Members present: Lona Kratzer - HCSS

Jaime Rafferty - KCP

Becky Horn – GRDHD

Lisa Hagman – UK Extension

Tina Snyder – HCPL

Lisa Stanley – GRDHD

Robert Hobson – Coventry Cares

Stephanie Lamar – HC Child Support

Larry Badgett – Passport Health

Vice Chair Tina Snyder called the meeting to order in the absence of the Chair, Rick Montague, who was required to attend a regional meeting related to his work.

Minutes from the December 11, 2015, meeting was presented for approval. One correction was noted. Motion was made by Becky Horn and a second by Lona Kratzer to approve the Minutes as amended. Vote taken by show of hands. Motion carried.

Lisa Hagman reported that the balance in the checking account was $830.59

The amended by-laws were distributed by Stephanie Lamar.

The Access to Care Team reported that a meeting was scheduled for Monday, January 11, 2016, as 12:30 p.m. at the Hancock County Senior Center. All interested were invited to attend.

Stephanie Lamar advised that she will contact Michelle Stephens regarding the scheduling of a Youth Health Fair Team meeting. Stephanie will send out an e-mail advising of the particulars.

The coalition, very briefly, discussed the DFC grant. It was the consensus that if the coalition was funded, there would be questions and concerns that would need to be address at that time.

The GRDHD was in the process of producing a video regarding the Regional Health Council. Tina Snyder would be representing our coalition. No other coalition member was willing to be filmed.

After extensive discussion, a motion was made by Jaime Rafferty and a second by Lisa Stanley to adopt the following vision and mission statements:


A county united in the commitment to healthy living.


Through community partnerships, we will educate, encourage and empower our citizens

to make healthy decisions and live drug free.

Vote was taken by show of hands and motion carried.

The next meeting will be held on Friday, February 12, 2016, at 12:00 noon, Hancock County Public Library.

Motion to adjourn was made by Stephanie Lamar, and a second by Lisa Hagman. Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Lamar
