Electronic resources for Bite-sized EBL sessions on

Infectious Diseases

All articles accessed on 23/06/07


You are HIV positive (Personal experience of medical student)

WHO Health Statistics


HIV (Biological info)

Rock Hudson biography (official website)

Rock Hudson biography

War against AIDS (‘Invention & Technology Magazine)


Public info about pneumonia, on website of American Lung Association

Article on diagnosis and management of pneumonia (BMJ)

Hoare & Lim (2006) BMJ 332: 1077-9.

Photograph of pmeumococcus pneumoniae bacteria in lung tissue (American Academy of Pediatrics)

Wordsearch activity for clinical features of pneumonia, plus one red herring (Student BMJ)

NHS stats on pneumococcal pneumonia

Sir William Osler biography, online encyclopedia

Sir William Osler biography, John Hopkins Medical Institutions archives


Poliomyelitis and the postpolio syndrome (clinical review in BMJ)

Howard (2005) BMJ 330: 1314-1318.

How the poliovirus works, from website created to coincide with an exhibition at Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History

The Salk and Sabin vaccines vs. polio, from website created to coincide with an exhibition at Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History

Biography of FDR, from website created to coincide with an exhibition at Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History

Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The president and the wheelchair (Literary criticism in The Wilson Quarterly)

Clausen (2005) Wilson Quarterly 29 (3): 24-29.

Photo of child with limb deformities as a consequence of polio (American Academy of Pediatrics)



Syphilis (Public info website of American Social health Association)

Syphilis: Old problem, new strategy (medical education article)

Doherty et al 2002 BMJ 325: 153-6.

NHS stats for cases of syphilis in Wales 1995-2001

Oscar Wilde’s terminal illness (article in The Lancet)

Schubert biography

Schubert biography (2)

Picture of bacterium that causes syphilis

Complete genome sequence of syphilis bacterium (article in Science)

Fraser et al (1998) Science 281 (5375): pp. 375 – 388.


Poster for 20th-century campaign to eradicate TB

Article on diagnosis and treatment of TB

Campbell & Bah-Sow (2006) BMJ 332: 1194-7.

Drug resistance in TB, scientific article.

Mitchison (2005) Eur. Respir. J. 25: 376-9.

WHO Health Statistics


BBC biography of John Keats

Abstract of article about John Keats

Michael (1995) European Romantic Review 6(1): 38-56.

(then search ‘pectoriloquy’)

Biog of Keats

Article about a project to look for genes associated with susceptibility to TB, from website of SIPAGE – a network of scientists and medics