Religion in Australia pre-1945 16 indicative hours

The focus of this study is the establishment and development of religious traditions in Australia pre 1945.

Syllabus Outcomes: P2 identifies the influence of religion and belief systems on individuals and society

P3 investigates religious traditions and belief systems

P5 describes the influence of religious traditions in the life of adherents

P6 selects and uses relevant information about religion from a variety of sources

P7 undertakes effective research about religion, making appropriate use of time and resources

P8 uses appropriate terminology related to religion and belief systems

P9 effectively communicates information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms

Students learn about: / Students learn to: / Suggested Teaching and Learning Strategies

Religious traditions in Australia pre 1945

·  arrival and establishment of Christianity and TWO other religious traditions in Australia
·  issues related to the development of Christianity in Australia pre 1945:
- sectarianism
·  social welfare
·  the contribution of ONE religious tradition in Australia to each of the following pre 1945:
- rural and outback
- education
- public morality / ·  outline the arrival and establishment of Christianity and TWO other religious traditions in Australia
·  examine the impact of sectarianism on the relationship among Christian denominations in Australia pre 1945
·  examine the contribution of Christianity to social welfare in Australia pre 1945
·  discuss the role of ONE religious tradition in rural and outback communities pre 1945
·  outline the contribution of ONE religious tradition to the provision of education in Australia pre 1945
·  examine initiatives taken by ONE religious tradition in Australia in the area of public morality pre 1945 / 1. Background
Students briefly investigate the historical tensions between the Irish and the British.
Refer Bibliography and essential readings
2. Arrival and establishment
a) Use textbooks to create a timeline of the arrival and early development of denominations of Christianity and two other religious traditions in Australia. Where possible students complete the task electronically and add images to illustrate significant events in the history of the traditions. (Living Religion 1st edition, 1991 has a time-line on 17th- 19th century Britain and Ireland providing background to sectarian tension). Refer to bibliography for resources.
b) Use two/three of the suggested internet resources in the bibliography as stimulus for class discussion. Develop a mind map of some of the key issues around religion and religious relations in Australia post 1788.
c) Locate statistics and develop a pie chart illustrating the make-up of Australia’s religious community in the first half of the 19th Century.
e) Alternate visions for The Great South Land. Early explorers knew that there existed a Great South Land and referred to it as ‘Australia del Espiritu Sanctu’ or ‘Terra Australis de Spiritu Sanctu’. The British colony that emerged after 1788 was something quite different – a dumping ground for the overcrowded prisons of Britain. Discuss these alternate visions. Create a triptych illustrating these alternate visions. An addition could be the reality of Australia today. Further teacher reference: Manning Clarke, A Short History of Australia, Penguin, 1995 (chapter 1).
f) Writing task: Describe how the arrival and establishment of Christianity had a formative influence on the development of Australian sectarianism i.e. The Established Church and colonial governance.
a)  Designate groups to define key words relating to the issue of sectarianism. Words to define are: sectarianism, Papist, Royalist, Hibernian, Orangeman, atheist, Calvinism, diocese, established Church, evangelical, Protestantism. A useful resource is:;
b)  Each group presents an understanding of sectarianism in relation to the word they have defined.
c)  Examine instances where sectarianism impacted on the social fabric of Australia. For example, the Castle Hill Rebellion, Conscription debate in WWI, employment issues, mixed-marriages Living Religion pp220ff.
d)  Read from the writings of some significant figures. For example: William Broughton, Caroline Chisholm, and John Dunmore Lang. What evidence of sectarian feelings can be found in their letters? From this research construct an interview transcript that reveals the tensions of the times. Share this material through role-play, a short drama, a poster, or any other suitable but reflective task.
e)  Discuss the relationship between religion and the conscription debate using “The Anti’s Creed” Poster 1917 as a stimulus. Source it at (The Australian War Memorial online). Go to Collection Databases | Collection Search and search for RC00317. Alternately, go to and search for ‘The Anti’s Creed’. This source is an example of Anti-Catholic propaganda in WW1.
4. Social welfare
a)  Explore the areas of social need that existed in Australia pre 1945. For example: the unemployed, the economically disadvantaged, immigrants, those suffering mental illness or dealing with alcoholism, the homeless.
b)  Conduct group research on the needs of these groups and report findings to the class using visual/oral presentation.
c)  Examine how the Christian churches responded to these needs before 1945. Read the textbooks and write a summary on the role of the Christian churches in the provision of social welfare during this time.
d)  Choose one agency that responded to the needs of the community and outline the significance of their contribution to social welfare before 1945. Acknowledge the religious motivation for their work.
d)  Studies of Religion p 116 and Living Religion pp 222-224
5. Rural and outback communities
a)  Read about and discuss what the experiences of rural and outback communities would have been prior to 1945 in Australia. Share ideas and create a whiteboard/butchers paper summary of these ideas.
b)  Research the work of one religious tradition in rural and outback communities in Australia before 1945. Present your findings in a written report providing a discussion of the role of the tradition in this ministry.
c)  Studies of Religion pp 117-118 and Living Religion p 224
6. The provision of education
a)  Examine textbooks and other resources to explore the contribution of one religious tradition to the provision of education in Australia in the period before 1945. See Living Religion pp 226 – 228 and complete associated web task on p 228 relating to the Denominational School Board. Studies of Religion p 119
b)  What need was this religious tradition responding to within the community in Australia?
c)  Outline the impact of this contribution to the provision of education in Australia before 1945.
7.Initiatives in public morality
a)  Teacher selects stimulus material from http://john.curtin.edauu./letters/index.html which explores the issue of alcohol and the temperance movement of the 1940s. The teacher uses this resource to reveal the initiatives that the various Christian denominations took in response to this issue. Students write a response in the letter text type. This persuasive letter is to the Prime Minister, John Curtin expressing their opinion on this issue as if they are associated with a Church based group. The letter should reveal an understanding of the role of religious traditions in the public morality.
b)  Use extracts from Thompson to assist student understanding of the varying approaches to public morality across the states of Australia.
c)  Living Religion pp 229 – 231 and associated web task based on the Women’s Christian Temperance Union on p 230. Studies of Religion p 120 – 121


