UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINE – Department of Engineering

EGN 402 Senior Design Project – Submission Form

1. Enrollment / 2. Presentation / 3. Instructor / 4. Student
5. Project Title / 6. Partner(s)
7. Project Phase (check one)
a. Pre-Proposal c. Progress Report e. Final Report
b. Proposal Application d. Presentation Application f. Other (specify)
8. Abstract
9. Investigation/Application of Engineering Standards
10. Realistic Constraints
11. Individual Contribution to the Product/Process Design, a.k.a. “Deliverables”
12. Checklist (check all that apply)
a. Budget c. Thinking Matters Abstract e. Other (specify)
b. Timeline (Gantt Chart) d. Thinking Matters Poster f. Other (specify)
13. Date Submitted / Student Signature / Instructor Signature
14. Review (for departmental use) / Approved
Revision Required

Updated 4/16/2015

Instructions for filling the EGN 402 Senior Design Project Submission Form

This form was designed to assist students and the faculty in carrying out the senior design project. The form may be filled electronically using Microsoft Word or equivalent. Both the electronic copy and a signed paper copy must be submitted for departmental review. Below is a description of each field that requires filling.

1.  Enter the semester of enrollment in EGN 402 (e.g. Summer 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014).

2.  Enter the presentation date (if known) or the semester. Presentations are typically scheduled for the group exam date of finals in the fall and spring semesters. Other and/or different dates may be scheduled as necessary. EGN 402 is typically a 1-semester experience, but special projects and/or circumstances may dictate that the presentation be held at a subsequent semester. Students who schedule the presentation for a later semester will receive an I (incomplete) grade at the end of their semester of enrollment, good for one additional semester. A final grade will be assigned after the presentation and submission of the final report.

3.  Enter the instructor who is supervising the project, as indicated in the section you are registered or will register for.

4.  Enter your name as the author of the project. In case of group projects, one form must be filled for every student.

5.  Enter the project title here.

6.  If the design is a group project, all partners must be listed, but one form must be submitted for every student member to indicate the student unique contributions to the overall project.

Fields 7-12 represent the content of the design project and will form the basis for approval by the department.

7.  The project phase identifies the stage of completion at the time of submission of the form. Check only one box for every submission.

a.  The pre-proposal is the initial planning phase of the project by the student, to be refined with instructor assistance to produce the full proposal. The content often draws from the description of the design project opportunity provided by the department and/or through discussions with the instructor, and usually happens during EGN 301 Junior Design Project. Approval of the pre-proposal by the instructor constitutes permission to enroll in EGN 402.

b.  A full proposal is a requirement of EGN 402. Its due date is the second week of classes, and will be subject to review and approval by the department. Submitting the form represents a commitment that the project will be carried out according to the parameters described herein.

c.  Multiple progress reports may be required at various times by the individual instructor.

d.  An application for presentation is due one week prior to the presentation, and will be subject to review and approval by the department. Submitting the form represents a statement that the objectives described have indeed been attained.

e.  The form will accompany the final report for filing and grading at the conclusion of the design project.

f.  Other submission categories may be identified here, as needed and/or required by the instructor.

8.  The abstract must fit within the space provided (approximately 180 words) and offer a concise description of the project and the work, consistent with the phase that the project is currently in.

9.  The use of standards is an essential component of the design. This section may indicate the standards investigated in narrative or list form. Preference is given to standards that were applied to or that are applicable to the project, but other industry standards may be included.

10.  Multiple realistic constraints are required in every engineering project, including budgetary, economic, time, scope, functionality, and many others. Include a narrative describing the constraints employed.

11.  Every design project must culminate with the delivery of a product. A product is broadly defined to include hardware, software, and/or processes. Particularly for group projects, you must clearly establish your individual contributions to the design, a.k.a. your “deliverables”.

12.  Mark the corresponding check boxes to indicate that your project has included/accomplished those key elements. Additional elements may be defined by the instructor.

13.  For proposal and presentation applications, the form must be dated and signed by the individual student and the instructor before it can be reviewed by the department.

14.  The department will review and either approve the application or return it for further revision.