Concert Etiquette

As a member of the Canton Eagle Choir you are expected to not just come to the concert dressed properly but conduct yourself in a mature way.

You are expected to do the following:

  • Show up at your choirs designated time in the CHS choir room!
  • Immediately after your choir warms up you are to go to the restroom and get a drink, then report to your assigned seat in the auditorium.
  • You are to be in your seat and focused by 6:55pm. Make sure you check in with the Vice-President of your class so they count you there. They will have a roll sheet.
  • The concert will begin promptly at 7:00 pm. You are NOT to talk on or off the stage at this point until the concert is over.
  • Do not bring ANY food or drink in the auditorium.
  • You will have parents sitting with your group. Your grade will greatly suffer if I get any reports of bad/distasteful behavior during the concert.
  • After a choir performs you are to clap…NOT shout, whistle, or do anything that might draw attention to yourself.
  • You are to walk silently onto the stage and form your columns immediately. After all columns are ready I will give you the signal for the 2nd and 4throw to step to the left.
  • Your eyes are on ME…not the people in audience or beside you.
  • Your hands are to your SIDE…not in pockets, or crossed.
  • Your knees need to be slightly bent so you do not loose circulation.
  • Perform your VERY best!!! Do not settle….you get ONE chance to show the audience what you can do!! Don’t settle for anything less than your absolute best!
  • Watch me for cut offs and entrances!!!
  • After you sing do not move until my arms are down, then you may take deep breath. BUT DO NOT TALK!!!!
  • Also, NEVER clap for yourself after a song. Let the audience do that.
  • Stand proudly and smile and then focus on the next song.
  • After you are finished performing you may file back to your seat without talking….NOT EVEN A WHISPER!!!
  • You may talk as soon as the concert is over and I have dismissed everyone.
  • You are NOT to jump off the stage at the end of the concert!
  • Wear your choir shirts with long blue jeans and closed toe shoes.
  • If your family has little ones make sure they take them outside if they are loud.
  • Please do not bring cell phones or any electronic device to the concert!

I have read the expectations in the concert etiquette contract above. I take full responsibility for my behavior on and off the stage. I realize that if any of the above rules are broken, my grade suffer AND I will have an office referral the next day! I also realize that my choir is a team and I am ready to do my make our choir the very best we can be.


Student Name Date


Parent Signature Date