Effects of preserved spontaneous breathing activity during mechanical ventilation in experimental intra-abdominal hypertension
Dietrich Henzler
Nadine Hochhausen
Ralf Bensberg
Alexander Schachtrupp
Sonja Biechele
Rolf Rossaint
Ralf Kuhlen
Electronic Supplemental Material
Table 1. Control- group without intra-abdominal hypertension: Respiratory mechanics (cumulative data during 24h of ventilation)
Control- group / p-valueBIPAPPC / BIPAPSB
(mmHg) / 22±4 / 18±2* / <0.0001
(min-1) / 24±3 / 29±3* / 0.001
(l/min) / 8.4±0.9 / 8.6±1.2 / 0.449
(ml/cmH2O) / 26.2±6.0 / 36.7±9.1* / <0,0001
(cmH2O) / 42.9±9.6 / 36.5±6.2* / 0.002
BIPAPPC = biphasic positive airway pressure without spontaneous breathing; BIPAPSB = with spontaneous breathing; IAP = intraabdominal pressure; PIP = peak inspiratory pressure; RR_tot = total respiratory rate; Ve_tot = total minute ventilation; Cdyn = dynamic compliance; WOB_tot = total work of breathing
*indicates difference between groups
Table 2:Control group without intra-abdominal hypertension: Gas exchange (cumulative data during 24h of ventilation)
Control- group / p-valueBIPAPPC / BIPAPSB
(mmHg) / 140±26 / 125±33 / 0.079
(mmHg) / 35±5 / 43±11* / 0.001
(ml/min) / 420±94 / 530±109* / <0.0001
(mmHg) / 3.8±4.3 / 5.8±7.2 / 0.129
BIPAPPC = biphasic positive airway pressure without spontaneous breathing; BIPAPSB = with spontaneous breathing; paO2 = arterial partial oxygen pressure, paCO2 = arterial partial carbon dioxide pressure, DO2 = oxygen delivery, Qva/Qt = venous admixture
*indicates difference between groups
Table 3. Control group without intra-abdominal hypertension: Hemodynamics (cumulative data during 24h of ventilation)
Control- group / p-valueBIPAPPC / BIPAPSB
(min-1) / 96±10 / 98±21 / 0.575
(mmHg) / 107±15 / 113±17 / 0.108
(mmHg) / 19±5 / 27±31 / 0.137
(mmHg) / 6±3 / 9±2* / <0.001
(mmHg) / 7±3 / 10±3* / <0.001
(l/min) / 4.4±1.1 / 5.2±1.1* / 0.004
(ml) / 45.6±11.1 / 53.8±11.5* / 0.005
(dyn*sec/Cm5) / 234.3±58.3 / 187.2±96.2* / 0.019
BIPAPPC = biphasic positive airway pressure without spontaneous breathing; BIPAPSB = with spontaneous breathing; IAP = intraabdominal pressure; HR = heart rate; MAP = mean arterial pressure; MPAP = mean pulmonary artery pressure; CVP= central venous pressure; PAOP =pulmonary artery occlusion pressure; CO = cardiac output; SV = stroke volume; PVR = pulmonary vascular resistance. *indicates difference between groups
Figure 1 Cardiac output during 24 hours of BIPAP ventilation without (BIPAPPC) and with spontaneous breathing (BIPAPSB)in control animals without intra-abdominal hypertension
Figure 2 Cardiac output during two 9 h phases of intra-abdominal hypertension duringBIPAP ventilation without (BIPAPPC) and with spontaneous breathing (BIPAPSB; data from 3 animals in second IAP phase only)
Figure 3 Work of breathing during 24 hours ofBIPAP ventilation without (BIPAPPC) and with spontaneous breathing (BIPAPSB) in control animals without intra-abdominal hypertension.
Figure 4 Work of breathing during two 9 h phases of intra-abdominal hypertension duringBIPAP ventilation without (BIPAPPC) and with spontaneous breathing (BIPAPSB; data from 3 animals in second IAP phase only)
Figure 5Histology of lower lobe lung of ventilation with biphasic positive airway pressure with unsupported spontaneous breathing (BIPAPSB). HE staining, magnification 100x. a) after 24 h (control) b) after two phases of 9 h with intra-abdominal hypertension and 3h of pressure relief. Note the loss of airspace, alveolar edema and neutrophils infiltration in b).
Figure 5Histology of upper lobe lung after two phases of 9 h with intra-abdominal hypertension. HE staining, magnification 40x. a) ventilation with biphasic positive airway pressure with unsupported spontaneous breathing (BIPAPSB) b) ventilation without spontaneous breathing (BIPAPPC). Note areas of loss of airspace and neutrophil infiltration in a).