HaworthCollege of Business

Minutes of College Curriculum Committee Meeting (approved)

22 October 2008

Members Present: Hans Dykxhoorn (Chair), Betty Parker, Norm Hawker, Damodar Golhar, Pam Rooney, John Cyrulik, Jack Ruhl, Donna Ring, Nancy Schullery, Paul Hildenbrand

Absent:Steve Miller

Guests: Bret Wagner, Bob Landeros, Roger Tang

Meeting Convened: 9:00 a.m.

Acceptance of Agenda:Motion(Golhar)/second Cyrulik) to accept agenda. Motion passed.

Old Business: Action Items

Department of Management

HCOB 1808 Revision and title change of ISM Major

Motion(Cyrulik)/second(Golhar) to un-table proposal . Motion passed.

Wagner walked the committee through the changes made to proposal and noted letters of support from Engineering for changes affecting the ISM minor and to the change of ECE to an elective.

Motion(Rooney)second(Golhar) to approve proposal. Motion passed.

HCOB 2008 Change in prerequisites for BUS 4750

Motion(Cyrulik)/second(Rooney) to un-table proposal. Motion passed.

Wagner noted where the required clarifications and changes were made to the proposal.

Motion(Golhar)second(second Schullery) to approve the proposal. Motion passed.

HCOB 2108 Change Course number of MGMT 4800 to MGMT 2800

Motion(Cyrulik)second(Rooney) to un-table the proposal. Motion passed.

Wagner noted where required changes were made and receipt of required letter of support from Engineering.

Motion(Golhar)second(Parker) to approve changes with added language to Item 7 library resources. Motion passed.

HCOB 2308 Reposition MGMT 4810 by changing course number[MGMT 3810], title and description

Motion(Cyrulik)second(Rooney) to un-table the proposal. Motion passed.

Wagner again indicated items of clarification and receipt of the required letter of support from Engineering. Was noted that the class should be lecture/lab/discussion.

Motion(Golhar)second(Schullery) to approve proposal with understanding the class designation change will be made. Motion passed.

Old Business: Action Items

HCOB 1508 New admission requirement for BBA Program

Motion(Cyrulik)second(Golhar) to un-table this proposal. Motion Passed

Schullery presented the revised document which includes the change in required gpa in each of the following courses, BUS 1750, BCM 1420, and CIS 1020, from 2.0 to 2.5. This change was approved by the faculty.

Motion(Golhar)second(Cyrulik) to approve the proposal. Motion passed.

Old Business: Information Item

HCOB 1608 Renamed proposed Business Minor

Schullery noted change of minor to Business Administration Minor [BAM], deletion of phrase non-business majors from titles of three courses; deletion of “management” from marketing course.

New Business: Action Item

HCOB 2008 Proposed MBA for Executives to be delivered in Beijing, China.

Ruhl presented the proposal, with some discussion of the issue of translation and contact hours. Noted that this is an MBA for executives, not an Executive MBA.

Motion(Golhar)second(Schullery) to approve the proposal. Motion passed with 3 abstentions.

Next Meeting Date: Tentative dates for next meetings: 19 November; 3 December; Spring semester 2009 dates include 21 January; 4 February; 18 March.

Meeting Adjourned: 10:35 a.m.

Prepared by Pam Rooney, Recording Secretary