Low energy low carbon buildings – compliance, monitoring and targeting
A CaSPr event 0930-1300and TSN meeting 1345-1530 Friday 25 January 2008, Cedar Suite, Hugh Nisbet Building, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh,EH14 4AS
This event draws on the experience of professionals in the energy and engineering sector. The event will update those attending on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive,which in Scotland requires all public buildings to display Energy Performance Certificates by 4 January 2009; it will provide an opportunity for those responsible for energy managementto learn more about metering, monitoring and targeting systems; and it will give those attending examples of the type of projects colleges and universities are working on within the sector.
The event is free of charge for all staff from Scottish colleges and universities and from not for profit organisations. Attendanceisessential for those with responsibility for estate/energy management and building maintenance.
Anticipated outcomes
By the end of the event, participants will:
1.Understand implications for their institution and appreciate options available for meeting requirements;
2.Know about the kind of support and tools available and where to go to get support; and
4. Have had the opportunity to discuss experience with colleagues fromrelated organisations.
Book your place now / Travel and further information
Please complete booking form andsend to fore Friday 18 January to book your place.
For information on how to get to HeriotWattUniversityand maps go to:
Please go to the main reception where you will be given directions on how to get to the Cedar Suite.
For more about the EAUC-S / CaSPr Energy TSN please go to
Time / Description0930-1000 / Coffee and registration
1000-1040 / Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and SBEM (Simplified Building Energy Model)
Glyn Mountford, Energy Management Solutions Ltd
1040-1115 / Metering, Monitoring and Targeting
Kevin Cardall, NIFES (National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service) Consulting Ltd
1115-1130 / Coffee
1130-1215 / Student Engagement Case Study
Energy Efficient Technology Case Study
1215 -1300 / Sharefair and discussion
1300-1345 / Lunch
1345-1530 / Energy Topic Support Network Meeting
This is open to anyone attending or not attending morning session
This event is part of the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges’ Campus Sustainability Programme (CaSPr) designed to improve the sustainability performance of the sector in Scotland.
CaSPr is funded by the Scottish Executive Sustainable Action Grant and by the Scottish Funding Council.
For more please see or contact the programme consultants, Inga Burton (01856811719) or John Forster (01330850555) or
EAUC National Office, MedwayBuilding, The Park, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, Glos, GL50 2RH
Phone 01242 714321, Company No: 5183502 Charity No: 1106172
Low energy low carbon buildings – compliance, monitoring and targeting
A CaSPr event 0930-1300 and TSN meeting 1345-1530 Friday 25 January 2008, Cedar Suite, Hugh Nisbet Building, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS
It is essential to book in advance by email only, to enable catering to be planned.
Please complete and email back this form as a Microsoft Word attachment to to arrive byFriday 18 January 2007
Each Scottish FHE institution is invited to book as many representatives as they wish, invitations are also open to other not for profit organisations.
An e-mail will be sent to those who have booked confirming their place and giving further instructions.
Information about individual participants
To help with processing booking information, please enter information about your participants in the table below, if you would like to send more than two please request this when submitting your booking form.
Please then forward this document to Katy Richardson at .
Organisation / Title / First name / Second name / Job title / E-mail address / Phone / I am staying for lunch / Special dietary or other requests / I am staying for the TSN MeetingFor more information about the content of the event contact one of the CaSPr consultants,
Inga Burton (01856 811 719) or John Forster (01330 850555) or e-mail .
For more information about booking arrangements contact Katy Richardson at the EAUC National Office,
The Park, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, Glos, GL50 2RH Phone 01242 714321,
EAUC National Office, MedwayBuilding, The Park, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, Glos, GL50 2RH
Phone 01242 714321, Company No: 5183502 Charity No: 1106172