Water, Mills and Marshes: The Broads Landscape Partnership

Project Initiation document


The Broads Authority and its partners are developing an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund, Landscape Partnership Scheme for submission on 1st June 2015. The proposed project area will link the urban centres of Norwich, Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Acle and Loddon, following the course of the rivers Yare, Bure, Waveney.

The landscape partnerships programme is for schemes led by partnerships of local, regional and national interests, which aim to conserve areas of distinctive landscape character throughout the UK.

The Landscape Partnership Scheme will need to contribute towards all nine of the outcomes listed below. Individual projects within the LP Scheme should contribute to as many as possible, but they do not have to meet all of the nine outcomes.

With HLF investment, the Landscape partnership will have the following outcomes:

Outcomes for Heritage / Outcomes for People / Outcomes for Communities
Better managed / Developed skills / Negative environmental impacts will be reduced
In better condition / Learnt about heritage / More people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage
Better identified / recorded / Volunteered time / Your local area / community will be a better place to live, work or visit.

The Landscape Partnership Scheme will comprise around 30 projects of varying scales and complexity. These projects will be worked up during a 24 month development phase (2015 to 2017) and completed during a 5 year delivery phase (2018 to 2022).

Once completed, this document will need to contain all the necessary information to provide an overview of the one potential project. Please complete as many separate forms as possible to provide a full explanation of the project(s) proposed.

Not all projects submitted will be included in the final Landscape Partnership Scheme application.

How will this information used?

The information provided will form part of the first round application to the Heritage Lottery Fund, due for submission on the 1st June 2014.
Guidance Notes:
Development phase costs (spend during 2015 to 2017 financial years)
The cost for any work required before your project can start – surveys, planning, consultation etc.
Accuracy of these costs are very important in the first round submission and need to be discussed in detail with the Broads Landscape Partnership project manager.

Delivery phase budget (spend during 2018 to 2022 financial years))
The cost for implementing and delivering your project
Project costs for the delivery phase need to be good estimates. These costs will be accurately identified during the development phase as grant requests cannot be increased after the initial application submission.

Full Cost Recovery:
Small voluntary organisations may be able to claim for core costs as part of the project. Guidance on calculating full cost recovery amounts area available from the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO) and BIG Lottery Fund

Please contact the project manager if you intend to include full cost recovery in your project costs

Please identify separately any amounts allocated for VAT. If you are VAT registered let us know.

Strategies and Future Planning:
It is important that all aspirations for the project are evidenced in your or your project partner organisations aspirations and strategies. Please quote strategies and relevant documents where possible, provide links to electronic copies or hard copies as appendices to this document when completed.

Version Control:
The project plan is a working document – it will be regularly reviewed and if necessary amended whenever there is a significant change. For this reason, it is important to use Issue Numbers and to file previous versions in an accessible place.

Text Boxes and Tables:
Throughout the document there are a number of text boxes and tables. Please do not limit yourself to the space provided. Use additional lines in text boxes and tables to ensure you include as much relevant information and detail about your project as possible.Red text is for guidance only please delete it before returning the form.

Return of Forms: Please return all documents to

Contact Information: for all questions or queries
Please contact Lottie Carlton, Administrative Officer (Strategy and Projects)
Direct Dial: 01603 756044 Email:

What do we need and when?

We want to know what your project will do and how it will fit with the Broads Landscape Partnership Scheme aims. Use this form to tell us about your project.

Initial project ideas: Deadline for return of this form 2nd January 2015

Fill out section 1.0 with as much relevant detail as possible, but be concise.

If you have any information for the other sections, add it now. There is time to develop more detail between January and March 2015, let us know as much as you canBUT section 1.0 is the only one we need filled out before the 2nd January.

In January, we will look at your project ideas and contact you to talk about your project.

Completed project initiation document submission: Deadline for return 1st March 2014

By the 1st March, you will have developed your project idea enough to allow the completion of all sections of the form and for it to be sent back to us.

There is plenty of help available from the project team. Contact the administrative officer for more information.

