School Handbook

2008 - 2009


Page 1Welcome Letter from Head Teacher

Page 2School Information

Page 3Parent Council/Pupil Council

Page 4Our Mission Statement and Aims

Page 5/6Teaching Staff

Page 7Teaching Staff and Support Staff

Page 8School Hours and Holiday Dates

Page 9Enrolment/Additional Support Needs/Accessibility Strategy

Page 10 / 15Curriculum

Page 15Homework

Page 16School Development Plan

Page 17Accessing the Curriculum

Page 18Equal Opportunities and Social Inclusion

Page 19Child Safety/Child Protection Policy

Page 20Dealing with Racial Harassment with Education Service/Assessment/Home and School Links

Page 21Reporting to Parents

Page 21Attendance at School

Page 22School & Community Links/Extra Curricular Activities/After School Service

Page 23School Discipline/Pupil Security

Page 24Antibullying Policy/Playground Supervision/Clothing

and Uniform

Page 25School Dress Code

Page 26Meals & Transport

Page 27Medical and Health Care

Page 28Health Promotion/Information in Emergencies

Page 29/30Parent Forum & Parent Council Information

Page 30Transfer from Primary to Secondary / Data Protection Act

Page 30P.T.A./Important Addresses/Freedom of Information Act

Page 31Think Safe!

Page 31/32School Running Costs

Attendance and Absence Figures

5-14 Statistics

Appendix APolicy on Promoting Positive Behaviour


We hope that the seven years your child spends with us will be happy ones. As you know, the early years in a child’s life are the most formative. During these years, children will be forming attitudes towards themselves and others and learning about the world they live in. Home, family and school play major roles in laying these foundations, therefore the working partnership, which we form with you as parents, is vitally important in supporting your child throughout their learning experience.

Our aim is to make learning stimulating, interesting and enjoyable. Children also need to have a sense of achievement and satisfaction, therefore class work is varied so that they have the opportunity to achieve targets at whatever level they are working.

We regard the school as a community, and all of our staff participate in encouraging our pupils to help and respect others both in the school and in the wider community.

Please be assured that we will do our best to achieve these aims but we cannot do this alone. We therefore value highly the support, which you as parents can bring to this partnership.

We hope that this Handbook will explain the workings of the school. However, if there is anything, which is not clear, or if you would like to know more about the education, which we provide, I would be happy to meet with you and answer any questions you may have.

Mrs Catherine Gray

Head Teacher

School Information

Address:- 78 Kearn Avenue


G15 6HL

Telephone:-0141 944 1462Fax:0141 944 6997


Our school is non-denominational and co-educational. It was built in 1963.

Blairdardie Primary is part of the Knightswood Learning Community and Mrs. Janet Hutchison

is the Learning Community Principal. Knightswood Learning Community consists of

KnightswoodSecondary School and its feederPrimary Schools and Pre-five establishments.

At present, the school roll is 402 and has a planning capacity of 474.

Please note that the working capacity of the school may vary dependant upon the number of pupils at each stage and the way in which classes require to be organised.

The stages covered are Primary 1 to Primary 7. This session, i.e. 2007-2008 there are three P1 classes, two classes at each stage from Primary 2 to Primary 7. In total 15 classes.

Next Session (i.e. 2008 - 2009)

The way our classes will be organised will depend on the numbers of our Primary 1 August starters and the number of children at each stage throughout the school.

The following guidelines set by the Scottish Executive will apply.

  • Primary 1 – maximum class size 25 (from August 2007)
  • Primaries 2 and 3 - maximum class size of 30
  • Primaries 4 - 7 - maximum class size of 33
  • Composite classes i.e. classes which have pupils from more than one stage e.g. Primary 5/4, Primary 3/2 - maximum class size of 25.

The SchoolBuilding

Blairdardie Primary is well utilised outwith school hours.

For example, users include:

Boys Brigade (Thursday evenings)

Ladies Club (Wednesday evenings)

Councillor’s Surgery (Every third Monday of the month)

After School Care B.O.S.S. (every evening from 3.10 – 5.45)

Parent Council meetings.

School Events

Public Meetings

Letting forms and details are available from:-

School Letting Section

Glasgow City Council

Cultural & Leisure Services

20 Trongate


G1 5ES

Telephone No:-0141 302 2814/5/6/7


Blairdardie Primary has a Parent Council which has 15 parent members and 2 co-opted members.

The office bearers are as follows: -


Mrs. Anne McTaggart Chair

Mr. William McGregorVice Chair

Mrs. Lesley Anne DeansSecretary

Mrs. Christine ScottTreasurer


Ms. Ellen McLaughlin


Rev. A. McMillan

Mr. Eric Flack


Mrs. Sandra KeenanMore details further on in handbook


Our Pupil Council, led by Mr. Bryce (DHT) has class representatives from Primary 2 – Primary 7(Primary 1 will join in after the Christmas Break). Class representatives are voted on to the Pupil Council by their classmates and enjoy and benefit from this responsibility.

