MSUAASF State Board Meeting Minutes
January 21-22, 2016
St. Cloud State University Welcome Center
Attending: Jim Anderson, Tracy Rahim, Barb Oertel, Maureen Acosta, Jean Clarke, Sue Bayerl, Heather Soliem, Stephanie Bard, Eduardo Gutierrez, Janet Haak, Shirley Murray, Mike Sharp, Mike Penrod (Thursday), Tim Alcorn, Rich Wheeler, Owen Zimpel (Friday).
Thursday, January 21, 12:30 pm-5:00 pm
Officer Reports
President’s Report (Jim Anderson)
These past few months I have been heavily involved in Charting the Future coordinating committee work, and with visiting with members at Southwest Minnesota State and MSU Mankato. One common statement I heard from our members at those two campuses is that their work responsibilities are growing with not necessarily the same amount of resources needed to do their increased workloads. I think this is an issue we will continue to need to address with management in negotiations, and at the local level. At the Board of Trustees meeting in November I met with the presidents of IFO, MSCF, AFSCME, and MAPE and this meeting was productive. The board continues to be focused on CTF progress.
Our MSUAASF financial planning workgroup met in early January and we will be having a discussion under old business about how to handle a 30 percent reduction in our budget in case of a bad ruling in the Friederichs decision. I also have visited with a few of our current board members about serving in the role of Grievance Officer in training under Rich Wheeler. I have this item under old business for us to discuss. We have set-up our meeting with Jim Jorstad and MnSCU HR to discuss the SEC position allocation process, and look at ways to make it more timely and work better. The meeting with management will be on April 7th.
Vice President (Eduardo Gutierrez)
Long Term Financial Sustainability
There have been 4 meeting of the Long Term Financial Sustainability Committee
We meet every mouth for a goal to be done with recommendations by June 2016.We are looking at the possibilities of shared space, curriculum and resources. Keeping in mind the changing student demographics.
Secretary’s Report (Shirley Murray) – submitted as separate document to the Board.
T. Rahim moved and J. Clarke second to approve secretary’s report. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report (Susan Bayerl)
1. Account Balance as of 10/25/2015: $40,713.87
Account Balance as of 01/21/2016: $55,101.93
2. Business Savings Account Balance 10/25/2015: $30,738.27
Business Savings Account Balance 01/21/2016: $30,742.92
3. Business Checking Account Balance 10/25/2015: $ 9,975.60
Business Checking Account Balance 01/21/2016: $24,359.01
a. Expenses reimbursed by Local 320
i. July 2015 Board meeting
ii. Parking related to Negotiations
4. Campus Maintenance FY 2016: List of full share members due March 15, 2016
a. Formula: (Full share X $12) + $100
5. Legal Counsel & CPA
a. Work completed with Legal counsel
b. CPA – need to submit form 990 for last 3 years
c. Discuss financial audits with Eric Baertch on Friday
6. Budget
FY 16 budget - $59575
President/VP $30000
Board Meeting $ 9000
Campus Maintenance $11000
Motion by M. Sharp, second by E. Gutierrez to approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried.
Grievance Officer: (Rich Wheeler)
A fair amount of issues have arisen about non-renewals, based on new language in the contract. We need to be sure our members understand the new contract language. Also there have been questions about grieving non-renewals – this is possible if the appropriate process was not followed (notification and timeline). This process can go beyond Step 3, but grievances disagreeing about non-renewal can only be grieved up to Step 3. An employee is probably not going to learn a lot of information about non-renewal. The only time a grievance was upheld dealt with potential discrimination, but this is extremely unlikely.
Another issue that has arisen is evaluation for possible re-classification. (General rule is a PD should be reviewed if it has changed over 25%). The contract doesn’t have a lot of timelines and delays have been of concern for members. We need to work with management to help influence being timely. Sometimes range reviews can result in a lower range. If that happens, there is grandparenting for 2 years, then it goes down. People can also be reassigned to another position within our bargaining unit. This can occur after a person takes a leave.
Question about appealing SEC decisions – timelines are given, but if a clear argument can be made, there may consideration given (especially if there is no incumbent who has received notice of the timeline).
Another thing that may happen again due to the financial situations on our campus is layoff. At our April meeting, we may need to review this process in anticipation of possible layoffs. Rich is also willing to come to campuses where this may be faced earlier than April. Rich will also send out documentation on this to our Board members.
Notification of change provision in our contract is 30 days. This provision needs to be followed by management.
Former state ASF treasurer Pam Ekstrom is on the vacation donation program. Please help pass this word on (flyer sent to Board) and consider donating.
Old Business
MSUAASF State Board Finances Task Force (30 percent reduction plan)
We have several questions to ask of Teamsters in terms of breakdown of where our money goes as well as questions about why we cannot receive more back. J. Anderson has requested a breakdown of where are funds go from Sami. (see below under Local 320 Update)
State Grievance Officer Transition Plan
There have been two people who have expressed interest in becoming state grievance officer after Rich retires; this is still open for others to express interest (State Presidents – please announce this opportunity to your members.) Action on this will be taken at April 2016 meeting. Training would begin in summer 2016, with final transition July 1, 2017. The new person should also be part of negotiations and go to the campus contract trainings that are upcoming. Maureen offered to share materials and information she has used, and others are encouraged to do that as well. We also have to address the expense of having a person “in training” and whether Teamsters will be cover this expense.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
We were told by MnSCU that they will give us an update, so this will be on M&C agenda for Feburary.
