Punjab SKills Development Fund /
Technical Proposal /
Name of Organisation
Name of Trade/Course
Date of Submission
It is mandatory for training service providers to use format provided by PSDF for preparation of the Technical Proposal. Proposalsthat do not comply with PSDF instructions will stand rejected. If any required information is found missing in the forms or written elsewhere, no credit will be given while evaluating the relevant section. Proposalsnot signed by Head of Organisation or authorized person will be rejected. In case of consortium, signatures of consortium partner are also essentially required at the specified place. Training service providers will not be allowed to submit missing documents after closing date.


[Firm letterhead]


Convener Bid Evaluation Committee Skills for Job 2015

Punjab Skills Development Fund,

House No. 125 Abu Bakar Block,

New Garden Town,


Tel No: 042-35857780-81,

Subject:Technical Proposal in Response to Letter of Invitation No. [Insert number & date]

Dear Sir,

Weoffer to provide the Services for “Skills for Job 2015: [Insert Trade Name]” in accordance with your Request for Proposal and Terms of Reference. We hereby submit our Technical Proposal including the required documents in a sealed envelope. Weare submitting this Proposal as a single firm / in association with: [Insert a list with full name and address of each associated entity if applicable].

We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Proposal are true and accept that any misinterpretation contained therein may lead to our disqualification. If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, indicated in the Data Sheet, we undertake to negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff and facilities. Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to the modifications resulting from Agreement negotiations.

We undertake that we will initiate the services as per the date mentioned in the Data Sheet if our proposal is accepted. We understand you are not bound to accept any or all Proposals you receive.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


Name and Title of Signatory:

Enclosures:Parts A-E & Annexures as prescribed by PSDF


The Information Required for Technical Proposal Comprises of
PART A: / Information about Organisation and Consortium
(Note: This part must be same for proposals of all the trades)
PART B: / Training Delivery Capacity, Quality and Past Experience / Max Score: 70
PART C: / Implementation Team & Experience / Max Score: 30
PART D: / Declaration
PART E: / Check List
Annexure B: / CV Format
Annexure C: / Letter of Association Format
Annexure D: / List of Tools & Equipment
All parts are to be filled in using the attached Forms.


Information about Organisation and Consortium

Please provide information about your organisation/consortium using the following form.

Code / Required Information / Response
TA1 / Legal Name of Organisation
TA2 / Address
Telephone Number
Name of Consortium Partner, if any
Lead organisation plus maximum of one organisation as consortium partner is allowed. In case a consortium partner is a group of Colleges/Institutes, it must be established that the group is a legal entity and all the Colleges/Institutes are owned by that legal entity. Franchises / Sub campuses will be regarded as separate entities.Consortium partner should be as mentioned in EOI. (Consortium letter must be provided on the format prescribed in AnnexureC).
TA3 / Name of Head of Organisation/Lead Organisation
TA4 / Address of Organisation/ Lead Organisation
TA5 / Name of Contact Person[1]



TB1.In case testing and certification is to be done by Punjab Board of Technical Education(PBTE).

Name of Course /Trade
(Refer to Annexure A)
Duration (in months)
(Refer to Annexure A)
Curriculum Source
(Refer to Annexure A)

TB 2. In case and testing and certification is to be done by any national testing and certification authority other than PBTE.

Name of Course /Trade
Duration (in months)
Curriculum Source
Testing & Certification Body

TB 3. In case testing and certification is to be done by any international testing and certification body.

Name of Course /Trade
(Which will appear on Certificate to be awarded)
Course Code (If any)
Level of Course (If any)
Duration (in months)
Guided Learning Hours in case of City & Guilds Qualification (Please also attach detailed module-wise Guided Learning Hours in a separate sheet)
Curriculum Source
Testing & Certification Body

Note: Skill Proficiency Award and Level 1 Certificate courses of City & Guilds should not be proposed.


Please tell us about the number of persons that are proposed to be trained.

No. of Students per
(Cannot be more than 25) / Number of Classes Per
Batch / Number of Batches / Total Trainees
(S) / (C)1 / (B)[2] / B XC X S


Please tell us about all of the traininginstitutes/locations where the training will be delivered. PSDF team may visit the locations to assess training delivery capacity and will score accordingly.You are requested to provide informationabout training institute/ location addresses and contact numbers in sufficient detail so that PSDF team may reach the site conveniently and without any guidance. Please use separate table for each traininginstitute / location. If locations are more than one, add tables accordingly.

