Consumer & Family Advisory Committee (CFAC)

Date this meeting: 05/19/15

Date/time/location of next meeting: June 16, 2015, 6:15 p.m. – 1120 Seven Lakes Rd, West End, NC

Attending: Leann Henkel, I. Azell Reeves, Stephen Cohen, Loida Colonna, Rebecca Creasey, Elaine Hayes, Libby Jones,

Marianne Kernan, Chris Laughlin, Allen Little, Lori Richardson, Ronald Unger, Ashely Wilcox

Absent: Stephanie Antkowiak, Carol DeBerry, Costella Graham, Shirley Hart, Cindy Mallernee, Irma Robledo

Excused: Stephanie Antkowiak, Carol DeBerry, Shirley Hart, Cindy Mallernee, Irma Robledo

Unexcused: Costella Graham

Liaison Present: Anne Kimball

DHHS Representative Present: Wes Rider

Recorder: Pamela Munger



Call to Order
Leann Henkel / The meeting was called to order at 6:22 p.m. by Chair Henkel.
Approval of Minutes
April 21, 2015 / The committee reviewed the minutes from the 04/21/2015 meeting. / The minutes were reviewed by the committee. Ron Unger made a motion to accept the minutes with one attendance correction; Libby Jones was present at the April 21 meeting. Stephen Cohen seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Members voted to excuse the absences of Carol DeBerry, Marianne Kernan, Chris Laughlin, Allen Little, Irma Robledo from the April 2015 meeting.
Members voted to excuse the absences of Stephanie Antkowiak, Carol DeBerry, Shirley Hart, Cindy Mallernee, Irma Robledo from this (May) meeting as they provided justification for their absence.
Clinical/Financial Risk
Dr. Anthony Carraway / Chair Henkel introduced Dr. Anthony Carraway, Chief Medical Officer of Sandhills Center who spoke about clinical and financial risk reduction in Sandhills Center’s operations.
Dr. Carraway shared how Sandhills Center adapts to the changes in behavioral health to keep the Sandhills Center budget in sync.
He also discussed the macro and micro monitoring of clinical financial risk. Macro monitoring is reviewed by Sandhills Center’s leadership team through financial weekly and often daily reports. Micro monitoring is done by the Clinical Financial Risk Management Team in which reports are viewed more closely through a proactive approach to assure that clinical processes are running optimally.
Update From the Division
Wes Rider / Chair Henkel welcomed Wes Rider who made the following announcements:
-The CET report can now be transmitted through email.
- If you would like to receive the report by email and decide later you want to be
removed, you can do so.
-State to local CFAC May 20, at 7:00 p.m. (call in number is still the same).
-NC Council of Community Programs is hosting the Spring Policy Forum on June 8-9, 2015 at the Hilton North Raleigh Hotel.
Annual Review of Bylaws
Leann Henkel / Chair Henkel asked everyone to review the Sandhills Center CFAC bylaws and make any recommendations for changes at the June meeting.
Consolidated Balance & Income Statement
Anne Kimball / Consolidated Balance & Income Statement for:
April 30, 2015
Total Revenues (YTD) / $285,827,429
Total Expenditures (YTD) / $233,849,639
Change in Fund Balance (YTD) / $51,977,790
Chair’s Report
Leann Henkel / Chair Henkel reported on the following:
·  Excessive CFAC absences and the bylaw process that was adhered to in relation to the committee members that have been marked as unexcused.
·  Chair Henkel initiated a committee to recruit potential CFAC members. She asked Marianne Kernan, Libby Jones, and Cindy Malernee to be on the sub-committee.
·  Development of a Special Projects Committee (potentially three events per year), such as distributing behavioral health information, mental health observances, etc.
·  The discussion of a CFAC retreat options for the next fiscal year: mini retreat or experts in behavioral health present at meetings.
·  Chair Henkel announced that she has appointed Libby Jones, Marianne Kernan, and Cindy Malernee to serve as the ad hoc committee to plan education sessions (around the three disability areas) to be held on select meeting dates from 5-6 p .m. prior to dinner and regular meetings. / Stephen Cohen made a motion to dismiss Costella Graham from the CFAC committee due to the number of unexcused absences from CFAC meetings. Libby Jones seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
Stephen Cohen made a motion to have experts from different areas of behavioral health do presentations at CFAC meetings as opposed to a full day retreat. Marianne Kernan seconded the motion. 10 votes in favor, 1 unfavorable vote. The motion carried.
Committee Reports
Chair Leann Henkel
Elaine Hayes
I. Azell Reeves
Lori Richardson
/ Board of Directors: Chair Henkel reported the Board discussed property assessments.
Network Leadership: Network has identified three new QIPs, two of which are to decrease the amount of contracts returned and improve accuracy and development to the provider directory.
Quality Management: Ms. Reeves reported two subcommittees have been appointed; quality improvement and policies and procedures.
Global CQI: Ms. Richardson reported the EQRO visit was in April; report will be made available late May. The committee had a discussion on a suicide game that has become popular among teenagers.
Client Rights: Ms. Hayes reported quarterly monitoring, incident, and complaint reports were addressed.
Program Planning & Operation: Ms. Richardson reported that there was discussion that documentation is seen as the largest need of providers, especially new hires. EQRO (External Quality Review) visited Sandhills Center in April. Mercer came to perform a technical review. Medicaid funding did not receive a cut.
CFAC Member Announcements
Chair Henkel
Loida Colonna
Lori Richardson / ·  Chair Henkel: Sandhills Center’s CFAC will send a letter to the General Assembly in support of LME/MCO’s.
·  Ms. Colonna: Beginning 2016 voters will need to show identification in order to vote.
·  Ms. Colonna: Listening session organized by Disability Rights NC stated transportation issues rank highest.
·  Ms. Richardson: Lee County Community Stakeholders’ Breakfast meeting had 29 people in attendance.
Other Announcements
Chair Henkel
Marianne Kernan
Anne Kimball / Ms. Kimball shared Sandhills Center most recent quarterly report.
Ms. Kernan stated Moore County will not do an involuntary commitment unless you have already contacted mobile crisis.
Speakers from the Floor / Duane Unger needed clarification on when a person that is not a committee member can speak. / Chair Henkel explained the portion of the agenda for speakers from the floor.
Adjourn / The meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m. / Lori Richardson made a motion to adjourn. Stephen Cohen seconded the motion. The motion carried. No one opposed.