Healthy Youth Survey 2010
Survey Results

Cascade High School (Everett School District)

Grade 12

RMC Research Corporation

111 SW Columbia Street, Suite 1200

Portland, OR 97201

March 2011

Healthy Youth Survey 2010 Survey Results 49 RMC Research Corporation¨Portland, OR
See page 1 for a key to the notes (A, B (NS), C)


Introduction and Overview 1

Key to the Notes 1

Highlights of the Local Results 2

Selected Results by Gender 3

General Information (Items1–14) 4

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug (ATOD) Use 6

Lifetime Use (Items15–23) 6

30-Day Use (Items24–33) 7

Other Tobacco-Related Questions (Items34–49) 9

Other Alcohol- and Drug-Related Questions (Items50–62) 11

Other Health Concerns 14

Nutrition and Fitness (Items63–78) 14

Health Conditions and Health Care (Items79–88) 17

Sexual Behavior (Items89–92) 19

Safety (Items93–99) 19

Behaviors Related to Intentional Injuries (Items100–109) 20

Depression (Items110–119) 21

Gambling (Items120–121) 23

School Climate (Items122–135) 23

Quality of Life (Items136–146) 25

Risk and Protective Factors 28

Risk and Protective Factor Framework and Reporting Schedule 29

Risk and Protective Factor Scale Results 30

Graph of Scale Results 32

Risk and Protective Factors: Individual Item Results 33

Community Domain (Items147–167) 33

Family Domain (Items168–185) 35

School Domain (Items186–203) 38

Peer and Individual Domain (Items204–256) 41

List of Core Items 50

Item Index 50

Healthy Youth Survey 2010
Survey Results

Cascade High School (Everett School District), Grade 12

Number of students surveyed: 313
Number of valid responses: 306
Estimate of enrolled students:* 376
Survey participation rate:** 81%

Introduction and Overview

The impact of adolescent health risk behaviors remains a primary concern of citizens throughout the country. Many health problems experienced by adolescents are caused by a very few preventable behaviors. Patterns of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) use and related risk behaviors are often formed during adolescence. These patterns play an important role in health throughout adulthood.

This report presents results from the fall 2010 Healthy Youth Survey in Washington State. This survey was sponsored by the Department of Health (DOH), the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Department of Social and Health Services, the Department of Commerce, the Family Policy Council and the Liquor Control Board in cooperation with schools throughout the state of Washington.

For each item, local results appear in the first two columns and statewide results appear in the second two columns. The number of valid responses (“n”) appears in parentheses for each item. Survey items covering the same topics are grouped together (the item numbering is specific to this report and does not necessarily reflect the item order on the actual survey). The bulleted points and graphs included at the beginning of this report highlight selected findings. Additional information may be found in the Interpretive Guide posted to the Healthy Youth Survey web site (

Survey participation rates can be found on the Healthy Youth Survey web site. The following guidance from DOH may be used when reviewing your results. However, if a particular group(s) of students did not complete the survey and therefore did not contribute to your results, there may be limitations to your results even if you have a high participation rate (i.e., if differences exist between students who did and who did not complete the survey). There may be value in discussing the potential limitations when using the results in this report.

·  70% or greater participation–Results are probably representative of students in this grade.

·  40–69% participation–Results may be representative of students in this grade.

·  Less than 40% participation–Results are likely not representative of students in this grade but do reflect students who completed the survey.

Key to the Notes

The survey was administered in 4 versions: FormsA andB (or alternate Form NS, identical to Form B but without the sexual behavior questions) were administered to students in Grades8,10, and12. Forms A and B (or NS) contained a core set of common items (see “List of Core Items” on the last page of this report) and additional items unique to each form. FormC was administered to students in Grade6. This form consisted primarily of items drawn from FormsA andB but also included some unique items. Several items on each form were optional at the discretion of the school; schools that did not administer the optional items tore off the last page of the survey booklet. The following notes are used throughout this report to document the differences between the items on different versions and indicate the optional items:

A=wording on FormA

B=wording on FormB (and NS)

C=wording on FormC

†=optional item

* Estimate of enrolled students based on figures from the2008–2009 school year, provided by OSPI (or later if school not in 2008 enrollment file).

** Participation rate=valid responses ÷ enrolled students (may be >100% if enrollment greater in 2010 than 2008).

Cascade High School (Everett School District) Grade 12

Highlights of the Local Results

Your students and students statewide reported the following behaviors and attitudes:

Your students / Statewide
§  Smoking cigarettes in the past 30 days (see item24). / 17.9% / (± 4.3%) / 19.1% / (± 2.4%)
§  Drinking alcohol in the past 30 days (see item28). / 35.3 / (± 5.4) / 39.9 / (± 2.1)
§  Using marijuana or hashish in the past 30 days (see item29). / 28.1 / (± 5.1) / 26.2 / (± 1.9)
§  Drinking five or more drinks in a row in the past 2 weeks (see item55). / 20.1 / (± 4.5) / 24.9 / (± 2.1)
§  Carrying a weapon at school in the past 30 days (see item102). / 6.9 / (± 2.8) / 7.2 / (± 1.1)
§  Being bullied in the past 30 days (see item122). / 15.6 / (± 4.1) / 17.2 / (± 1.1)
§  Enjoyed being in school over the past year (see item191). / 42.0 / (± 5.6) / 41.7 / (± 2.0)
§  Feeling safe at school (see item202). / 86.9 / (± 3.8) / 88.1 / (± 1.6)

