- Personal Details
1.1.Parent’s Name -
1.2.Contact Number –
1.3.E-mail –
1.4.Child’s Name –
1.5.Class & Section -
1.6.Name of your child’s Classteacher-
2.Academic&Infrastucture Details
(Please tick on anyone of the options) / (A)
Outstanding / (B)
Good / (C)
Average / (D)
Needs Improvement / (E)
if any
2.1. Attitude of the
Administrative Officers
2.2. Attitude of the
Supervisory Heads
2.3. Cleanliness of the
2.4. Classroom Teaching
& Learning Process
2.5. Laboratory Facilities
2.6. Sports Facility
2.7. Quality of Transport
2.8. Quality of Canteen
2.9. Picnic & other
recreational facilities
2.10. Discipline
2.11. Infrastructure
3.Classroom Teaching
(Please tick on any one of the options) / (A)
Yes / (B)
No / (C)
if any
3.1. Whether attitude of the
Teachers concerned
towards yourchild is positive?
3.2.Is your child satisfied
with the classroom teaching
of his/her teachers?
child to clear his/her doubts?
3.4.Do the teachers concerned give assignments to your child
and discuss the same?
3.5 Are the teachers solving atleast
30-40 problems per week in the class in their respectivesubjects?
3.6 Whether the syllabus supplied
to your child is covered on time ?
3.5.Have your child evercomplained about any teacher(s) to you? If yes, please specify in column-“C”
3.6. Is your child eager to
attend the school regularly
and work hard to learn?If No, please specify the reason
4.Child’s Detail-(Answer briefly)
4.1. At what time your child leaves the bed in morning and goes to bed at night?
4.2. Out of 18 hours of stay with parents how much time he/she spends :-
(a) In Study-
(b) In Recreation-
4.3. How much times your child takes to complete his/her assignments?
4.4.How much times your child devotes in his/her self study?
4.5. How much time do you (either father or mother) spend with your child during his/her studies regularly?
4.6. Do your child report you about the teaching & learning in the school daily?
4.7 Do your child report you all the marks which he/she has scored in all the examinations?
4.8. Is your child regular/punctual in showing you the diary/notices issued by the school?
5.Child’s Development-After your child’s joining in this school did you find any improvement in
(Please tick on any one of the options) / (A)
Yes / (B)
5.1. Communication Skill
5.2Social etiquettes
5.3 Behavior & Conduct
5.4 Ethical Values & Moral
5.5 Time Management
6. Any other suggestion/ observation/comment/feedback:-
a. Please be honest and unbiased in your response.
b. Details of students & parents will be kept confidential.
c. You are welcome to give your valuable feedback on our Email-id:for the larger interest of the student community..