Our Ref: FOI/81448 / April 2013

You asked for the following information from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ):

Your most recent annual figure for the number of offenders sentenced to immediate custody: -

who had never previously been given a suspended sentence

who had once previously been given a suspended sentence

who had twice previously been given a suspended sentence

who had been given a suspended sentence 3-5 times previously

who had been given a suspended sentence 6-9 times previously

who had been given a suspended sentence 10-14 times previously

who had been given a suspended sentence 15-19 times previously

who had been given a suspended sentence 20-29 times previously

who had been given a suspended sentence 30 or more times previously

Your most recent annual figure for the total number of offenders: -

who had never previously been given a suspended sentence

who had once previously been given a suspended sentence

who had twice previously been given a suspended sentence

who had been given a suspended sentence 3-5 times previously

who had been given a suspended sentence 6-9 times previously

who had been given a suspended sentence 10-14 times previously

who had been given a suspended sentence 15-19 times previously

who had been given a suspended sentence 20-29 times previously

who had been given a suspended sentence 30 or more times previously

Your most recent annual figure for the number of offenders sentenced to a fine: -

who had never previously been given a fine by the courts

who had once previously been given a fine by the courts

who had twice previously been given a fine by the courts

who had been given a fine by the courts 3-5 times previously

who had been given a fine by the courts 6-9 times previously

who had been given a fine by the courts 10-14 times previously

who had been given a fine by the courts 15-19 times previously

who had been given a fine by the courts 20-29 times previously

who had been given a fine by the courts 30 or more times previously

Your most recent annual figure for the total number of offenders: -

who had never previously been given a fine by the courts

who had once previously been given a fine by the courts

who had twice previously been given a fine by the courts

who had been given a fine by the courts 3-5 times previously

who had been given a fine by the courts 6-9 times previously

who had been given a fine by the courts 10-14 times previously

who had been given a fine by the courts 15-19 times previously

who had been given a fine by the courts 20-29 times previously

who had been given a fine by the courts 30 or more times previously

Your most recent annual figure for the number of offenders receiving a conditional or absolute discharge: -

who had never previously been given a conditional or absolute discharge

who had once previously been given a conditional or absolute discharge

who had twice previously been given a conditional or absolute discharge

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 3-5 times previously

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 6-9 times previously

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 10-14 times previously

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 15-19 times previously

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 20-29 times previously

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 30 or more times previously

Your most recent annual figure for the total number of offenders: -

who had never previously been given a conditional or absolute discharge

who had once previously been given a conditional or absolute discharge

who had twice previously been given a conditional or absolute discharge

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 3-5 times previously

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 6-9 times previously

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 10-14 times previously

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 15-19 times previously

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 20-29 times previously

who had been given a conditional or absolute discharge 30 or more times previously

Your request has been passed to me as I have responsibility for answering requests which relate to statistics on offenders in England and Wales and has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

I can confirm that the department holdsthe information that you have requested andI am pleased to provide this to you. This is set out below separated into the 6 different tables below.

Tables 1 to 6 are a further breakdown of table Q7.4 in the offending histories – Dec 2011 section of the Criminal stats publication, available at the following website

An older edition has been used to provide you with the last completed calendar year. Please be aware that the total offenders in tables 2, 4 and 6 do not match Table 7.4 in the publication exactly, as there are several offenders with unknown age who have not been included in Table 7.4.

In response to part 1:

Table 1: Previous offences resulting in a suspended sentence by offenders sentenced to immediate custody for an indictable offence in 2011

In response to part 2:

Table 2: Previous offences resulting in a suspended sentence by offenders convicted of an indictable offence in 2011

In response to part 3:

Table 3: Previous offences resulting in a fine, by offenders sentenced to a fine for an indictable offence in 2011

In response to part 4:

Table 4: Previous offences resulting in a fine by offenders convicted of an indictable offence in 2011

In response to part 5:

Table 5: Previous offences resulting in a fine, by offenders sentenced to a fine for an indictable offence in 2011

In response to part 6:

Table 6: Previous offences resulting in a suspended sentence by offenders convicted of an indictable offence in 2011

Please note that tables 1 to 6 are based on sentence occasions and the primary offence that was committed on this occasion. It is therefore possible for an offender to appear more than once in each table if they were convicted of more than one indictable offence in 2011.

You can also find more information by reading the full text of the Act (available at and further guidance