Cascade High School (Everett School District) Grade 12

Selected Results by Gender

Selected items are presented by gender to highlight any differences between females and males. The p-values reported after each item can be used to examine whether differences in the local data between females and males are statistically significant. A p-value of less than .05 means, for the local results, there is a significant difference between females and males (i.e., the probability that the difference occurred by chance is less than 5%). To ensure student anonymity, local results are suppressed for each item on this page if any cell (e.g., females who reported smoking) represented fewer than 10 students.

During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes? (See item24.) / Local
(n=300) / State
Female / Male / Female / Male
None / 81.9% / 82.7% / 83.9% / 78.0%
1 or more / 18.1 / 17.3 / 16.1 / 22.0

Note. p=.865 from a chi-square test.

During the past 30 days, on how many days did you drink a glass, can or bottle of alcohol (beer, wine, wine coolers, hard liquor)? (See item28.) / Local
(n=301) / State
Female / Male / Female / Male
None / 65.5% / 64.1% / 61.7% / 58.6%
1 or more / 34.5 / 35.9 / 38.3 / 41.4

Note. p=.797 from a chi-square test.

Think back over the last 2 weeks. How many times have you had five or more drinks in a row? (A drink is a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, a shot glass of liquor, or a mixed drink.) (See item55.) / Local
(n=301) / State
Female / Male / Female / Male
None / 82.1% / 78.2% / 78.8% / 71.5%
Once or more / 17.9 / 21.8 / 21.2 / 28.5

Note. p=.401 from a chi-square test.

During the past l2 months, did you ever feel so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that you stopped doing some usual activities? (See item110.) / Local
(n=297) / State
Female / Male / Female / Male
No / 66.4% / 69.5% / 66.8% / 76.4%
Yes / 33.6 / 30.5 / 33.2 / 23.6

Note. p=.574 from a chi-square test.

In the last 30 days, how often have you been bullied?
(See item122.) / Local
(n=299) / State
Female / Male / Female / Male
I have not been bullied / 82.1% / 87.7% / 81.4% / 84.2%
Once or more / 17.9 / 12.3 / 18.6 / 15.8

Note. p=.178 from a chi-square test.

I feel safe at my school. (See item202.) / Local
(n=303) / State
Female / Male / Female / Male
No / 10.3% / 14.6% / 9.8% / 13.9%
Yes / 89.7 / 85.4 / 90.3 / 86.1

Note. p=.266 from a chi-square test.

Cascade High School (Everett School District) Grade 12

General Information

1. How old are you? / Local
(n=305) / State
a. 12 or younger / 0.3% / (± 0.6%) / 0.2% / (± 0.1%)
b. 13 / 0.0 / (± 0.0) / 0.0 / (± 0.0)
c. 14 / 0.0 / (± 0.0) / 0.0 / (± 0.0)
d. 15 / 0.0 / (± 0.0) / 0.2 / (± 0.1)
e. 16 / 1.3 / (± 1.3) / 1.5 / (± 0.3)
f. 17 / 74.4 / (± 4.9) / 70.3 / (± 2.2)
g. 18 / 23.0 / (± 4.7) / 25.6 / (± 1.6)
h. 19 or older / 1.0 / (± 1.1) / 2.3 / (± 0.8)

[Item2 appears only on the elementary version of the survey.]

3. Are you: / Local
(n=304) / State
a. Female / 47.7% / (± 5.6%) / 49.1% / (± 1.9%)
b. Male / 52.3 / (± 5.6) / 51.0 / (± 1.9)
4. How do you describe yourself? (Select one or more responses.) / Local
(n=305) / State
a. American Indian or Alaskan Native / 12.1% / (± 3.7%) / 8.1% / (± 2.8%)
b. Asian or Asian American / 0.3 / (± 0.6) / 1.7 / (± 0.4)
c. Black or African-American / 5.6 / (± 2.6) / 3.7 / (± 0.8)
d. Hispanic or Latino/Latina / 8.2 / (± 3.1) / 12.2 / (± 4.7)
e. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander / 2.0 / (± 1.6) / 2.0 / (± 0.7)
f. White or Caucasian / 63.9 / (± 5.4) / 62.3 / (± 5.5)
g. Other / 3.9 / (± 2.2) / 4.5 / (± 0.9)
More than one race/ethnicity marked / 3.9 / (± 2.2) / 5.6 / (± 0.7)
5. What language is usually spoken at home? / Local
(n=298) / State
a. English / 75.2% / (± 4.9%) / 82.2% / (± 3.5%)
b. Spanish / 7.7 / (± 3.0) / 8.3 / (± 3.2)
c. Russian / 2.0 / (± 1.6) / 0.8 / (± 0.3)
d. Ukrainian / 1.3 / (± 1.3) / 0.5 / (± 0.2)
e. Vietnamese / 5.0 / (± 2.5) / 1.2 / (± 0.5)
f. Chinese / 0.0 / (± 0.0) / 1.2 / (± 0.5)
g. Korean / 0.7 / (± 0.9) / 1.4 / (± 0.7)
h. Japanese / 0.0 / (± 0.0) / 0.3 / (± 0.1)
i. Other / 8.1 / (± 3.1) / 4.2 / (± 1.2)

[Item6 appears only on the elementary version of the survey.]

