signer for the post office box. Sofie will take over membership duties. (In the past, Nina was both Treasurer and membership chair.)
- AkLAExecutive Council’s September Face-to-Face Meeting. Jodi attended the September E-Council meeting in Anchorage. Three committees were approved: Traditional Cultural Expressions ad hoc committee; Advocacy committee, and Membership committee. Additionally, AkLA’s mission statement, values statement, and vision statement were confirmed. Coral will be chair of the social media committee. Finally, AkLA nominates honorary members, such as recently retired librarians, which enables them to attend AkLA conferences.
New Business:
- Creation of AkLA-A Scholarship. Jodi and Jacob introduced the idea of having a chapter-level scholarship similar to the annual statewide AkLA scholarship. Jacob said there is money in the AkLA-A account that should be put back into the library profession. Initial discussion revolved around a scholarship for someone pursuing a library degree. Mollie asked how we would find those scholarship applicants. She gave the example of another organization she is a member of where they have a hard time giving money away because they can’t find the people their scholarship is targeted towards, especially if there are stipulations for grade point average, etc.
Elaine suggested an essay contest for high school seniors with the theme “Why Libraries?” The winning essay on the importance of libraries would earn the student a few hundred dollars (amount to be determined) and would also serve as an advocacy piece for Anchorage libraries. The group readily embraced this idea of broadening the net to include library users, not just future librarians. Jodi said she would put something in writing for approval from AkLA-A members.
Old Business:
- 2013 Officer Openings and November Election. Jodi sent an email to AkLA-A members soliciting nominations for officers, emphasizing the need for a candidate for Vice President. Self-nominations were encouraged. Coral will put out a SurveyMonkey ballot in November.
- Mayor’s Budget. Jodi reminded the group that the Mayor’s budget includes cuts to Anchorage Public Library and encouraged attendance at upcoming budget hearings. Mollie asked if there is something AkLA-A is planning to do as a body to support APL, given the stress APL is under. Jodi responded that individual members have been encouraged to testify at the Assembly budget hearings. Erik reminded the group that testimony is a powerful tool at these meetings.
- Sue Sherif, chair of the AkLA Advocacy Committee, is building a list of non-librarians to receive occasional updates on library issues statewide. If anyone has names to add to the list, please notify Sue.
- Mollie announced that College Gate Elementary School is naming its library the Nina Prockish Library. She asked if there is going to be a naming ceremony. Jacob said he had plans to call that librarian and will ask.
Library Tour: Business meeting adjourned at 8:00, and Jacob conducted a brief tour of the Mountain View Library.
Next Meetings:
- November 13, 5:30 p.m., tour of Atwood Resource Center at Anchorage Museum. Neither Jodi (President) nor Erik (Vice President) can attend, so Sigrid (Secretary) will run the meeting.
- December 8, 8:00 a.m., breakfast meeting at Terra Bella, 601 E. Dimond Blvd., #6 (562-2259).
Sigrid Brudie, Secretary