Cheetwood Community Primary School

Year 5: Curriculum News - Autumn Term 1 2015

Class Teacher: Miss Sadiq Teaching Assistant: Mrs Chan, Miss Davies, Mrs McCormick

In Y5 this half term your child will be learning the following:


Areas of Study:

·  Classic fiction stories

·  Slam poetry

·  Recounts

How you can support your child:

·  Listen to your child read a variety of texts at home including poetry, newspapers, magazines

·  Encourage your child to talk about their books and complete book activities such as book reviews and character descriptions

·  Ensure you child learns the half termly spellings

·  Complete the weekly Big Talk homework and help your child with the editing and drafting process


Areas of Study:

·  Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division- mental and written methods

·  Roman numerals

·  Number and place value

·  Geometry – properties of shape

How you can support your child:

·  Help your child practise their times tables regularly up to 12x12

·  Practise place value and addition/ subtraction/ multiplication/division skills

·  Learn the properties of 2D/3D shapes

·  Look at dates written in Roman numerals

·  Go through the weekly Big Maths test


Areas of Study:

·  All living things, including humans

How you can support your child:

·  Talk about life cycles, including their own

·  Discuss ‘Do all animals and plants start life as an egg?’

·  Research the stages of growth for humans

Topic – The Mayans

Areas of Study

·  Using maps, atlases and globes to locate specific countries and continents including the city states of the Mayan Civilisation

·  Research the Mayan religious beliefs

·  Everyday life, including food, weapons, education

·  Compare the Geography of Mesoamerica and the UK

·  Study of Mayan art

·  Design and make a Mayan temple

·  Mayan information books using ICT

How you can support your child:

·  Look at maps and atlases together, identifying countries that are in each continent

·  Identify different countries are on a blank world map

·  Research Mayan art

·  Read about Mayan gods/goddesses and Mayan temple structures

Useful websites

The BBC site has a schools area with lots of games and learning resources for English and maths – activities, homework and revision - Maths activities

We also have links on our own website and will be developing these throughout the year.


Pupils will be doing PE on the following days:

Dance – Thursday

Games- Friday

Please can you ensure that your child has their correct PE kit in school on this day or if you wish they can leave their PE kit in school all week and take it home to be washed at the weekend. As pupils are not permitted to wear any jewellery for PE it helps if earrings and other jewellery are not worn to school on the PE days.

If you need to speak to me please come into class to see me or make an appointment. Alternatively you can email me: