Title: / Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other Please specify
Post applied for: / Assistant Technical Specialist / Job reference: / GG/001
The Pensions Advisory Service always seeks the best and as such is committed to being an equal opportunity employer

Thank you for your interst

Home Phone No: / Mobile Phone No:
Work Phone No: / Email Address:
Are you subject to any conditions relating to your employment in this country such as a work permit? / Yes No
If yes please give details:
Civil Servants only: are you currently a member of the Redeployment Pool? Yes No
Flexibility may be required in the way we deliver the new service. Please confirm what hours and days you are available to work.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Hours available to work: am pm / Full time / Part time
What type of employment are you applying for? / Permanent / Fixed term / Both
Where did you hear about this vacancy?
EDUCATION: Schools from age 11
Name and location of School / Date left
(Month / Year) / Qualifications Obtained (level and grade)
Name and Address of College / University / Start Date (Month / Year) / Length of Course / Full/Part Time / Course title / Qualifications obtained
(level and grade)
Professional Qualifications: Please let us know of any vocational qualifications you may have or are working towards:
Qualification / Course title / Date of Qualification
TRAINING: Give details of relevant training you have completed in the last two years. Do not include any courses listed above.
Training Course / Date / Duration / Name and Address of Training Organisation
Give details of your employment history, paid or voluntary, including any periods of unemployment or care of a child/relative from the year you left school.
Employers Name and Address
(start with the most recent) / Date from (Month / Year) / Date to (Month / Year) / Occupation and summary of key responsibilities / Salary / Reason for leaving
Please answer the following questions to highlight your suitability for the post as against the person specification. Where possible please provide examples.
For this role you need a good foundation knowledge of pensions law and practice as well as a broad knowledge of pensions arrangements. Please outline the types and range of pension arrangements you have had experience of and in what context e.g. exposure to DC schemes or State pension queries.Max 250 words
Please provide us with examples of your experience in dealing directly with members of the public and in what context you did this e.g. questions from members, delivering training events etc.Max 250 words
This role will require you to have excellent customer service skills and to work as part of a team. Please tell us what things you think are important when working with other people and what attributes you would bring to a team.Max 250 words
This role will require you to explain often complex issues and concepts in an easily understandable way both in writing and over the phone, please provide us with an example of your experience in this. Max 250 words
Please tell us how would you go about ensuring that you provide accurate pension and retirement information and guidance to members of the public?If you are able too, please demonstrate this with examples from your current or previous roles.Max 250
Please use this space to describe how your skills and experience meet the criteria outlined in the person specification. You should describe any work or voluntary activities you have undertaken in the past in which you demonstrated these skills/abilities.Max 500 words
Please state below why you are interested in this position.
Please state whether you have ever had a criminal conviction, caution, reprimand or warning. All posts (unless otherwise stated) are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 Section 4(ii) (exceptions) Order 1975 and so ALL convictions however old must be disclosed. If you have answered Yes, please give dates and details below. / Yes No
Please provide details of two employer referees, one referee must be from your most recent employer. Your referee must be your manager and not a work colleague.
Referee 1 / Referee 2
Name: / Name:
Job Title: / Job Title:
Name of Company: / Name of Company:
Address of Company: / Address of Company:
Phone No: / Phone No:
Email: / Email:
Relationship to you (manager / lecturer etc) / Relationship to you (manager / lecturer etc)
If you are selected for interview can we contact your referees before the interview? / Yes No
Are there any dates you will not be available for an interview?
When could you start if you were selected?
The information on this form is accurate and if I am appointed will form part of my contract of employment. I understand that any incorrect information may lead to an offer of employment being withdrawn or to my dismissal should I have taken up an appointment. Any job offer is subject to the receipt of satisfactory references, Criminal Record Bureau check and Occupational Health Assessment if appropriate.
Signed: / Date:
Return completed application form to:

If you prefer to submit the Monitoring Form separately, please post this marked private and confidential to: Mohini Badiani, The Pensions Advisory Service Ltd, 11 Belgrave Road, London, SW1V 1RB

The Pensions Advisory Service has adopted an equal opportunities policy and in order to assess how successful this policy is, we have set up a system monitoring all job applications. We would therefore be grateful if you would complete the questions on the form. The information will be used for statistical purposes only and will form no partof the selection process. We have asked for your name to enable us to monitor applications at shortlisting and appointment as well as application stage.
Post applied for: / Job reference:
Marital status: / Married Single Other, please specify
Gender: / Male Female
Age (in years): / Date of birth:
Ethnic Origin
Please use this form to indicate the ethnic group to which you belong or from which you are best described. The ethnic origin categories are those recommended by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Asian or Asian British: / Bangladeshi Indian Pakistani
Other, please state
White: / British Irish
Other, please state
Mixed: / Any other mixed background, please state
Black or Black British: / African Caribbean
Other, please state
Chinese or other ethnic group: / Chinese
Other, please state
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? / Yes No
Please specify

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