East Forsyth Middle School Ravens






Dear Prospective Cheerleader:

Thank you for your interest in the East Forsyth Middle School cheerleading squad. I am excited about upcoming tryouts for the 2016 basketball season. Attached you will find most forms needed for tryouts. You must get a physical form from Mr. Phillips (gym teacher) and include it in your packet. In order to tryout, you MUST have a CURRENT(within a year) physical. Please make a copy for yourself to keep and give the original to Mr. Phillips to keep on file here at school. Dates for tryouts have been set for September 22, 24 & 25, & Sept. 29 will be tryouts with a brief review in the gymnasium from 2:00-3:30. All material will be taught during the first 3 days and you will actually tryout on the 4th day beginning at 2:30pm. These will be CLOSED practices. We will not allow ANY spectators! By the first day of tryouts, you MUST HAVE ALL REQUIRED ELEMENTS:

¶  COMPLETED teacher recommendation forms

¶  Copy of most recent report card

¶  Signed/completed physical form including insurance information with

policy # (you will not be allowed to tryout without this form)

¶  Decorated folder with name and grade

¶  One page essay explaining why you would like to be a cheerleader and how you can contribute positively to the squad.

**All forms should be placed in your decorated folder and turned in on or before September 21. You will earn points for your folder and ALL items within it. If you do not have everything in the folder you will NOT be permitted to tryout.

To be comfortable and flexible for movement, you should wear:

1. Athletic Shoes

2. Shorts/sweats and a T-shirt

3. Hair up if it is even CLOSE to shoulder-length

4. No jewelry (we will not be responsible for holding these items)

5. No fingernail polish!!



Tammy Kasserman

September 3, 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Cheerleading tryouts are just around the corner. Your child has expressed an interest in participating in this activity. I find it necessary to inform the parents of the responsibilities of an East Forsyth Middle School cheerleader because it is a big commitment.

There will be a number of expectations for your child. You and your child may find this to be a time consuming activity. They will be required to come to all practices, games, and other team functions. Because your child will be representing East Middle, they will be expected to conduct themselves properly, on and off campus. They must follow the rules and regulations for the school as well as those designated for the team. Academics are an important factor in my decision for choosing the squad and allowing the cheerleaders to remain on the team. There will be some financial obligations for each participant throughout the season to maintain uniformity. The purchases that will have to be made will be announced at the start of the season during the mandatory cheerleading meeting on Tuesday, October 6 @ 6pm in the cafeteria at EFMS. The cheerleader and a parent must attend. I will make every effort to keep out of pocket expenses to a minimum. However, due to the responsibility that I have to vendors that I make purchases from, I will expect all payments to be made in a timely manner. I am thrilled to begin the new season and work with your children. The results of the panel of judge’s decisions will be posted online on my website by 5pm September 25 under the tab titled “cheerleading information”. Please keep your audition number with you. Audition numbers will be used to post the final list. I look forward to a great basketball season. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or 703-6765. I thank you for your cooperation and the support you have for your child’s decision to tryout!


Tammy Kasserman

EFMS Cheerleading Contract

Cheerleading at East Forsyth Middle School is taken very seriously and there are responsibilities that will come with trying out for and holding a position on the squad. The following is a list of rules and regulations for the team in addition to established policies set forth by the Forsyth County Board of Education.

Rules and Regulations:

1. Follow all school rules and policies.

2. Maintain a (C) average for all grading periods and semester averages. If you have a “D” or “F” you will be placed on probation. You must bring the “D” or “F” up by the first progress report. If you have two “D’s” or “F’s” you are academically ineligible.

3. All cheerleaders will report to every practice, game, and other team activities, unless given special permission by Mrs. Kasserman prior to the absence.

4. All cheerleaders will arrive on time and leave on time for all scheduled activities unless given prior permission by Mrs. Kasserman.

5. Appearance and hygiene are very important: Hair must be kept up at practices and while in uniform (with a rubber band not clips), on game days and during special events every team member is required to wear the designated uniform. Nails must be kept at proper length with no fingernail polish, certain hairstyles/colors will be at Mrs. Kasserman’s discretion and absolutely no jewelry will be worn during cheer time.

6. Each cheerleader will be responsible for every piece of their uniform.

7. Sportsmanship will be demanded from everyone affiliated with this team; there should be no problems that interfere with the structure and unity of this squad.

8. During games, there will be no socializing with fans or athletes and talking with other cheerleaders will be kept to a minimum. Cheerleaders will be expected to stay together during games, even at break, to ensure safety and accountability.

9. There is no gum, candy, or carbonated drinks consumed while at practice or game for the individuals safety.

10. There are no excuses for disorderly conduct (smoking, drug/alcohol use, fighting, and disrespect to faculty/adults). Cheerleaders caught participating in any of these things will be dismissed from the squad.

11. Displays of affection/fraternization while on school grounds or in uniform will not be tolerated.

12. All attitudes must remain positive and constructive; consistent failure to do so may result in dismissal from squad.

13. If a cheerleader is asked to sit out of a game for misbehavior or non-compliance of rules then they must sit with Mrs. Kasserman during that game, in uniform.

14. These rules may be amended at any time at the discretion of Mrs. Kasserman.

Please keep this page for your records


East Forsyth Middle School

______Full Name Grade
______Parent/guardians’ name(s) use back for additional space if needed mother wk # father wk. #
______Home # parents’ cell 1 parents’ cell 2 other important #’s
______Street/Route/Box city zip

______Parent/Guardian email address 1 Parent/Guardian email address 2

______Years of cheerleading experience Years of tumbling/gymnastics exp. Years of dance experience

I understand the time and effort required of a cheerleader and, if selected, I am committed to attend all rehearsals and performances. I have read the policies and procedures of the East Forsyth Middle School cheerleading squad and do herby agree to abide by them.
Student Signature

I understand the time an effort required of a cheerleader and will assist my child in fulfilling their commitment to attend all rehearsals and performances. I have read the policies and procedures of the EFMS cheerleading squad and do hereby agree to help my child abide by them. ______
Parent/Guardian Signature


(From 3 current teachers)

East Forsyth Middle School

Dear Teacher:

______(insert student name here) is interested in auditioning for the East Forsyth cheerleading squad. If you would, please evaluate them on the following qualities. Thank you in advance for taking your time to fill out this recommendation honestly. All recommendations will be kept confidential. If there is no envelope attached, please get one from the front office.

Many Thanks,

Tammy Kasserman

Using a rating system of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) Please rate the applicant on the criteria listed below. Please circle your answer.

Maturity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Dependability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Cooperation with others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Behavior in classroom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Leadership abilities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attitude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ability to handle difficult situations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Current grade: A B C D F

Teacher Signature: ______

Additional Comments:______


Please put in a sealed envelope & return to Tammy Kasserman’s mailbox no later than September 22, 2015. Gracias!