Our Members this year are:

P2 / P3 / P4 / P5 / P6 / P7
Alice McGreevy
Scott Carrick / Kyle McLauchlan
Amy McTaggart / Holly Cockburn
Rae McGreevy / Hannah Foster
Chloe Hendry / Tarun Beaton
Jake Beaton / Robbie Barclay
David Doran

They are currently with working with Kelvin Clyde Greenspaces to develop our school grounds to benefit the children.

Two of our members are also the Junior Road Safety Officers (Tarun Beaton and Jake Beaton) who are currently developing the School Travel Plan.

TheP4 – P7 Pupil Council members (in pairs) will take turns to represent schools in the North West of the city on the City Pupil Council, which meets in the City Chambers. At these meetings council personnel and Pupil Council members’ discuss ways in which children’s ideas could benefit Glasgow’s Schools.


The word “BLAIRDARDIE” may come

from the Gaelic BLAR DARTA, meaning “PLAIN OF THE HEIFERS”. This is shown on our school badge along with an open book symbolizing learning.


At Blairdardie Primary we work together to provide a caring, stimulating and positive environment where the quality of teaching and learning encourages children to reach their full potential as successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.


Achievement and Attainment

-deliver an excellent quality of teaching and learning and provide the children with the skills to achieve their full potential. These skills will give children the opportunity to become confident, motivated, effective and successful learners.

Framework for Learning

-provide a stimulating learning environment which fosters open and positive working relationships between pupils, staff and parents.

Inclusion and Equality

-provide a happy, stimulating, secure and safe environment which will give all of our children an equal opportunity to develop their abilities and personalities regardless of academic and physical ability, religion, race or gender.

Values and Citizenship

-equip children with the skills and attitudes to be effective life long learners; developing as responsible, confident contributors to a changing society.

Learning for Life

-promote collaboration with all stakeholders to instil respect for self and others in preparation for being responsible citizens within our neighbourhood and wider society.


These remits may alter according to school needs in session 2008/2009

Head Teacher:- Mrs Catherine Gray

1.Overall management of the school.

  1. Monitoring all aspects of the curriculum.
  2. Monitoring pupil’s attendance.
  3. Curriculum development overview.
  4. Managing the School Improvement plan.
  5. Managing the school’s Budget.
  6. Liaison with all educational establishments in the Knightswood Learning Community and other schools as required.
  7. Liaison with Education Authority, parents and other agencies appropriate to the welfare of the pupils and the work of the school (e.g. Psychological Services, Social Work Dept., Health Board etc.).
  8. Pastoral support (welfare, safety and security of pupils and staff).
  9. Adviser to the Parent Council.

Formal Depute Head Teacher: – Mr. Gordon Bryce

  1. Deputise for the Head Teacher in her absence.
  2. Provide good management and strategic direction for staff and pupils with particular responsibility for Primaries 4 –7.
  3. Manage P4-7 staff providing professional advice and guidance.
  4. Monitor curricular development and learning and teaching in Primaries 4-7.
  5. Monitor teachers’ forward planning, evaluation and assessment in Primaries 6-7 (HT P4 – P5) – along with HT have an overview of forward planning throughout the school.
  6. Manage P6-7 pupil achievement and attainment Tracking pupils’ progress through National Assessment levels. Overview of P4-7.
  7. Take a key roll in all aspects of Development Planning.
  8. Language Co-ordinator (whole school) including the provision and organisation of resources, pupil tracking and pace of work etc.
  9. Learning Support Co-ordinator in partnership with Principal Teacher – Jean Moat
  10. Responsibility for P4-7 Pastoral Care and Behaviour Support. Assisting the HT and DHT in an overview of the whole school.
  11. Liaison with parents and appropriate agencies such as Psychological Services, Social Work Department, Speech and Language Therapy, School Medical Services, Dept. of Child and Family Psychiatry (DCFP) etc. as required.
  12. C.P.D. Co-ordinator – whole school and budget responsibility.
  13. Provide a curriculum and behaviour support timetable in P4-7.
  14. Assist in leading Stage Assemblies.
  15. EcoSchool Council (incorporating Pupil Council and Junior Road Safety Officers)
  16. Foster links with all members of the Learning Community.
  17. Covering staff absence when required.
  18. Organising Book Week and School Book Fair (with DHT Arlene McCallum).
  19. Management of MCARE (Multi Cultural and Anti Racist Education).

Racial harassment monitoring.

Oversee the provision of multicultural resources throughout the school, implementation of Glasgow’s Anti Racist Curriculum.