Training Institute / Location I

Name of Institute
Address (Street, City, & Telephone Number) of Training Institute / Location
Who will deliver training?
(Lead Organisation or Consortium Partner) / Lead Organisation
Consortium Partner
Proposed Number of Trainees per Class
Proposed Number of Classes per batch in the proposed training institute / location
Number of Batches
Are trainers for theoretical andpractical training available in the institute for the proposed trade / course or will be appointed after award of contract? / ☐Yes
☐No, will be appointed after award of contract
If yes, provide CVs on the attached format (Annexure B-1)
Availability of the required machinery, equipment, tools, furniture etc. for the proposed trade / course with reference to the list provided in the curriculum / ☐Fully equipped workshop/lab available
☐Partially equipped workshop / lab available
☐Workshop / lab will be established after award of contract
Provide the details of items available in the above proposed institute / location with reference to the required itemsand facilities for the trade mentioned in curriculumas per format provided at Annexure D
PSDF may check the availability ofitems during evaluation / training location visits / ☐List attached
☐List not attached

Note: If training locations are more than one, provide the information as per above table for each training location mentioning

Training Location II

Training Location III


Provide oneexample ofrelevantpast experience for the training delivery of your organisationand/orconsortium partner, whosoever will implement this course.Service Providers who have already worked with PSDF will quote their experience with PSDF relevant to the proposed course/ trade.

Name of Trade/Course
Name of Training Provider
(Lead Organisation or proposed Consortium Partner)
Duration of Training
(in months)
Was the training one-time or is being conducted on a continuous basis? (Attach documentary evidence for the claimed experience) / One time, if so then in what year? ______
Continuous basis. If so in which year was training started? ______
Total Number of Persons Trained
Location of Training
Client/Donor (if sponsored)
Was the training certified? If yes, mention the name of certifying authority
Mention names of two employers, who have employed your trained persons for the above mentioned course?
Name of Organisation / Name of Contact Person / Address / Mobile Number
Mention names of two trainees who got the employment after completion of above mentioned training. (These two trained persons should be other than thoseemployed by above mentioned employers)
Name of Person / Name of Organisation / Address / Mobile Number


Did you use any training manual for the delivery of training which you have mentioned inTB6?If Yes, please attach the copy of training manual used in the delivery of training. / Yes
Did you develop that training manual? / Yes
If No, mention the source of the training manual and provide a copy of training manual used in the delivery of training


How will you place the trainees for “On Job Training” after completion of Institutional Training Part?(Please explain your methodology in not more than 250 words) / ☐Methodology Attached
☐Methodology Not Attached


Implementation Team

PSDF expects that the Service Providerhas adequately qualified and competent personnel available for following tasksin connection with effective implementation of this project:

Overall Responsibility of Project: The designate person will be overall responsible for implementation of project. He/she will be the focal and contact person for PSDF.

Reporting:The designate person will be responsible for maintenance of training related records and reporting to PSDF as per requirements of monitoring guidelines on prescribed formats.

Internal Monitoring:The designate person will be responsible for ensuring that training is delivered as per the agreement with PSDF without compromising on the agreed standards. He/she will also be responsible for ensuring timely and effective implementation of training curricula.

Marketing/Mobilization:The designate person will be responsible for publicity of training program for admission and selection of trainees.

Accounting:The designate person will be responsible for invoicing, maintenance of accounts, receipts and disbursements and other financial matters related to this project.

Placement: The designate person will be responsible for developing a network with the industry for placement of the trainee for On Job Training and Permanent Placement.

Hostel Warden: For providers claiming Boarding and Lodging (only those who arrange training outside the target districts), a full time warden shall be appointed at the hostel facilities who shall be responsible for ensuring safety and well-being of the trainees and forenforcingdiscipline.

Note: One person can be assigned for more than one of the above mentioned tasks as deemed effective but the total number of required persons will depend upon the number of trainees and training locations.

Please provide CVs of members of Implementation Teamwho will be responsible for implementation of PSDF’sprojectusing the following form. Use separate form (refer to Annexure B-2)to provide the information for each memberofImplementation Team and get it signed by the respective person (Mandatory). CVs not signed by the respective person will NOT be considered for evaluation purposes.



