The Club Captains, Geoff and Marion, are delighted to invite you to the Captains’ Charity Invitation Day, on Saturday, 1st July 2017. Tee times start from 09.00 am.

Our chosencharity is Cardiomyopathy UK. Cardiomyopathy is a heart muscle disease, which makes it hard for the heart to pump blood around the body. It affects over 1 in 5000 people, and often runs in families. It cannot be cured but can usually be successfully treated. Cardiomyopathy is the single biggest medical cause of sudden death in the under 35 year olds.

Cardiomyopathy UK receives no government funding and relies entirely on the generosity of fund raising. Every penny received makes a vital difference to those affected and their families.Our support will help the charity raise awareness, promote clinical research, and support families affected by this condition. The Charity’s vision is for everyone affected to live a long and fulfilling life.

The day is open to both members and guests.

The format of the day will be Better Ball Stableford pairs, red/yellow tees (1st and 10th tee starts) off full handicap, with prizes for:

  • Member/Member pairs
  • Member/Guest pairs
  • Guest/Guest pairs

There will also be:

  • Prizes on individual holes
  • A raffle and auction
  • Special offers will be available in the Pro Shop plus lots more!

The cost for the day is set out on the attached entry form. These fees include Danish pastries and coffee on arrival, a rolling two course buffetlunch with coffee,and the competition prizes.

We invite both businesses and individuals to sponsor holes on the day. Amounts will be kept confidential, but appropriate public acknowledgement will be made.

We would also appreciate donations for theauction, raffle and competition prizes.

We look forward to welcoming you to a fun filled day of golf and to supporting a very worthwhile charity.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Geoff SnapeMarion Gatland

Club CaptainLadies Captain



£50 per
Member / pair
£60 per pair
(+ email)
Individual member / £25 each
Guest / £35 each
Non player Food / £17.50
Non player child 10 yrs or less / £10
Please inform us of any special dietary requirements / £

I/my Company would like to sponsor a hole @ £ ……………….... Hole preference......

I would like to donate a prize: yes / no

I am willing to help on the day:yes / no

Cheque enclosed for £………………….…(Payable to Sweetwoods Park Golf Club Committee)

Closing date for entries: FRIDAY 16JUNE

Please give completed forms to:

Geoff Snape (07484 670023) orMarion Gatland (07780 442085) orput in an envelope and post in the Competition box