Heards Ferry Elementary – School Governance Council Meeting

Minutes – December 7, 2016

Members present: Lisa Nash, Whitney Shook, Brad Glenn, Jeremy Cohen, Stacy Heerin, Nicole Gray

The following items were on the agenda:

Brad Glenn motioned to approve the agenda and start the meeting and Jeremy seconded. The meeting was called to order at 7:37.

The Council discussed the RFF review. Whitney Shook reviewed the data from the 30 day comment period. Two people signed up for meeting with the public comment and did not attend. Eightpeople left comments total – 6 were for the RFF days and 2 were against. The 2 that were for against were because of childcare reasons. The second against comment also included a concern of losing instructional time. For the 6 that we in support, one specifically connected the past RFF days with the IB trainings and it being beneficial to the students.

Brad moved to vote and Jeremy seconded. We reached a quorum to vote and it was unanimous to approve to submit the RFF request.

The council discussed the seed fund. Whitney Shook reviewed the reading program and the writing kits and writing training we are submitting for. They directly align with our strategic plan.

Brad Glenn moved to vote on seed fund Jeremy Cohen second. We had a quorum to vote and unanimously approved to submit the seed fund application.

Lisa Nash and Whitney Shook gave the state of the school updates. The reviewed CCRPI and how each school is graded and scored in GA. The score is made up of academics, achievement gap, attendance (usually a lower area for us), and community feedback. In addition, they reviewed the climate star rating, this is comprised from student, parent, and teacher surveys.

Whitney Shook also reviewed IOWA Test data. When compared to schools with similar demographics we did very well. This is a standardized test which is nationally norm based.

Sydnei Rubenstein gave the Eagle Alliance update. She attended the Legacy of Excellence awards to honor our teacher and professional of the year and was very impressed. The school is also hosting our holiday shop currently. This is going well and will raise funds for the Eagle Alliance as well. The Eagle Alliance has hired a new accountant who has filed taxes and cleaned up the books and records. The parent party will be in March at 5 Seasons in Sandy Springs.

Misc. Brad Glenn gave an update on the trees project. Fulton County has approved the planting and we hope to have the trees planted the first week of January.

Jeremy Cohen motioned to adjourn and Brad Glenn seconded.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 am.