Meeting called to order at 4:40 by Della Mead, Home and School President

Mr. Covone: Principal’s Report

  • Information distributed on standardized-based progress report cards. This information was also distributed at the parent information night held by the district.
  • Previous report cards were not aligned to the new PA Core and curricular standards.
  • New report cards define what students should know and be able to do.
  • Is a new change in measuring performance indicators, which will accurately report grades and student’s progress.
  • New report cards measures academic achievement; not behavior, participation, homework completion, etc. These non-academic goals will be measured under “Characteristics of a Successful Learner.”
  • Indicators for a “characteristics of a successful learner” are now M, A, B: Meeting Expectations, Approaching Expectations, and Beginning Expectations.
  • PA Core Standards are graded on performance level. Indicators are now 4, 3, 2, 1; instead of the traditional grading system of A, B, C, D, and F.
  • Louisa Stewart: Will teachers used the 4,3,2,1 and make equivalent to A,B,C,D,F?

Mr. Covone: No, teachers discussed this at the end of last year and decided against this approach.

  • Melanie Catanese: How do the students “exceed?”

Mr. Covone: Competencies change for each grade level. For students who are consistently meeting standards, there are more resources available to exceed.

  • Melanie Catanese and Alison Hyson asked two follow up questions

Mr. Covone: At the beginning of the year, there are new goals and new expectations.

  • Mr. Covone concluded by encouraging parents to visit the North Penn School District website, click on the line on the home page, where there are an abundance of resources available on the new progress reports.

Parents in attendance went around and introduced themselves.

Guest Speakers: Family Color Run Info (Danielle Cherry and Allison Hyson)

  • Color Run is set for Saturday 4/16 – will take the place of annual “spring fest.”
  • Met with coordinators at Oak Park Elementary School, who just completed their first “color run.” Still hammering out the specifics for North Wales event.
  • Want to make the color run something fun for the kids and inclusive for everyone. Is going to be billed as “fun” – not timed, families and friends can participate, games, etc.
  • Looking for donations of food and money.
  • Want to get t-shirts for participants – looking for sponsers.
  • Main goal is getting volunteers to sign up and encourage any input or suggestions.

Book Bug Update: Marcetas Henley

  • A lot of books were backlogged from last year.
  • Looking for volunteers to type and bind
  • Trouble has become getting manilla envelopes turned back in after students are giving their book to illustrate. Marcetas has been trying to send home reminder notices.
  • Chair will need more materials like duct tape, cardboard and ink.
  • Della Mead informed chair that the “book bug” has a line in the budget for supplies.
  • Marcetas said overall the book bug is going well. This is her first year chairing this program. She signed up because she didn’t want this program being taken away from the students.

President Update: Della Mead

  • Attended the President’s meeting with Dr. Dietrich – big talk was on clearances. The district will be voting on their official policy in mid-November. Della’s recommendation to all parents is to get their clearances as soon as possible.

Tara Russell: What is the best way to go about getting clearances?

Della Mead: Go to the district website for the information.

  • President’s meeting also went over the calendar for the 2016-2017 school year. The next meeting is scheduled for January.
  • Still looking for a parent volunteer to become “Coordinating Council Rep.” This volunteer attends the coordinating council meetings and takes notes on events/rules going on throughout the district in regards to the various Home and School Associations.
  • Iron Knights Triathlon: This event is asking all the Home and School Associations throughout the district to create committees to help with fundraising, to aid with financial support for the growing number of students. Looking for one or two people to form the committee.

VP of Social: Sarah Keller (Sarah was unable to attend so Della gave an update

  • Peter Kelsey gave his recap of the Trunk or Treat social event: Felt as though there was a lot of added responsibility to the event. Trunk or Treat was created in place of the Halloween Parade, and wanted to get families involved. More families and children this year. It was hard to host event, take care of children, etc. Non-candy items were added this year, which was time consuming for chairs. On the night of the event, the Township didn’t provide the cones and barricades requested. Recommendation for next year would be to create a committee. Several parents offered suggestions as to how to get more families involved as well as problem solving.

Patrice Stagliano: Needs to be a balance of trade with parents and volunteers. Same families volunteering for events, pretty soon these parents are going to be tapped out.

  • Mother/Son Night: taking place on Saturday 11/14 at BuxMont Sports Center. All seems to be running fine with this social event.

VP of Fundraising: Melanie Catanese

  • Has been a busy three months
  • Still accepting registrations for the science and art clubs, which are ongoing fundraisers.
  • Chick Fil A Night is on Tuesday 11/17 from 5:00-8:00.
  • In Line 309 is scheduled for 11/20. The sixth graders will be doing a fundraiser there to help support the sixth grade party.
  • Holiday Shop is 12/2-12/4. Melanie is the chair for this event, but looking for volunteers to help during school hours.
  • Winter Celebration is getting revamped this year. Janae Rodriguez is the Chair. Celebration is keeping the photos with Santa and Frosty. Going to go with pre-ordered food (like we do for Bingo Night). There will be crafts in the cafeteria, caroling karaoke, games in the gym, holiday shop will be open in the hallway, and door prizes. A crafts table will also be set up for parents (those who do Thirty-one, Pampered Chef, etc.) for a small fee. Kids will be able to purchase a “punch card” to participate in all the games.
  • A sign-up genius link will be coming around because we will need a lot of parent volunteers.
  • A parent recommended getting high school students to help out with events.
  • Patrice Stagliano: Drama Club flyers would be coming out this week

Louisa Stewart: Sweatshirt sale has started with proceeds going towards the sixth grade yearbook.

Secretary: Melissa Flowers

  • Email blast going out once a week, usually on Sunday nights. If any parent would like information to out with the email blast, just contact Melissa.

Treasurer: Kimberley Crouthamel-Smith

  • Just a reminder to parents: when writing a check, please write student’s name in the memo area.
  • Went over the budget, line for line (ins and outs). Some items have an asterisk next to them because the number does not reflect the final number (still need to pay vendors, etc.).
  • If in need of reimbursement, please fill out the form.
  • The Home and School has money to disperse, are there any items that we can help the school with?

Della Mead: Knows Mr. Danenhower would like to purchase new tables.

Della Mead: (to Mr. Covone) Are the monkey bars getting fixed, because home and school could help with that.

Mr. Covone: School is not planning on replacing the monkey bar section. Too many injuries and a lot of schools have already removed them.

Parents gave suggestions to various outdoor gross motor supplies that could be purchased, basketball net, funnel ball nets, balls, etc.

  • Kim Crouthamel-Smith placed a motion for the revote of the 2015-2016 budget, with new adjustments. Motion was seconded by Melanie Catanese. Everyone in favor approved, so the motion was passed.
  • Della Mead: reiterated that we are sitting on a lot of money, which we would like to give to the teachers.

Mr. Covone: Give parameters to him to relay to the teachers or have the teachers create a wish list to help support students in the classroom.

Della Mead: Also wanted to remind teachers about the mini-grants available and that she hasn’t received a request for any.

Della Mead asked if there were any additional questions.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.