May 12, 2015

A DVD of the meeting is available through the Treasurer’s Office.

The roll was called with the following members present: Mr. Bayless, Miss Gilmore, Mrs. Kane, and Mrs. Simms-Parks. Mr. Ambrose was absent.

Others present: Mr. Schall, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Mears, Mr. Lackey and Mrs. Basson.

Mr. Baylessmoved to approve the agenda with the addition of Item #X.RR and the correction of Item X. Z. 5 from Mary Beth Kuntz to Mary Beth Kunst. Mrs. Kaneseconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Bayless, yes; Miss Gilmore, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes, and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Mrs. Simms-Parks led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The National Anthem was sung by students from Oakview Elementary under the direction of Mrs. Combs, music teacher. The students also sang the National Anthem at a Dragon’s game in April.

Mrs. Kanemade a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 21, 2015. Mr. Baylessseconded. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Bayless, yes; Miss Gilmore, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes, and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Recognition and Reports:None

Board Committee Reports:None

Mr. Inskeep reported on the meeting of the Curriculum and Instruction Council regarding testing and assessment.

Mrs. Gilmore reminded everyone of the Roush Hall of Fame immediately following the Board Meeting.

Mrs. Kane reported on Southdale Strong, held on May 8, which was a 5K run along with various other activities with the proceeds benefitting the Special Wish Foundation.

Mrs. Simms-Parks reported that she and Mr. Inskeep attended the Styles Bowl which was held today in the Barnes Bldg and how impressed they were with the students’ knowledge.

Hearing of the Public Regarding Agenda Item: None

Information for Decision Making:

Mrs. Simms-Parks noted that there will be a Work Session next Tuesday, May 19 at 5:30 in the Board Room in the Barnes Bldg. The next regular meeting will beJune 23 back at the Recital Hall at Fairmont High School followed by the July 14 meeting in the Recital Hall.

Decisions of the Board:

Mrs. Kanemoved to approve the Human Resource Services agenda. Miss Gilmoreseconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Bayless, yes; Miss Gilmore, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes, and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Mr. Baylessmoved to approve the Business Services agenda. Miss Gilmoreseconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Bayless, yes; Miss Gilmore, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes, and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Miss Gilmoremoved to approve the Office of the Treasurer agenda. Mrs. Kaneseconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Bayless, yes; Miss Gilmore, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes, and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Hearing of the Public: none

There being no further business, Mrs. Simms-Parks adjourned the meeting.


Lori Simms-Parks, President Daniel Schall, Treasurer