Morrissey et al., Living Religion (1st edition), 1991 - time-line on 17th- 19th century Britain and Ireland providing background to sectarian tension)

Arrival and Settlement

Campion, E, Rockchoppers, Penguin, 1982.

Carey, H, Believing in Australia

Hughes, P. (ed) Australia’s Religious Communities CDROM, Christian Research Association, 2004

McClish, B, The Australian Church Story, Harper Collins, 1999.

Morrissey et al, Living Religion, Pearson Education, 2005. Chapter 8

Thompson, R, Religion in Australia: A History, Oxford University Press, 1994.

Goosen, G, Religion In Australian Culture: An anthropological View, St Paul’s Press, 1997

Manning Clarke, Short History of Australia, Penguin, 1995 (Chapter 1).

Media: Echo of a Distant Drum, Orana Films for the ABC, (Drama documentary on the Irish origins in the Australian character)

The Shattered Shamrock, Albert Street productions 1988 (Geraldine Doogue)

A Distant Home: a history of Jews in Australia CDROM available from the Jewish Museum Melbourne

A snapshot of religion in Australia to 1896


E Book @ John Francis Hogan, The Irish In Australia, Ch 12, 1887. Outlines a Catholic Orangemen riot in Melbourne.

http:// Edmund Campion examines Australia’s sectarian histories Program transcript The Religion Report Radio National Sept.2003 on sectarianism in Australian political history. Anne Henderson’s Feature articles. Deals with sectarianism in 1920s) The Age 13 January 2003

Daily Telegraph 9 May 1918

Our First Republicans; Selected Writings of Lang, 1840-1860, Harpur & Deniehy, The Federation Press, 1998. Statement by Methodist Minister on J.J. Jarman: conscientious objector 1916 Radio National: Discussion on sectarian issues.

Catholics and Communism

Public Morality

http://john.curtin.edauu./letters/index.html Letters to and from the Prime Minister John Curtin concerning issues of public morality i.e. early closing of hotels.

Education An essay on the history of education in Australia An historical overview of education

Social Welfare History of the work of the Salvation Army

Outback Resources relating to the Bush Church Aid Society The history of Islam in outback Australia

Radio National Religion and Ethics

Often broadcasts programs that can be incorporated into many aspects of the study of religion.