Bro. Charles Holmes



1 In these weakening conditions and afflictions, and things of the world that's put upon us sometime, to perfect us; we've been told that. Then He said, "Think it not strange that these trials come." They're only working out for our good and to perfect us, and bring us into that place.


"The footsteps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord."


I PETER 4:12 & 13

12 ¶ Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

I PETER 1:7-9

7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.


Why does He stand by? The reason is in Romans 8:17-18,

"And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

Unless we suffer with Him we cannot reign with Him. You have to suffer to reign. The reason for this is that character simply is never made without suffering. Character is a VICTORY, not a gift. A man without character can't reign because power apart from character is Satanic. But power with character is fit to rule. And since He wants us to share even His throne on the same basis that He overcame and is set down in His Father's throne, then we have to overcome to sit with Him. And the little temporary suffering we go through now is not worthy to be compared to the tremendous glory that will be revealed in us when He comes. Oh, what treasures are laid up for those who are willing to enter into His kingdom through much tribulation.


120-2 Notice, what harmony. Jesus never did anything until seen of the Father or the Father showed Him first: (Harmony between God and Christ. See? John 5:19) So will the Bride, and He shows Her His Word of Life (He shows Her), and she receives It. She never doubts it.

Nothing can harm Her, not even death; for if the Seed be planted, the water will raise it up again. Amen. (Now, I got a great big "Hallelujah.") Here is the secret: the Word is in the Bride and the mind of Christ to know what He wants done with the Word, and She does it in His Name. She has THUS SAITH THE LORD.

Then it is germitized; so the Holy Spirit waters it until it is grown and serves its purpose. They do only His will. (Amen. I'll believe that.) No one can persuade them different. They have THUS SAITH THE LORD, or they keep still. Then they will do the works of God. For it is Himself in them, continuing His Word to fulfill as He did complete in His day. All things when He was here--He did not complete all when He was here, for it was not time yet.

120-5 Now, let us stand like Joshua and Caleb. (Now, watch close, this is going to have a spiritual background.) Now, let us stand like Joshua and Caleb as we see the promised land coming in sight. It's nearing the time to be given. "Joshua" in Hebrew means "Saviour" and represents the promised end time leader to take the church over. Caleb represents the true believer who stayed with Joshua. God started Israel as a virgin, with His Word, but they wanted something different. So did the last day church.

121-1 Notice how God did not move Israel until His own appointed time. (Now, listen. This is going to mean something.) Joshua waited for that time. No how--matter how much people might've said, "God gave us the land, the promise; let us go now and take it." They might've said, "Joshua, you lost your commission. You're all washed up. Why are you not doing something? You used to do--know THUS SAITH THE LORD in a moment and what was the will of God." But this wise God-sent prophet knew the promise of God, but also knew to wait for that promise, a clear-cut decision from God for his time.

(These parables, now, watch.) And when the time come, God gave it to Joshua, who had stayed with Him by the Word, for He could not trust others; He could trust him. So will it repeat.

These great deserts of experience, where righteous man are molded into saints, we--we thank Thee for these experiences, Lord. We would no mean, no wise want to do anything contrary to Your will. But we pray, Father, that in this we'll be brought closer to You.

TOKEN_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-19 SUNDAY_ 63-0901M

230 Don't just come this far, say, "I believe the Message." You obey the messenger. Come into Christ! You say, "Well, I believe every Word said, Brother Branham." That's good, but that's just--that's just being able to read.

231 Take the Message, take It into your heart, that you must have the Token, the very Life that was in Christ be in you. "When I see That, I will pass over you."

232 As we see the great end-time signs on earth today, we know that that's right. Now look, I've waited for this, for a long, long time, for this Message to you. See? And you've seen the end-time signs. And I've preached It to you, and showed It to you, by everything that Christ said. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You'll admit that? ["Amen."] We're at the end time. I don't see nothing left.

233 You say, "What about the mark of the beast?" Those who reject the Holy Spirit is already marked by the beast. The punishment will come later. See?


E-49 We're so concerned today about filling our churches up. We want to see if we--the--if we Pentecostals can't get more than the Baptists. The Baptists wants to get more than the Methodists. And they're gradually hollering they're getting more and more all the time. But what have they got?

They haven't got nothing but just the riffraff from the streets in there, when there shouldn't nothing be brought in the church but the holy and sanctified and set aside. No wonder the sinner has an awful time. Why, the people, even our Pentecostals, presuming that they are Christians, going around and dallying in the world, running to picture shows and parties and dances, women cutting their hair and wearing immoral skirts.

E-50 You say they don't do it? Come down to the Business Men's breakfast and find out if they don't or not. Come in any Pentecostal church, nearly, on a Sunday morning, and find out if they're not...?...: women squeezing themselves in little old dresses, and--and things, and acting so nasty, and everything like that. That's a shame. You know it is.

Why, you say, "Why, you oughtn't to say that." I--God have mercy. God give us somebody that's got nerve enough to say it. It's the Bible. And that's the thing that's got to be said. Sure.

Why, the man's... A--a man that'll let his wife do that, I--I've got little respects to him either. How would he be a Christian, when he's supposed to rule his own house, keep it in order? Why, it's a shame. We ought to go back to holiness, go back to the ranks, go back to God.


216 And if our lives come from up there, then we act like that. Because we come... Our Life is from a holy place; it looks different; it dresses different. The women up there has long hair, and they don't wear manicure on their face, and--and they don't wear shorts. They--they wear skirts and long robes and dresses, and they have long hair and things. So the--the nature of it from up there reflects back on us.

The men don't smoke, chew, lie, steal. They come... Their spirits come from a holy place, makes them act holy, recognize one another as brothers. See? That's it. We're of a Kingdom, and we have a King. And He's the King of saints. And the word "saint" come from the word of the "sanctified ones."

Then when a person is sanctified, Christ, the Holy Spirit, moves into the heart and becomes King over that. Oh, my. That ought to go home. Oh, when the sanctified vessel of God... Christ the King, the Holy Ghost, moves in and He... A king has his domain. Oh. Amen. And your whole being is ruled by the King of saints, a Kingdom... Every kingdom on earth will be shook, tore down by atomic power. But the Bible says, "We receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved." Amen. The King of sa