20. Oversee student placements in Primaries 4-7

Depute Head Teacher: – Mrs. Arlene McCallum

  1. Deputise for the Head Teacher in the absence of the Formal Depute.
  2. Provide good management and strategic direction for staff and pupils with particular responsibility for Primaries 1 – 3.
  3. Manage P1-3 staff providing professional advice and guidance. Assessing CPD needs and assisting with the professional review and development of teaching and non-teaching staff.
  4. Monitor curricular development and learning and teaching principally in Primaries 1-3 but having an overview of all stages.
  5. Monitor teachers’ forward planning, evaluation of learning and teaching and assessment in Primaries 1-3.
  6. Monitor P1-3 achievement and attainment, tracking pupils’ progress through National Assessment levels.
  7. Responsibility for pastoral care and behaviour support in Primaries P1-3.

Assisting the Head Teacher and Formal Depute in an overview of the whole school.

  1. Provide a curriculum support timetable in Primaries 1-3.
  2. Liaise with Pre-5 Establishments and lead the Primary 1 Induction Programme for parents and pupils.
  3. Organise dissemination of curricular information to parents e.g. letters, leaflets, bulletins, workshops/meetings etc. (P1-P3)
  4. Liaise with parents and appropriate agencies such as Psychological Services, Social Work Dept., Speech and Language Therapy, School Medical Services, Dept. of Child and Family Psychiatry (DCFP), etc…. as required.
  5. Take a key role in all aspects of the School Development Plan.
  6. Assist in leading Stage Assemblies.
  7. Covering staff absence as required.
  8. Organising the “Book Week” with the Formal Depute Head.
  9. Maths Co-ordinator (whole school), including the provision and organisation of resources, planning (new Glasgow Maths planners) pupil tracking and pace of work. Overseeing the implementation of the Problem Solving Pack.
  10. Member of Knightswood Learning Community Health Steering Group.
  11. Joint Healthy Schools co-ordinator for Blairdardie Primary with PT – Sheila Currie.
  12. Oversee students in Primaries 1 – 3.

Principal Teachers:-

Mrs Sheila Currie P5b

1.Environmental Studies co-ordinator

Collaborate with DHT in incorporating active learning opportunities in P1 and P2 topics

(see S.I.P.)

2.Enterprise Education

Awareness raising of Enterprise policy with staff.

Liaison as required with staff doing an enterprise project.

3.Member of Knightswood Learning Community Health Steering Group

Member of Knightswood Learning Community Health Sub. Group focussing on Sexual Health Education.

Member of Blairdardie Primary’s Sexual Health Education steering group (see S.I.P.)

4.Healthy Schools co-ordinator jointly with DHT Arlene McCallum for Blairdardie Primary

5.PSD/Health/RME/Citizenship/Circle Time/Anti-Racist Education

To provide a programme of study throughout the school showing differentiation, progression and integration (working with DHT Arlene McCallum and PT Elspeth Hicks)

6.Talking and Listening (see S.I.P.)

Awareness raising of new guidelines

Leading T and L working group

7.Organisation of Summer Sports Fun Afternoons (P1-3, P4-5, P6-7)

8.P4-5 attainment tracking with emphasis on P5s (Reading, Writing and Maths)

9.Member of Positive Behaviour Working Group

Mrs. Jean Moat P2a

1.ICT Co-ordinator

  1. Staff Development in ICT for Pupil Support Assistants
  2. CPD opportunities in ICT for staff to be organised following the September weekend
  3. Leading ICT working group (S.I.P.)
  4. Liaise with Depute Head Teachers on organisation of Lap-Tops
  5. Probationer Mentor
  6. Support for Learning

Working with DHT Gordon Bryce on Co-ordination of support, assisting in writing Additional Support Plans and delivering support for learning.

Assisting DHT Arlene McCallum in attainment tracking in Primaries 1 –3.

Miss Elspeth Hicks

  1. RME (Religious and Moral Education)
  2. New RME policy/lesson grid/organisation of resources (May/June ’07)
  3. Staff awareness raising (at staff meeting)
  4. Monitor policy and resources (with RME working group)
  5. Continue to work with the Head Teacher on new guidelines for Religious Observance (RO) and review with staff (at staff meeting)
  6. Teaching for Effective Learning (TFEL)
  7. Joint leadership of TFEL working group with Ellen McLaughlin
  8. Involvement in the NLC Action Research Project (Shirley Clarke) on Formative Assessment
  9. Primary Safety Pack
  • Familiarisation
  • Staff awareness raising
  • Organisation/issue of lesson materials
  • Resourcing as required
  1. P6-7 Attainment Tracking (Reading, Writing, Maths)
  2. French
  3. Delivering the Primary French programme in P5-7 with Carly Dolan
  4. Monitor organisation of resources
  5. Monitor French policy and update as required


