MOCK EXAM – 2011/2012

1 hour 30 minutes


·  Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.

·  Answer TWO questions only

·  This EXAM will assess all assessment objectives of paper 1:

o  AO1: Knowledge and understanding of specified content

o  AO2: Application and analysis

o  AO3: Synthesis and evaluation


Scientists want to do the experiment on thermal conductivity of the different materials. (Thermal conductivity is basically talking about the temperature sustainability of the material when it has been heating up for certain periods of time. A box, which is shown in this picture, represents a house and different pieces of material are heat up with Quartz halogen light, which is a light powerful light bulb. If the temperature do not really change, the material has high resistance to heat and row sustainability.) They prepared six distinguished materials which are Aluminium, steel, acrylic, polystyrene, plywood, and pine. They are going to use different kinds of data logger to record and analysis the data.

a)  Define the term real time data collection. [2 Marks]

b)  Identify one analogue output device and one digital output device involved in data logging. [2 Marks]

c)  Explain advantages and disadvantages of the real time data collection. [6 Marks]

d)  Evaluate the analogue device as compared to digital devices. And discuss how they are suitable or not suitable for the scenario.

[10 Marks]


A young kid Alexei loves to watch cable TV programs. Although the cable TV is quite old, it 'was' enough to watch channel programs. But one day, rainy season has come and the cable of Alexei's house is heavily damaged due to flood. Therefore, Alexei was not able to watch cable TV anymore. Therefore, Alexei's family searches for the new way of connection, as a result, they finally find out the method called 'satellite communication'.

a)  Define the term of satellite communication. [3 Marks]

b)  Explain ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of satellite Communications. [4 Marks]

c)  Describe the process of how signals can bring to Alexei's house.

[4 Marks]

d)  Alexei's family now understood the advantage of the satellite communication and started to use it as their main connection. However, there are some disadvantages as well.

Base on advantage & disadvantage that you have written in (b). To what extent did satellite communication have changed people's lives and how did it impact on the environment. [10 Marks]


Computer factories are making more and more PCs every year. The number of PC shipments for import and export exceeded 9 billion last year. Some of the materials the factories use for making PCs are silicon, copper, plastic, fossil fuels, and chemical.

Fossil fuels used in making PCs include oil and natural gas. These materials are non-renewable. The amount of fossil fuel
started to decrease dramatically from 2002 and is predicted to decrease more in the future.
a) Define the term resource depletion. [2 marks]
b) Discuss two causes of resource depletion. [4 marks]
c) Examine two impacts of resource depletion as it applies to computer

industry. [4 marks]
d) To what extent does the increased use of mobile computing outweigh the concerns of resource depletion and waste? [10 marks]


David Hanson, Chief Executive of Hanson Robotics Inc, is a leader in creating robots that are among the most advanced in the world. He has created Jules, an example of a “social robot” that uses artificial intelligence, integration of natural language processing, automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech. It is possible to have a natural, interactive conversation with Jules.

Frubber is an elastic material that has been developed by Hanson Robotics Inc which looks like natural skin and makes Jules’ realistic facial movement and speech possible.

Jules also uses “computer vision” through a device in his eye which captures the image of the person talking to him. “Computer vision” includes face recognition and face tracking to simulate complete verbal and non-verbal interaction, such as maintaining eye contact and turning the head to follow the movement of the human to whom Jules is talking.

David Hanson also teaches his robots their history, vocabulary, and develops their basic “personality”, either based on a real person or an imaginary character. Hanson’s robots have been used in games and toys, research and psychiatry scenarios, military training and animations.

a)  Identify two input devices that are required in order for Jules to interact with a real person. [2 marks]

b)  Describe the steps that Jules would take in order to follow the movement of the person talking to him. [4 marks]

c)  Jules may have difficulty understanding a sentence in a conversation with a human. Explain why this could happen.

[4 marks]

d)  The organizers of an important tennis tournament are considering using a robot similar to Jules, named Tennis-Umpire, for the purpose of umpiring some of the games. This robot, which remains seated throughout the match uses its own cameras to analyse the game and then communicates its decisions to the human spectators using speech. Evaluate whether the organizers should go ahead with this decision to replace human umpires with robotic umpires such as Tennis-Umpire. [10 marks]

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