Style Sheet for the Moravian Journal of Literature and Film

·  Papers should be submitted in the Microsoft Word or RTF format in the present template (see page 3 of this file). Essays should conform to the humanities style (notes and bibliography), as defined in the current edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.

·  At the beginning of your paper include its title, your name and affiliation, the abstract, keywords, your mailing address, your email address.

·  The essays shall be followed by Bibliography. For references use footnotes, not endnotes. All sources included in the Bibliography must be referred to in the footnotes and vice versa.

·  Do not include parenthetical references in the text itself with the exception of page numbers in parentheses if you are frequently quoting from a primary text. But in such a case, do use an initial footnote citation for the primary text. Most likely only literary critics will be using page numbers in their texts to refer to a primary source, such as a novel. You can use abbreviations of titles of primary sources (the complete books only, not their parts) in the text––e.g., SC instead of Sophie’s Choice, but then the footnote citing the source must be followed by “Hereafter cited in text as SC.” Note that the abbreviation is always italicized.

·  Put titles of books in italics, titles of short stories, poems, essays, etc., in “quotation marks.” If you use foreign titles, follow the spelling and capitalization conventions of that specific language.

·  If you quote from unpublished sources list the data from specific to general: Letter from X to Y, Date, Box, Series, Collections, Depository.

·  Use the shortened form––author’s name, main word(s) of the title, and page(s)––if you quote from an already quoted source. Don’t use “Ibid.” or “op. cit.”

·  Use the American spelling and typography. Use double quotation marks for quotations, and single ones for quotations within quotations (in block quotations use the quotation marks used in the original, though). Do not hyphenate “African American” no matter its use (except in quotations). Capitalize “South” but not “southern” (except in quotations).

·  Follow the American style of putting the closing quotation marks after the period or comma at the end of your sentence, even if it is a partial quotation. The index follows a full stop, a comma, a semicolon, or a colon, but precedes a dash.

·  If your essay has internal titles, skip a line before each internal title within your essay. Do not indent the first paragraph after titles and block quotes.

·  Skip a line between your text and an indented block quotation, and skip a line following the indented quotation. The block quotation should be marked with the style BlockQuote.

·  Leave your text as simple as you can, any formatting beyond italics and paragraph breaks is undesirable. Use the tab function for indenting paragraphs and long block quotations. Do not skip lines between paragraphs.

Title of the Article

Your Name

Your Affiliation (University, City, Country)

Abstract: The article deals with ...

Keywords: aaa; bbb; ccc; ddd; eee; fff

Address: Your Name, Department, Faculty, University, Street, City, Country. .

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius egestas ultricies. Praesent ipsum quam, tempus ut luctus non, suscipit vitae turpis. Duis non nibh vel nibh tempor tincidunt. Aenean elementum mi non massa interdum ac imperdiet sapien auctor. Suspendisse sagittis feugiat neque ac pharetra.

Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse non mauris quis lectus adipiscing pretium. Nullam adipiscing adipiscing turpis, vitae mollis turpis blandit vitae:

Donec luctus blandit augue eu semper. Nunc gravida sagittis metus ac tincidunt. Nam venenatis risus sed nisi lacinia vehicula consectetur ante accumsan. Maecenas blandit, dolor sit amet condimentum imperdiet, risus lacus semper massa, nec facilisis tellus purus non ante.[1]

Cras enim purus, blandit nec laoreet hendrerit, aliquam eget eros. Aliquam pharetra, quam et interdum convallis, mauris magna ullamcorper nisi, sed scelerisque risus nisi sed nunc. Suspendisse lorem odio, imperdiet ac dapibus a, feugiat eget dolor.[2]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut turpis quis lacus scelerisque sagittis ac pharetra magna. Donec volutpat elit in ipsum dignissim sed accumsan mauris interdum.


Donec vitae lorem sed est tincidunt vestibulum. Vivamus blandit, sem laoreet porttitor hendrerit, mi metus tempus felis, sit amet pharetra orci neque luctus massa. Sed pulvinar suscipit augue at cursus.

Examples of Footnotes

1 Walker Percy, The Moviegoer (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961), 142–43. [Please, do not omit Press, University Press, etc.]

2 Percy, Moviegoer, 142–43. [Shortened record]

3 Diana Long and Janet Golden, eds., The American General Hospital: Communities and Social Contexts (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989), 122–29.

4 Anne Carr and Douglas J. Schuurman, “Religion and Feminism: A Reformist Christian Analysis,” in Religion, Feminism, and the Family, ed. Anne Carr and Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996), 11–32.

5 Jervis Anderson, “The Public Intellectual,” New Yorker, January 17, 1994, 39–46. [comma after the magazine’s title. Omit the initial “the,” i.e., do not use The New Yorker, but New Yorker (in the text, use “the New Yorker”). Give the page(s) even when you cite from dailies (although Chicago does not require it)]

6 Cornell West, “The Dilemma of the Black Intellectual,” Critical Quarterly 29 (Winter 1987): 40–52. [no comma after the scholarly journal’s title]

7 See Frederick Barthelme, “Architecture,” Kansas Quarterly 13, no. 3–4 (1981): 77–78. [See used for paraphrases]

Examples of entries in Bibliography:

Percy, Walker. The Moviegoer. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961.

Ellet, Elizabeth F. L. “By Rail and Stage to Galena.” In Prairie State: Impressions of Illinois, 1673–1967, by Travelers and Other Observers, edited by Paul M. Angle. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968. 271–79.

Alterman, Eric. “USA Oui! Bush Non!” Nation, February 10, 2003, 11–18.

Barthelme, Frederick. “Architecture.” Kansas Quarterly 13, no. 3–4 (1981): 77–78.


The author is Associate Professor at ... [a short bio of 80–120 words]


29.5.2010 1:33:29 Moravian_Stylesheet

[1] Walker Percy, The Moviegoer (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961), 142–43.

[2] See Percy, The Moviegoer, 30.