Employee Commuting Survey

As part of the data collection for our greenhouse gas inventory, we are asking our staffto take 5-10 minutes to fill out this short survey. This survey will help us understand how our employees travel to and from work, based on an average workweek, over a one-year period.

The data from this survey will be used to calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Emissions from employee commuting will be reported only as aggregated data for our GHG inventory.

(Note to distributor of survey: Please review and update sections of questionnaire highlighted in “red”.)

Name: ______(Optional)

Date: ______

1)What is your work location?(This question can be removed if your organization only has a single location.)

2)On average, how many days a week do you commute toandfrom work?

3)How many months did you work between ______and ______. (Please identify inventory period dates. E.g., January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013.)

4)What is the roundtrip distance of your commute to and from work (in kilometers)?

5)What is your mode(s) of transportation, and what percentage of your commute accounts for this mode? (For example: If you bike half of the way and bus half of the way, you would put 50% next to “biking” and 50% next to “Vancouver Bus Average”. Remember, all percentages should add up to 100.)

Mode of Transportation / Percentage of your commute that relies on the mode of transportation
hybrid auto (4.2L/100km) (56 MPG)
small gas auto (8.1L/100km) (29 MPG)
med gas auto (10.2L/100km) (23 MPG)
large gas auto (12.4L/100km) (19 MPG)
diesel auto (9.8L/100km) (24 MPG)
propane automobile
gas light truck (16.8L/100km) (14 MPG)
gas heavy truck (39.2L/100km) (6 MPG)
diesel light truck (15.7L/100km) (15 MPG)
diesel heavy truck (33.6L/100km) (7 MPG)
light motorcycle (3.9L/100km) (60 MPG)
Vancouver Skytrain
Vancouver Bus Average
Vancouver Seabus (3.2 km one way)
bus (diesel) - long distance
West Coast Express
Canadian Rail

If you drive to work alone (i.e., you do not carpool), please answer the following questions:

6)Why do you drive to work? (Mark as many as apply)

I need my car for errands during the day.

I use my car for business meetings during the day.

It saves time.

I want to have my car in case of emergencies.

I need to drop my kids off at school on my way to work.

There is no/poor transit access where I live.

I have no one to carpool with.

Others ______

7)Which benefit(s) would encourage you to try an alternative to driving alone to work? (Mark as many as apply)

If it were easier to find people to carpool with.

Better bike amenities (i.e. storage, lockers, showers, etc.).

Subsidized bus pass.

Compressed work week or flex time.

If our organization provided a guaranteed ride home in case of emergencies.

If a company car was available for meetings or errands.

If a car share membership was available for meetings or errands.

Other: ______

Survey template provided by Climate Smart Businesses Inc.1