Department of Biochemistry

Individual Development Plan for Postdoctoral Scholars

A postdoctoral scholar is defined as "an individual who has received a doctoral degree and is engaged in a temporary and defined period of mentored advanced training to enhance the professional skills and research independence needed to pursue his or her chosen career path" (National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation (2007). NIH-NSF Definition of Postdoctoral Scholar.

The purpose of a postdoctoral position is:

  1. to develop creativity and independence as a scientific researcher,
  2. to work towards a common research endeavor with his/her mentor,
  3. to publish high quality research in peer reviewed publications,
  4. to receive career development training for future career goals,
  5. to obtain new skills and develop new methods, and
  6. to network with other researchers within and outside the field.

The Individual Development Plan (IDP) provides a planning process that identifies annual progress, professional development needs, and career objectives for postdoctoral scholars. The IDP serves as a communication tool between postdoctoral scholars and their mentors and offers a platform for broader discussion. Identifying short-term goals will give postdoctoral scholars a clearer sense of expectations and help identify milestones along the way to achieving specific objectives. In doing so, postdoctoral scholars will have a process that assists in developing and achieving long-term career goals.

In summary, the goals of the IDP are to help the postdoctoral scholar identify short-term needs for improving current performance, andlong-term career goals and options and the tools necessary to meet them.

Outline of the IDP process

The development, implementation and revision of the IDP requires a series of steps to be conducted by the postdoctoral scholar and the mentor. These steps are an interactive effort. Thus, both the postdoctoral scholar and the mentor must participate fully in the process. Best results are to be expected in a context of honesty and openness. Under these conditions, the IDP will hopefully function as a catalyst for broader discussion on the future career and goals of the postdoctoral scholar. Proper use may also reveal or prevent misconceptions about tasks, responsibilities, and degree of involvement in research group activities and objectives.

How to complete the IDP

Basic Steps / …for the postdoctoral scholar / …for the mentor
Step 1 /
  • Complete the IDP within 1 month of appointment for new postdocs or 1 month prior to contract renewal for continuing postdocs
  • Share IDP with mentor and revise
  • Discuss opportunities for advancement with mentor
  • Complete mentor portion of the IDP
  • Review IDP with postdoctoral scholar and help revise
  • Discuss strategies for meeting outlined goals

Step 2 / Submit IDP to the main office and department head
2 months prior to end of current yearly appointment or anniversary of your last IDP (if AP staff) (i.e., If your appointment ends on 9/1/12, the due date is 7/1/12) / Establish regular process for review
Step 3 /
  • Implement IDP
  • Communicate with mentor during the next academic year with regard to goals and efforts made to achieve them
  • Implement IDP
  • Communicate with the postdoctoral scholar regarding research and career development during the next year

Duration and Revision

This IDP should be completed yearly as a collaborative effort between the mentor and postdoctoral scholar. Postdoctoral scholars should take primary responsibility for completing this document, scheduling time to review the document with the mentor and for submitting to the department head prior to reappointment. To ensure that the document and the process it encourages are being used, reappointment of the postdoctoral scholar will be contingent upon completion and submission.

Department of Biochemistry

Individual Development Plan for Postdoctoral Scholars

A. Information/Signatures

Name of Postdoctoral Scholar:



Name of Principal Investigator:



Name of Departmental Head:



B. Rationale for Postdoctoral Education

Individuals pursue postdoctoral training for different reasons, and these reasons may evolve over time. In order to be as successful as possible, it is essential that you have a clear sense of what your career goals are and that you communicate these goals to your mentor.

  1. Why are you pursuing postdoctoral training?
  1. What are your career goals and what skills do you hope to obtain?
  1. Why did you choose a position in this laboratory?
  1. How does the training you hope to obtain build upon your current skill set?
  1. What are the intended outcomes for training in this laboratory/department/university?