New Business
Social Media (Rich Wheeler)
We need to be aware that personal communications on social media cannot be clearly separated from work. We need to be cautious in our social media communications and remind our members about this. This is a possible topic for Professional Development Day next year (Linked In, etc.)
State Officer Elections and any constitutional changes (Rich Wheeler, Barb Oertel, Jay Lee)
In two weeks we need to have a proposed slate of officers. Please talk to the nominations committee about interest in running for state office.
MSUAASF Excellence Award Nomination (Mike Sharp)
Universities will be submitting nominations to the system office, and Mike and two other ASF representatives will be serving on the state committee. The ceremony will be modified this year based on feedback.
Academic Partnerships LLC (Shirley Murray)
Discussion held about potential relationships with private vendors and how these could impact our members. We want to stay aware of these proposed arrangements and how they could impact our contract and our membership.
Campus President’s Round Table Discussion-(facilitated by T. Rahim)
Topics of concern included: fixed term, policy changes, committee assignments, lay-offs, title changes, flex scheduling, unit classification, evaluation procedures, investigations, professional development and lateral moves.
Friday, January 22, 8:30-12:00 noon
Local 320 Report (Brian Aldes, Sami Grabriel)
Website – Teamsters does not have access to MSUAASF website. We can send things to Sami for the ASF dedicated page on the Teamsters 320 site. Jean Clarke is willing to do updates on our local site. Shirley Murray is also willing to post minutes if trained to do so.
Dues, Revenue, Money coming back to ASF –
Dues run about $42,000 per month ($502,000 annually). Bargaining unit size about 800. Local 320 covers cost of business agent, Rich’s time at 20%, support, legal, communications, lobbyists, hotels, meals, etc. (Direct reimburseables in 2015 = $47,000)
What is the formula that derives what we get back? It’s random and was updated once since its inception (update in 2012). Our dues do subsidize other groups. With the current formula, we can’t afford the release needed to do the business for ASF. We are asking for the release of our state President’s time (40%) to be paid by Local 320. Brian will take this proposal under consideration and said he would be able to respond after the Freidrich’s case is decided, so we look forward to that decision. We encourage the most transparency possible on the finances of Local 320 as it relates to our members.
Protecting our Union and Implications of Freidrich’s Case (handout provided)
Brian outlined the results of Right to Work in Wisconsin, not being able to bargain salaries, health care, etc. currently the Wisconsin governor is trying to get state-wide at-will status. Freidrich’s could end the requirement of fair share fees and the entire nation could become right to work. We expect that Local 320 will lose 17% revenue right away, and probably about 30% ongoing. We can protect ourselves through changing model to put more responsibility on stewards and members.
Members will be asked to complete new applications and maintenance of check-off, and an additional form with rating of interest in Teamsters (we will talk to Sami about a way to gather the electronic information without the additional form). The new membership form guarantees Teamsters can collect dues for up to one year if a current member become fair share.
Lobby Day – will be April 13. Details will be forthcoming.
Committee Reports
MSUAASF Committees:
Legislative (Mike Sharp)
Lobby Day participation is very important because of the supplemental request. It is April 13.
Membership (Janet Haak)
Janet is working on getting updated membership representative lists from campuses. Suggestion made that new membership form completion be presented and completed at membership meetings.
Nominations and Elections (Rich Wheeler, Jay Lee, Barb Oertel):
The Nominations and Elections Committee is now in the phase of the biennial election cycle where we are seeking candidates to serve in each of the 4 elected officer positions. All of the current officers are eligible to seek re-election, although prior to this meeting the current President and Vice President have notified the committee that they are not seeking re-election.
Per the Constitution, the committee is charged to find at least 2 candidates for of the offices. That has proven to be a very difficult task for the past few elections. That challenge is still being faced this year. The committee needs to get out a notice to all campus associations during the first week of February with a proposed slate of candidates and also information on the petition process.
The slate will be finalized after the petition process has concluded at the end of February. Ballots will be sent out to all of the full members by Teamsters Local #320 in March and will be due by a date to be selected at the end of March. The results of the election will be certified by the Board at our meeting in April 14.
Please let any of the committee members know if you have any members who you wish to nominate or may be interested. Likewise any questions on the officer duties or the process may also be directed to any of the committee members.
MnSCU Committees:
Branding Initiative (Tracy Rahim)
This project will be completed in June. The desire is to create a “brand” to appeal to all of MnSCU – focus is on MnSCU as accessible, affordable, talent-development, employee preparation, economic development; want something aspirational and not literal. Plan was to not change legal name, but add a branding name. Tracy sent a survey to gather our member opinions – most preferred to keep MnSCU. The second choice overall (from the committee) was Minnesota State. Tracy will keep us updated.
Policy (Barb Oertel, Linda Meidl, Sue Bayerl)
The Policy Council met on 11/19/15. We had a lengthy discussion about Policy 2.9, Academic Standing and Satisfactory Progress. Several members of the committee (including student reps) expressed concern about requiring all students (including part time and those not receiving aid) to meet completion standards. System staff reported that the CSAOs were in favor of current wording of policy, and presented (questionable) data to show that only very few students would be impacted. No general consensus to change policy but there was talk of adding some language to emphasize the ability to change procedures for certain target populations and/or make changes in the procedure. Policy went out for review with no change.
We reviewed Policy 3.30 which does not apply to universities, and continued discussion of merged policies 3.21.1 and 3.37.1 on transfer curriculum. These are not yet out for review. Review continues on 3/39, Transfer Student Rights and Responsibilities, and several changes have been made (see Shirley’s memo). Next Meeting is scheduled for January 28, 2016.