July copy


Funded by WesterhamTown Council


10.30am – 1.30pm


If the weather is wet these will be held in the

Westerham Sports Association building

The sessions will be on Thursday 1st, 8th 15th and 22nd August and there will be inflatable fun at each session with the Magician on the 1st and African drumming on the 15th.

Merry-go-Round Children’s Centre will be there as well, putting on free activities and fun play opportunities for families with children aged 0-5 years for part of the morning only, from 10.30 - 12.30 pm on 8th and 22nd August.

50 things to do before you're 11 3/4

Quebec House, Thursday and Fridays 1.30-4 throughout August

Throughout August Quebec House will be providing the perfect opportunity for families to tick off a number of this years 50 things to do before you are 11 and ¾. From den building in the garden to hunting for bugs there will be chances every Thursday and Friday to complete some of these challenges. The contents of each week’s sessions will be advertised on the Chartwell Twitter and Facebook sites a week advance so visit them at or .

Work to King George’s Playing Field

Westerham Town Council and Westerham Junior Football Club secured a £50,000 grant from Sport England in the Autumn of 2012. The grant will be used to develop King George’s Playing Field, levelling out an area in the south-east of the field to create 2 new mini football pitches. This area will be closed to the public whilst the works take place.

The project is scheduled to take place over the Summer and the area has been sprayed with a non-toxic herbicide glyphosate. This will kill off the grass and cause the area to turn brown. There is no need to be concerned – this is the desired effect!

Allotments, Playing Fields and Open Spaces Committee Annual Report 2012-2013

presented to the AnnualTown Meeting 16th April 2013


The number of vacant allotments has fallen considerably in the last year but a few plots are still available. The take-up is very encouraging, particularly given the appalling weather!

King George'sField, Westerham

Unfortunately, the pavilion and Field itself continue to suffer from vandalism, giving rise to costs ultimately borne by Council Tax payers. Dog excrement is also a continuing problem as too many owners ignore the legal requirement to clear it up. Additional, larger, litter bins are being installed in the hope that the general litter problem will also be alleviated. Dog waste may be put in these if no dog bin is available, but only if it is securely bagged.

A substantial grant has been obtained from Sport England for the levelling of the south-east corner of the Field, which will provide two additional pitches for use by the flourishing Junior Football Club. However, this will entail the closing off of that corner to the public for almost a year from June.

A new youth shelter has recently been erected on the south-east corner of the skatepark. This necessitated the removal of the grind rail: hardly a major sacrifice as it appeared never to be used!

The Field is being made available for a number of family events during the summer.Look out for the publicity.

Crockham Hill

Oxted and Limpsfield Cricket Club had another successful season last summer and Edenbridge Spitfires Football Club are now playing football in the winter - when the weather permits! They have also done great work in redecorating the pavilion, but unfortunately much remains to be done, particularly regarding the water supply. The Tennis Club is as active as

ever: take advantage of the very modest membership fee!

The Green

A new and improved "Jubilee" (though belated) notice board is expected to be erected shortly in the corner nearest the Church, which will in addition provide information for visitors and about events and activities.

On 21 April and 5 May, weather permitting, the Farmers' Market will be held on the Green, the latter combined with the annual Beating of the Bounds.

Please keep an eye open for other prospective activities there.

Quebec Square

Thanks are due to Quebec House and the Grasshopper on the Green for their generous contributions for the new planter.

Chris Hanson


Highways and Lighting Committee

Annual Report 2012 – 2013

presented to the AnnualTown Meeting 16th April 2013


I am pleased to report that the improvements at Quebec Square were completed in 2012; the junction was re-aligned and a large raised planter was positioned in front of the houses to protect them from errant vehicle drivers. There were initial problems with drainage but these were resolved quickly by Kent County Council. The residents are now very pleased with the final result.

At Crockham Hill the installation of the Speed Indication Devices at either end of the Village is imminent, together with the automation of the School signs.

The work to widen the M25 junctions 5 – 7 with a hard shoulder running scheme has commenced with attendant extra noise.

The Council and residents are very concerned about the speed of traffic through Westerham. Crossing the A25 at the East end of town is fraught with difficulty. KCC are not prepared to provide a crossing due to poor sight lines and inadequate statistics about accidents or injuries. WTC will continue to press for a reduction in the speed limit through the town to 20mph.

WTC held a meeting with KCC regarding a new scheme called Lorry Watch. We propose to involve local residents in recording HGVs using inappropriate roads. WTC has been successful in persuading Sainsbury’s vehicles to avoid Croydon Road with their larger HGVs and for car transporters to avoid Hosey Hill when delivering to Edenbridge.


The routine cleaning of gulleys has been an early casualty of KCC financial cut backs. Notwithstanding, WTC has been successful in agreeing with KCC Highways a specific programme for Westerham and Crockham Hill drainage black spots.


WTC is currently looking to position new lights in London Road and Hosey Hill. Consultations will shortly take place with residents on Hosey Hill.

A new competitive two year agreement with Haven to supply electricity has been agreed.

Reg Buckley


Kent Police Advice - Shed Break-ins & Property Security

during the warmer weather

Garden sheds, outbuildings and garages are packed with tools, machinery and other valuable equipment which offer easy pickings to thieves...

Over the last week there have been a few break-ins & thefts from sheds and out buildings in your area.

Take the right precautions to help reduce the risk of having your property stolen, and getting it traced and returned to you if it is taken.

Also as the warmer weather approaches please take care to secure your property checking all windows & doors are shut and where necessary locked. Thieves will take any opportunity to sneak through open windows & doors. Please report all suspicious incidents to the police by calling 101.

For more information go to

KCC Community Warden

Just a reminder that the KCC Community Warden – Steve Taylor holds a surgery every Thursday 9.30 – 10.30 am at the Library, if you wish to discuss any community related issues.


Monday 15th July Council

Thursday 18th JulyPlanning and Development

Monday 22nd JulyAllotment, Playing Fields and Open Spaces

Thursday 1st AugustPlanning and Development

Thursday 15th August Planning and Development

Thursday 29th AugustPlanning and Development

Monday 2nd SeptemberFinance and General Purpose

Monday 9th SeptemberAllotment, Playing Fields and Open Spaces

Thursday 12th SeptemberPlanning and Development

Members of the public are very welcome to attend these meetings. The first ten minutes of every meeting are available for members of the public to raise any issues with Councillors. All meetings start at 7.30 p.m. - except Planning which is held at 9.30 am They take place in the Town Council Chamber in Russell House.