2018 Middle School Track & Field Expectations

Team Rules and Expectations

1.Athletes are required to make a minimum of 10 practices prior to their first meet.

2.If you go to the nurse to get out of gym class, you cannot practice.

3.If you are late for practice, it is your responsibility to check in with a manager.

4.Students must start all practices with warm-ups and drills. If you are late, you do them on your own. No one practices without warming up properly

5.Use your locker in the locker room. You must lock up any and all valuables. School district and coaches are NOT responsible for any loss.

6.Sweatsuits (tops & bottoms) must be worn during warmups, during cold weather and at all other times deemed appropriate in the judgement of the coach. Sweatsuits must be brought to practice every day, even when you think it may be warm.

7.Proper respect and behavior is expected towards coaches, officials, team members and to all other athletes at all times. Good sportsmanship is required at all times, not only during all practice sessions and meets.

8.Discipline is at the discretion of the coaches depending on the offense and the history of the athlete. The coaches may consider a day suspension, a meet suspension, or removal from the team.

SCHOOL COMES FIRST. All student-athletes must meet eligibility requirements.

Academics will be monitored by administration through weekly eligibility screens.

Any player in danger of failing (D) – limited playing time in game and will be required to meet with teacher during flex/practice times.

Any player failing a class (F) – Make an effort to see teacher and improve your grade.


All injuries must be reported to our athletic trainer (Ms. Bartol)

If you go to a doctor, you must have doctor sign off on an injury before returning to play.


Take care of all issued equipment, team locker room and gym space. Even if it is not your mess, it is your responsibility to keep it clean.

All school-issued equipment and uniforms must be returned at the end of the season in good condition.


Players = PLAY – Work as hard as you can to be the best you can be, and embrace the role your coaches ask you to play.

Coaches = COACH – Our job is to fit all the puzzle pieces together.

Parents = SUPPORT – Encourage your son/daughter and “buy-in” to our team goals.

Be the best you can be playing your individual role; do not try to be someone else.

Understand that your role is unique and of great value. No role on this team is insignificant.


Only athletes are permitted on the infield during meets.

Horsing around during a meet can result in disciplinary action.

At the end of a competition, athletes meet at the last event.

Absolutely NO CELL PHONES are to be turned on in the infield area.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Behavior that can cause an athlete to be disqualified from a meet by an official:

Disrespectfully addressing an official.

Using profanity while being a contestant.

Criticizing or taunting an opponent.

Criticizing an official.

Consequence: If you have been disqualified at a meet for any of the above behaviors, the coaching staff reserves the right to appropriately discipline.

Unacceptable Conduct – A behavior than can cause an athlete to be disqualified from an event:

Willful failure to follow instructions.

Improper uniform

Using profanity not directed at someone.

Any actions which could bring embarrassment to coaches or school.

Consequence: If you have been disqualified from an event for any of the above behaviors, you will NOT compete in any other event during the meet

Player Statement of Commitment

I, ______, agree to adhere to the expectations listed above to the best of my ability throughout the season. I realize that discipline will help keep us functioning as a unit throughout the season, and I recognize that self-discipline will move us forward faster and stronger. Which way we move forward is a personal choice I make daily, but I believe in our program and in our coaches and I know that either way we will move forward. I know that failure to be self-disciplined on and off the track will result in individual and/or team discipline and, because of that, I agree to be self-disciplined as a member of the Hershey Middle School Track Program.


Player’s Signature Date


Parent’s Signature Date


Coaches’ Signature Date