C. Research Project(s)

In order to place your goals within the perspective of the laboratory, it is important to reflect upon your current aims, goals of the laboratory, and how you fit in as an integral component of this research team.

  1. What are the aims of your current project(s)?
  1. How do these aims interface with the current goals of the laboratory?
  1. What intellectual contribution did you make in designing these aims or methods?
  1. What is the significance (broader impact) of your research and your project?

D. Annual Progress Report

The length of time spent in a postdoctoral position can vary greatly depending upon your own success, availability of funding and potential permanent job opportunities that you identify. In order to use your time in your current laboratory most effectively, it is important that you monitor your progress and plan your future work accordingly.

  1. List and briefly describe your research accomplishments this year. Do not include publications or manuscript submissions but instead focus on progress towards achieving your experimental aims listed in your previous IDP. If your aims have changed, please indicate why they changed.
  1. List publications submitted or published this year as well as abstracts for meeting presentations. For each entry, underline your name and briefly describe your contribution. List any meetings attended and indicate if you presented a poster or gave a talk.
  1. List your funding sources, projected duration of funding, and proposals submitted this year.
  1. List honors/awards received this year.

  1. List intellectual and/or technical collaborations established or continued this year along with the purpose of these collaborations and projected outcome(s). (Collaborations can be within the laboratory itself, with other labs at Purdue or outside of the university).
  1. Describe your level of satisfaction with your research progress to date.
  1. What project have you developed that demonstrates your intellectual independence and that is available for you to take with you when you leave the laboratory?

E. Career Development and Training

In addition to research experience, many other aspects of career development are integral to postdoctoral education. These will be considered by many employers in both the public and private sectors as critical components ofyour professional development as a postdoctoral scholar.

  1. List teaching experiences that you have had this year. Include both formal lectures as well as assistantships, preparation of course materials, etc.

  1. Detail organization memberships and services in which you are currently engaged. Include scientific and university service, as well as memberships,and participation on other committees.
  1. Describe mentoring experiences for this year. Please include mentoring of individuals within and outside of the laboratory/department/university.
  1. Describe your level of satisfaction with your career development to date.
  1. Positions in both industry and academia require letters of recommendation from faculty members other than you mentor that are familiar with your work. Identify three or more faculty that you would ask for letters of support if you were applying for a position.

F. Research Goals for the Upcoming Year

In view of your research accomplishments to date it is critical that you build on your successes and address any issues where your qualifications for your desired next position may be weak.

  1. What are your research goals for the upcoming year?
  1. List anticipated publication submissions this year (indicate projected titles).
  1. List meetings and/or workshops that you hope to attend this year and potential sources of funding to pay for them.
  1. Detail anticipated fellowship or other funding application submissions this year.
  1. Describe anticipated collaborations this year that will be newly established or continued with projected goals.
  1. If you have not done so already, do you plan to develop an independent project that you can take with you from the laboratory? If so, how?

G. Career Development Training Goalsfor the Upcoming Year

In view of your career development to date, please note your plans that address potential areas of weakness in your professional development.

  1. What are your plans for improving your scientific writing and oral presentation skills in the upcoming year?
  1. What other professional training will you pursue this year (teaching, course work, service, mentoring)?
  1. How can your mentor help you achieve your goals for the upcoming year?

  1. Are there additional resources that you mentor might provide that may assist you in your postdoctoral training?
  1. Are there additional resources that your department/Purdue University might provide that may assist you with your postdoctoral training?

H. Mentor section

The postdoctoral scholar’s mentor should complete this section and discuss its contents with her/him prior to submission of the final document for approval.

  1. How can the postdoctoral scholar improve his/her performance and achieve his/her goals this year?
  1. How could your postdoctoral scholar assist you in meeting your research goals?

  1. Is there additional training or other activities that would be beneficial for your postdoctoral scholar before he/she begins the job search?
  1. Are there any other departmental or university resources that might assist this postdoctoral scholar?