7. How far did your mother get in school? / Local
(n=301) / State
a. Did not finish high school / 16.6% / (± 4.2%) / 11.9% / (± 2.7%)
b. Graduated from high school or GED / 25.9 / (± 5.0) / 22.4 / (± 2.3)
c. Had some college or technical training after high school / 27.6 / (± 5.1) / 26.4 / (± 1.6)
d. Graduated from a 4-year college / 13.3 / (± 3.8) / 20.5 / (± 3.5)
e. Earned an advanced graduate degree / 7.0 / (± 2.9) / 9.7 / (± 1.8)
f. Don’t know / 8.3 / (± 3.1) / 6.6 / (± 0.8)
g. Does not apply / 1.3 / (± 1.3) / 2.5 / (± 0.6)

Cascade High School (Everett School District) Grade 12

8. How far did your father get in school? / Local
(n=298) / State
a. Did not finish high school / 14.4% / (± 4.0%) / 12.7% / (± 2.6%)
b. Graduated from high school or GED / 25.2 / (± 4.9) / 21.5 / (± 2.1)
c. Had some college or technical training after high school / 24.5 / (± 4.9) / 20.8 / (± 1.5)
d. Graduated from a 4-year college / 11.7 / (± 3.7) / 18.3 / (± 2.8)
e. Earned an advanced graduate degree / 9.1 / (± 3.3) / 13.6 / (± 3.0)
f. Don’t know / 11.4 / (± 3.6) / 9.8 / (± 1.0)
g. Does not apply / 3.7 / (± 2.1) / 3.4 / (± 0.6)
9. How many hours per week are you currently working for pay, NOT counting chores around your home, yard work, or babysitting? / Local
(n=149) / State
a. None, not currently working / 71.8% / (± 7.2%) / 63.3% / (± 2.6%)
b. 10 hours or less a week / 10.7 / (± 5.0) / 18.0 / (± 2.0)
c. 11-30 hours a week / 16.1 / (± 5.9) / 15.8 / (± 1.6)
d. 31–40 hours a week / 1.3 / (± 1.8) / 2.0 / (± 0.7)
e. More than 40 hours a week / 0.0 / (± 0.0) / 0.9 / (± 0.3)
10. Not counting chores around your home, while working for pay, have you ever been injured badly enough that you needed to go to a nurse, doctor, or hospital? / Local
(n=148) / State
a. Never worked for pay / 54.7% / (± 8.0%) / 39.8% / (± 3.1%)
b. Have worked, but never injured enough to see nurse or doctor / 41.9 / (± 8.0) / 57.3 / (± 2.8)
c. Yes, I was injured at work and needed to go to a nurse, doctor or hospital / 3.4 / (± 2.9) / 2.9 / (± 0.6)
11. How would you describe the type of place that you currently work? (Pick your main job. Choose one.) / Local
(n = 148) / State
(n = 2,977)
a. Not currently working / 67.6% / (± 7.5%) / 58.9% / (± 2.6%)
b. Restaurant (including fast food) / 6.8 / (± 4.0) / 11.3 / (± 1.4)
c. Store (including grocery, convenience, clothing, music, or gift stores, gas station) / 8.1 / (± 4.4) / 6.8 / (± 1.2)
d. Hospital, clinic, or nursing home / 2.7 / (± 2.6) / 1.2 / (± 0.4)
e. Construction / 0.0 / (± 0.0) / 1.8 / (± 0.6)
f. Farm or dairy / 1.4 / (± 1.9) / 1.4 / (± 0.6)
g. Factory / 0.0 / (± 0.0) / 0.4 / (± 0.3)
h. Packing house or food processing / 0.0 / (± 0.0) / 0.3 / (± 0.2)
i. Babysitting / 2.7 / (± 2.6) / 2.6 / (± 0.9)
j. Yard work / 1.4 / (± 1.9) / 1.9 / (± 0.6)
k. Other / 9.5 / (± 4.7) / 13.4 / (± 2.0)
12. On an average school night, how many hours do you sleep? / Local
(n = 148) / State
(n = 2,972)
a. 5 hours or less / 22.3% / (± 6.7%) / 14.9% / (± 1.5%)
b. About 6 hours / 39.2 / (± 7.9) / 27.1 / (± 1.4)
c. About 7 hours / 17.6 / (± 6.1) / 33.7 / (± 1.8)
d. About 8 hours / 16.9 / (± 6.0) / 20.2 / (± 2.0)
e. 9 hours or more / 4.1 / (± 3.2) / 4.0 / (± 0.9)

Cascade High School (Everett School District) Grade 12