October 22, 2014
Time Called to Order: / Time Adjourned: / Location: / Minutes By:
10:04 AM / 11:53 AM / 115 S Andrews Ave, Rm A337, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33301 / Tanisha Beecher
HIP Staff
Members Present / Members Absent / Other Participant(s)
Asseff, Patricia- Vice-Mayor,
City of Hollywood
Bakalar, Howard
Calderin, Michael
Cisrow, Robby
Jackson, Mason
Costas, Jaime
Costello, Keith
Deibert, Ann
DiMarzo, Scott
Harrigan, Luke
Hattan, Caryl - Vice-Mayor,
City of Davie, Vice-Chair
Mann, Jason
Martin, Robin
Randall, Katherine
Russell, Scott - Chair
Via telephone
Sepielli, Dianne
Smith, Jeremiah
Thompson, Laurel
Walton, Laurie-Anne
Werthman, Steve
Whitworth, James / Schutt, Cindy
Sharief, Barbara - Mayor,
Broward County
Trantalis, Dean - Commissioner,
City of Fort Lauderdale / Staff:
Beecher, Tanisha
MacDonald, Patricia
Strong, Kimberly
Wright, Michael
County Attorney:
Thorsen, Sharon - Assistant County
Bogren, Nelson
Burroughs, Annette
Carbonell, Laura
Charlton, Darius
Dawson, Andria
Dorsett, Tameka
Frank, Mary-Jean
Fowlkes, Shira
Girault Levy, Nadine
Gunderson, Shane
Ishrat, Mooed
Pryor, Jeri
Walker, Ansea
Wilby, Lorraine
Item / Action/Discussion/Recommendations / Due Date / Status/Staff Responsible
I. Introduction & Roll Call / Vice-Chair, Caryl Hattan called the meeting to order. Tanisha Beecher called the roll. A quorum was confirmed.
II. Approval of Minutes / The minutes of September 24, 2014 were approved as written.
III. Homeless Continuum of Care 101 Topic / a. Housing First – Michael Wright gave a brief presentation on the Housing First philosophy. He explained the difference between Housing First and Housing Readiness.
Housing readiness preceded the launch of the HEARTH Act in 2012, and was the system used to manage homelessness.
There were no best practice rules to determine when homeless persons were ready for homelessness assistance. Also, the housing readiness concept presented too many barriers to homeless assistance, and high levels of instability within family units.
As a result, HUD has shifted away from this method, and towards the Housing First model. This change is being driven through HUD’s application to end chronic homelessness by December, 2016. Housing assistance is offered to homeless individuals without prerequisites. The major focus of this new system is rapid housing.
The Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC) Board is scored based on its implementation of Housing First.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) will now only be available to homeless folks with diagnosable, disabling condition(s); these individuals must also be homeless for at least one (1) year, or have at least four (4) distinct incidents of homelessness within the prior three years.
PSH is the Homeless CoC’s most expensive intervention; HUD requires us to target homeless individuals with the highest morbidity rate.
Kimberly Strong offered to send Housing First links to board members via email. The links will outline:
Ø Housing First for families, and research to support the approach.
Ø Housing First approach for homeless individuals who suffer from chronic alcoholism.
IV. Committee Reports/Updates / The Homeless CoC was awarded approximately $10.2M from HUD. Congress appropriated 98% of this award towards CoC projects which will be grouped into Tier 1.
The remaining 2% will be allocated to Tier 2.
A fair, competitive process of evaluating projects must be established.
PONG Committee
a. HMIS Data – New HMIS data measures will be established, as a result, the quality of HMIS data will have to be measured differently.
Staff used the ranking tool developed by the HIP advisory board to evaluate the projects of the last two HUD competitions. The tool was reviewed by the Performance & Outcomes & Needs & Gaps (PONG) committee.
Most of the ranking data was obtained from the Annual Performance Reports (APRs) which are submitted by projects, and verified by HUD.
Other ranking factors included, but were not limited to:
Ø Percentage of chronic beds within the homeless project
Ø Award usage
All of this information was entered into a ranking spreadsheet, and scored based on performance.
The highest performing project was the County’s HART & Home.
The spreadsheet includes three new projects for 2013 that have not yet started:
Ø Broward Housing Solutions
Ø Broward Partnership
Ø Hope South Florida
Based on the rankings, projects were afforded the opportunity to expand.
Broward Housing was afforded first opportunity to apply for a new reallocation project, and they accepted.
Broward County Housing Authority was afforded second opportunity to apply for a new reallocation project—they accepted.
Broward Housing was also afforded the opportunity to apply for a new bonus PSH bonus project—they accepted.
MOTION: To approve the project ranking data to be submitted to HUD.
MAKER: Patricia Asseff
SECOND: Robby Cisrow
RESULT: Passed with four abstentions:
Ø Steve Werthman
Ø Jeremiah Smith
Ø Ann Deibert
Ø Robin Martin
MOTION: To approve Broward Housing Solution’s (BHS) application to compete for a new bonus project that will target chronically homeless persons. The award is at most $1.5M.
MAKER: Patricia Asseff
SECOND: Katherine Randall
RESULT: Passed with four abstentions:
Ø Steve Werthman
Ø Jeremiah Smith
Ø Ann Deibert
Ø Robin Martin
b. Point in Time Count (PIT) – This topic was not discussed.
Permanent Housing
c. Rapid Re-housing – The following CoC board members opted to serve on this committee:
Ø Luke Harrigan
Ø Shira Fowlkes
Homeless Youth& Families – This topic was not discussed.
Local Coalition November Homeless Awareness Month Activities - November is National Hunger and Homeless Awareness month. A proclamation is being approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Providers will be asked to attend the December’s CoC Board meeting to discuss how the proclamation will affect them.
The Homeless CoC second art exhibit is underway. So far the response has been tremendous, as 16 pieces of artwork has already been received.
V. Old Business / a. ZERO:2016 Application Update – The ZERO:2016 application was approved by the CoC Board in September, and submitted to Community Solutions. Further details about the application will be released in November.
VI. New Business / a. HUD 2014 CoC Application Ranking/Tiering of projects – The ranking/tiering of projects has ended.
b. Set PIT Count Date / Methodology
MOTION: To approve the PIT committee’s recommendation that the CoC adopt:
Ø The night of January 26th, 2015, to visit known locations to conduct surveys using the VI-SPDAT.
Ø The day of January 27th, 2015, to return to feeding sites, to conduct additional surveys.
Ø The day of January 28th, 2015 to do a mop-up of oversights.
RESULT – Motion was passed unanimously.
c. Change November Meeting Date – See below.
d. Holiday Hiatus for December
MOTION: To combine November and December’s meetings into one meeting scheduled for December 3rd, 2014 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
MAKER: Robin Martin
SECOND: Jeremiah Smith
RESULT – Motion was passed unanimously.
VII. HIP/CoC Administrator’s Report / Mr. Wright congratulated the CoC Board on all its hard work, and for embracing the ZERO:2016 project.
The Homeless CoC will work with other funders and communities to adopt the core values of the “A Way Home” plan.
VIII. Adjournment & Next Meeting / Adjourned at 11:53 AM. Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 3, 2014 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.