Contact Information: for all questions or queries
Please contact Lottie Carlton, Administrative Officer (Strategy and Projects)
Direct Dial: 01603 756044 Email:
Project Name
Document Version / Date of Creation / Date of Last Issue
Lead Organisation
1.0 Project Summary
Summarise the project idea, objectives, timescales and any relevant background details. Please be brief, but include any relevant details.
Target of Project / (E.g. Local People, primary school years 4 to 6, access route, archaeological site, mill, building, local area etc.)
Action / Activity / (E.g. develop, conserve, survey, investigate, design, construct, train, engage with)
(Amount / Level of Activity) / (E.g. 10 residential visits per year, 6 x 5 day activity courses, 2 drainage mills, 1 new canoe portage, 500 people reached with information, 20 sites surveyed, 30 volunteers trained)
When / (target date for delivery)
2.0 Project Justification
Explain the background and reasons for undertaking the project and how it will meet objectives. Provide evidence for need and reference your own organisations relevant strategic priorities.
2.2 Products
Summarise the products that the project will deliver e.g. improved access, skills training, interpretation, restoration work, collections of images or video, web content, media and promotion.
2.3 Project approach
Outline clearly the favoured project approach and how the project will be delivered, e.g. partnerships / joint working, delivery mechanisms etc.
2.4Potential negatives
Outline any outcomes that could be perceived as negative and by whom
Summarise the key risks to the project likely impacts and contingency plans
Risk / Impact / Contingency plans
2.6Site ownership
Please identify who owns / leases the site if relevant
2.7Permissions needed
Please identify what permissions will be needed for the project, e.g. planning, Environment Agency, Natural England, Lease, written agreements.
2.8Construction projects:
Is the project likely to be notifiable under CDM regulations? YES / NO

3.0 Project Management

3.1Project Manager
Name the person who will manage the project

3.2Project Team Roles and Responsibilities
List who else will be part of the project team, their responsibilities and the estimated time they will spend on the project.

Name / Responsibility

4.0 Project Scope, Quality, Cost and Risk

4.1Scope of Works
List what needs doing. Please provide evidence for costs ( quotes etc.) as an attachment
Activity / Cost / Evidence for Cost
Identify partners quality expectations. Prioritise expectations using MoSCoW: 1.Must have, 2. Should have, 3. Could have, 4. Won’t have for now.
Quality Expectation / MoSCoW
4.3Development Phase: anticipated resource requirements and costs
Please outline what activity may have to take place during the development phase to allow delivery of your project. Who you will need to helpdesign, deliver, secure permissions/lease/legal agreements and manage this project.
Resource / Cost / Evidence for Cost
n.b. These costs will need to be worked up in full detail before the application deadline of 1st June 2015
4.4Anticipated Timescale
please identify when you are likely to start development and delivery phases of the project and whether there are any time constraints on delivery.
5.0 Project Funding
5.1Funding Sources
Please identify and explain each funding source for the project.
Funding Types:
Cash: Total cash input from your organisation towards the overall cost of this project
Non-cash: Items or services the project receives without charge, for example officer time, equipment or materials supplied to the project by your organisation, project partner or from a local firm.
Volunteer Time: Include the time volunteers will give to helping develop and deliver the project (Rates: professional labour £350/day, Skilled labour £150/day, Unskilled labour £50/day)
Grant Request: The cash amount you are requesting from the Broads Landscape Partnership Scheme.
Funding Source / Funding Type / Development Phase Funding £ / Delivery Phase Funding £
6.0 Legacy: Long-term sustainability and management
Describe how your project will be maintained after the end of the Landscape Partnership Scheme. Who will take ownership, manage and maintain the products of the project. What needs to be set up to ensure long-term sustainability?

7.0 HLF required outcomes
What difference will your project make – identify where possible measurable outcomes.

7.0.1 Outcomes for Heritage

Better managed
In better condition
Identified and recorded

7.0.2 Outcomes for People

People will have developed skills
People will have learnt about heritage
People will have volunteered time

7.0.3 Outcomes for Communities

Negative environmental impacts will be reduced
More people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage
Your local area / community will be a better place to live, work or visit

8.0 Appendix
Please include any relevant maps, photos, evidence for need, costs, copies or links to your organisations strategic documents which relate to the your project.

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