Lead Organisation:

I,(Please click here and type Name), hereby certify that:

  • The information provided in this proposal is factually correct in all material respects
  • I am duly authorised by the Competent Authority of the organisationto submit this proposal on behalf of "[Click here and type the name of organization]"

Contact Numbers
Email address

Consortium Partner:

I,(click here and type Name), hereby certify that:

  • The information provided in this document relating to the consortium partner is factually correct in all material respects
  • I am duly authorized to submit this application on behalf of "[Click here and type the name of organization]"

Contact Numbers
Email address

Part E


Please check that you have enclosed the following

No / Required Documents / Reference / Mark ‘X’
1 / In case of consortium, Letter of Association duly signed by each member of the consortium / TA2Annexure-C
2 / CVs of Trainers / TB5Annexure B-1
3 / List/s of available itemsat the training institute with reference to the required equipment / TB5 Annexure-D
4 / Documentary Evidence for claimed Experience of Training Delivery in the Past / TB6
5 / Copy of Training Manual (if applicable) / TB7
6 / On Job Training Methodology / TB 8
7 / CVs of Implementation Team / Annexure B-2
8 / Declaration signed by Head of Organisation/Authorised Person / Part D




[Firm letterhead]


Convener Bid Evaluation CommitteeSkills for Job 2015

Punjab Skills Development Fund,

House No. 125 Abu Bakar Block,

New Garden Town,


Tel No: 042-35857780-81,

Subject:Financial Proposal in Response to Letter of Invitation No. [Insert number] in respect of Skills for Job 2015: [Insert TradeName]

Dear Sir,

We offer to provide the services under Skills for Job 2015: [insert trade name]in accordance with your Request for Proposal and ourTechnical Proposal. Our attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of [Insert amount(s) in words and figures], including all applicable taxes.

Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from Agreement negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i.e. before the date indicated in the Data Sheet. No commissions or gratuities have been or are to be paid by us to agents relating to this Proposal and Agreement execution. We understand you are not bound to accept any or all Proposals you receive.

We remain,

Yours sincerely,


Name and Title of Signatory:

Financial Proposal

Code / Required Information / Response
FA1 / Name of Trade / Course
FA2 / Bidding Cost(per traineeper month) (In Figures)
Exclusive of all applicable taxes
FA3 / Bidding Cost(per trainee per month) (In Words)
Exclusive of all applicable taxes
FA4 / Is your organisation Tax Exempted (Yes/No)?
FA5 / If answer to FA4 is Yes, attach valid tax exemption certificate issued by FBR.
FA6 / If answer to FA4 is No, then mention all applicable taxes and their rates
FA7 / Bidding Cost( per trainee per month)(In Figures)
Inclusive of Taxes
FA8 / Bidding Cost ( per trainee per month) (In Words)
Inclusive of Taxes

Important: The Financial Bids should cover all the costs which will arise for PSDF's project other than the costs of Stipend, Uniform & Bags, and Testing Fee (which will be paid separately to Training Service Provider). Service Provider should quote the cost while keeping in consideration the terms of reference for this Product provided in the RFP document. PSDF assumes that service provider has performed all the necessary working while calculating the costs and the figures quoted here are the outcome of intensive internal working keeping in view all the aspects of this project. Figures quoted in this proposal are considered final from the service provider and no revision will be allowed except at the discretion of PSDF.

In case of consortium, this page must be signed by the head of the consortium partner also.

Lead Organisation / Consortium Partner
Signature / Signature
Name / Name
Designation / Designation
Date / Date

Kindly provide the break-up of cost of training for the following heads exclusive of all applicabletaxes.

Code / Required Information / Cost (PKR)
FB1 / Project Management Cost per trainee per month including Remuneration, Utilities, Rent of project offices, Traveling and other costs (per trainee per month)
FB2 / Training Premises Management cost (per trainee per month)
FB3 / Trainer(s) Cost(per trainee per month)
FB4 / Books/Manuals and Stationery (per Trainee per month)
FB5 / Consumables (per Trainee per month)
FB6 / Utilities Cost of Training Premises (per trainee per month)
FB7 / Other Costs(Please specify)(Per trainee per month)
(Sum of FB1 to FB7) / Total Cost (per trainee per month)
Total cost per trainee per month (FB8) should be equal to per trainee per month cost quoted in FA2 and FA3.

In case of consortium, this page must be signed by the head of the consortium partner also.