Primary 1aMiss Gemma McIntosh

Primary 1bMrs. Kim Connelly

Primary 1cMrs. Hilary Speirs

Primary 2aMrs. Jean Moat & Miss Sandy Jamieson

Primary 2bMiss Gemma Fyfe

Primary 3aMiss Pamela Young

Primary 3bMrs. Carole Gillespie/Ms. Joanne Low

Primary 4aMiss Lorna Melrose

Primary 4bMiss Vhairi Cochrane

Primary 5aMrs. Kirsty Beaton

Primary 5bMrs. Sheila Currie (Principal Teacher)

Primary 6aMrs. Ellen McLaughlin

Primary 6bMrs. Fiona McNeish & Miss Shauna Richardson

Primary 7aMr. Ronnie Watson

Primary 7bMrs. Catherine McGill

Mrs. Carly DolanNon Class Contact Time – Art & French

Ms. Elspeth HicksNon Class Contact Time – RME, Health Education, French

Ms. Nikki RasulSupport Timetable

Miss Rhona ProctorSupport Timetable

Currently we have 21 fulltime teaching staff and 3 part-time teaching staff. This number includes the Head Teacher, 2 Depute Head Teachers and three Principal Teachers


Clerical AssistantsMrs. Wilma Skinner

Mon - Fri8.30 – 3.30

Clerical AssistantMrs. Elspeth Crawford

Mon – Thur.9.00 – 3.00

Fri.9.00 – 3.30

Clerical Assistant :-Mrs. Frances Curran(trained first aider)


Pupil Support AssistantsMrs. Murdina McLaughlin

Mrs. Jackie Parlane

Mrs. Tracey Pearson

Mrs. Eleanor McGregor

Pupil Support AssistantsMrs. Kathleen Campbell

(SEN)Mrs. Frances Dowling

Mrs. Helen Crawford

Miss Roslyn Catchpole

Mrs. Lesley Paterson

JanitorMr. John McCann

Cook in ChargeMrs. Carol Brown

Dining Hall AssistantMrs. Frances Curran

Cleaner in Charge Mrs. Carol Brown

4 Cleaning Staff


Opening Time8.55 a.m.

Interval10.25 - 10.40 a.m.

Lunch Break12.10 - 1.10 p.m.

Afternoon Interval2.10 - 2.25 p.m.

(Primaries 1and 2 only)

Closing Time3.10 p.m.

P1’s will start full time education after the September Weekend Break.

Breakfast Club - 8.15am - 8.45am

B.O.S.S. (Blairdardie Out of School Service) 3.10 – 5.45pm (see page 20)


August 2008

Teachers ReturnThursday 14th Aug. 2008

Pupils ReturnMonday 18th Aug. 2008

September 2008

In Service

September WeekendFriday 26th Sept. and Monday 29th Sept incl.

October 2008

Mid Term BreakMonday 13th Oct. – Friday 17th Oct. inc.

December 2008

Christmas BreakMonday 22nd Dec. – Fri. 2nd Jan. 2009 inc.

February 2009

Mid Term BreakMonday 16th Feb. – Tuesday 17th Feb. inc.


Easter 2009

Spring BreakFriday 6th Apr. – Friday 17th Apr. inc.

May 2009

May DayMonday 4th May

May WeekendFriday 22nd May – Monday 25th May inc.


June 2009

School ClosesFriday 26th June

Provisional datefor children returning to school in August 2009 is Monday 17th August.


Our school building is generally used as an area polling station for parliamentary, regional and local election purposes. Parents will be given prior notice of this by letter.


Parents wishing to enrol their child at Blairdardie Primary should contact the school to make an appointment with the Head Teacher. This will enable us to set aside time to spend with you.

Parents are always welcomed at the school whether it be to view the school, discuss a matter of concern or access information. As all staff have a busy timetable it is best to make an appointment.

Parents of children due to commence school in August 2007 should enrol in January. Enrolment dates are advertised in the Press, local libraries and Nursery Schools. The enrolment week is in early January 2007. Parents who wish their child to commence school as an early entrant should contact the Head Teacher of their local school and obtain an Early Entry Request form.

Parents who wish their child to attend a school other than their local one should go to their local school and obtain a Placing Request form.


The school has a duty to ensure that all our pupils have equal access to the curriculum, supported as appropriate to their individual needs. This covers not only the content of lessons and teaching strategies but also minor adaptations to the physical environment of our buildings to address the needs of pupils with physical or sensory impairments, including the relocation of classes to the ground floor where feasible. We also need to ensure that parents and carers who have a disability have equal access to information about their children. This will involve, for example, relocating the venue for parents/guardians meetings to facilitate physical access; provision of an interpreter for deaf people; agreeing a phone contact system to provide direct feedback to parents and carers.