Lead Organisation / Consortium Partner
Signature / Signature
Name / Name
Designation / Designation
Date / Date


Annexure A: List of Trades/Courses under SFJ 2015 Scheme

Serial No. / Trades / Courses / Duration of training (Months) / Source of Curriculum
3 / 6 / 12 / 3 / 6 / 12
Land Resource Survey & GIS / 6 / NAVTTC
Surface Mining / 6 / NAVTTC
Underground Mining / 6 / NAVTTC
Solar Water Heating System / 3 / TUSDEC/NAVTTC
Solar Photovoltaic Training / 3 / TUSDEC/NAVTTC
Wood Working and Furniture Making
Machine Process for Wood / 6 / TEVTA
Wood Painting and Polishing / 6 / NAVTTC
Wood Carving / 12 / NAVTTC
Wood Craftsmanship / 12 / NAVTTC
Carpenter / 3 / TEVTA
Building Carpentry / 12 / NAVTTC
Advance Dress Designing and Making / 12 / TECTA
Fashion Designing / 6 / NAVTTC
Industrial Stitching Machine Operator / 3 / TEVTA
Stitching Machine Mechanic / 6 / NAVTTC
CAD/CAM Computerized Pattern Designing / 6 / NAVTTC
Pattern Drafting and Grading / 6 / NAVTTC
Fabric Inspector / 3 / TEVTA
Basic Architecture Drafting/Auto CAD / 12 / NAVTTC
Aluminium Fabricator / 6 / NAVTTC
Civil Draftsman Auto CAD / 6 / TEVTA
Quantity Surveyor / 6 / TEVTA
Safety Inspector / 3 / TEVTA
Mason / 3 / 6 / TEVTA / TEVTA
Building Painter / 3 / TEVTA
Steel Fixer / 3 / TEVTA
Scaffolding / 3 / TEVTA
Construction Machinery Operator / 3 / ILO
Shuttering Carpenter / 3 / TEVTA
Plumber / 6 / TEVTA
Rigger / 3 / TEVTA
Civil Surveyor / 12 / NAVTTC
Restaurant Manager / 6 / NAVTTC
Advance Food Production / 6 / NAVTTC
Basic Housekeeping / 6 / NAVTTC
Bakery & pastry / 6 / NAVTTC
Cook / 3 / 6 / TEVTA / NAVTTC
Receptionist / 6 / NAVTTC
Chef / 3 / TEVTA
Food and Beverage Management / 6 / NAVTTC
Light Engineering
CNC Machine Operator / 3 / 6 / TEVTA / TEVTA
Fitter General / 6 / TEVTA / NAVTTC
Machinist / 6 / 12 / TEVTA / TEVTA
Milling Machine Operator / 3 / TEVTA
Turner (Lathe Machine Operator) / 3 / TEVTA
Pipe & Plate Fabricator / 3 / TEVTA
Pipe & Structure Fabricator / 3 / TEVTA
Welding / 6 / NAVTTC
Welder (SMAW,MAG,MIG & SAW) / 6 / NAVTTC
Welder / Construction Fabricator / 3 / TEVTA
Welder(Gas & TIG ) / 6 / NAVTTC
Multi Welder 3G SMAW+6GGTAW / 6 / NAVTTC
Applied Instrumentation & Control Automation / 12 / TEVTA
Auto Mechanic ( Petrol ) / 6 / TEVTA
Auto Mechanic (Diesel) / 6 / TEVTA
Tractor Mechanic / 6 / TEVTA
Auto Electrician / 6 / NAVTTC
Motorcycle Mechanic / 6 / NAVTTC
Rickshaw Mechanic / 6 / NAVTTC
LTV Driving / 3 / National Highway Code
HTV Driving / 3 / National Highway Code
Electric Wiring / 3 / TEVTA
Electrician / 6 / TEVTA
Motor Winder / 6 / TEVTA
Home Appliances Repair / 6 / TEVTA
PLC (Programmable Logical Control) / 3 / TEVTA
Electronic Equipment Repair / 6 / TEVTA
Industrial Electronics / 12 / TEVTA
Instrument Technician / 3 / TEVTA
Industrial Electrician / 3 / TEVTA
Computerized Accounting / 3 / TEVTA
Secretarial Studies / 3 / TEVTA
Beautician / 3 / 6 / TEVTA / TEVTA / Only for residents of Khanewal, Vehari, and Rahim Yar Khan districts
Pottery and Ceramics
Art and Design with Specialization in Blue Pottery / 6 / TEVTA
Mould Making & Casting in Ceramics / 3 / TEVTA
Fiber Optic Technician / 3 / NTB
Fiber Optic System Technician / 6 / NTB
Telecommunication Technician / 6 / NTB
Microwave Professional / 6 / NTB
Microwave Technician / 3 / NTB
Training of Special Persons