Trinity Valley Community College

Vocational Nursing Program

VNSG 1230- Maternal/Neonatal Nursing

Course Objective and Rudimentary Outline Content

I.  Introduction

A.  Identify aspects of professionalism, character and nursing behaviors which contribute to the well-being of the obstetric patient and family.

B.  Discuss care of the obstetrical patient and family with regards to the nursing scope of practice, legalities, confidentiality and ethical decision making.

C.  Discuss components of patient teaching as they apply to the obstetrical patient and family.

D.  Discuss the impact of cultural diversity on care of the obstetrical patient and family.

II.  Discuss contemporary directions in family centered maternal-newborn care.

A.  Maternity care

B.  Child care

C.  Health delivery systems

D.  Advanced Practice Nurses

E.  Health Care Reform

F.  Health People 2010

G.  Community based nursing

III.  Discuss that role of genes and chromosomes in heredity.

A.  Dominant and recessive genes

B.  Carriers of genetic traits

C.  Function of meiosis

D.  Sex determination

E.  Sex-linked traits

F.  Expression of a gene

G.  Karyotypes

H.  Genetic disorders

IV.  Discuss family planning and infertility.

A.  Family planning

B.  Contraceptive methods

C.  Infertility

1.  Diagnostic tests

2.  Treatment options

V.  Discuss and explain additional components of women’s health care.

A.  Gynecological assessment

B.  Menstrual disorders

C.  Age related changes

1.  Menarche

2.  Menopause

3.  Estrogen replacement therapy

VI.  Discuss diseases of the female reproductive system.

A.  Endometriosis

B.  Pelvic inflammatory disease

C.  Sexually transmitted disease

1.  Human immunodeficiency virus

a.  AIDS

2.  Gonorrhea

3.  Syphilis

4.  Chlamydia

5.  Herpes simplex virus

6.  Trichomoniasis

7.  Human papillomavirus (HPV)

8.  Hepatitis

VII.  Describe and explain normal prenatal physical and psychosocial changes.

A.  Signs and symptoms of pregnancy

1.  Presumptive

2.  Probable

3.  Positive

B.  Lengths of pregnancy

C.  Physical effects of pregnancy

D.  Psychosociocultural effects of pregnancy

VIII. Identify components of prenatal care and assessment of the prenatal patient.

A.  Visits

1.  Frequency

2.  Purpose

3.  Procedure

B.  Assessment

1.  History

2.  Exam

3.  Lab tests

IX.  Discuss the nurse’s responsibility in prenatal health promotion.

A.  Nutritional counseling

B.  Health teaching

1.  Common discomforts

2.  Danger signs

3.  Substance abuse

4.  Teratogens

5.  Family violence

C.  Preparation for childbirth

D.  Community resources

1.  Women’s clinics

2.  Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

3.  Medicaid

X.  Identify and explain antepartum period complications, medical treatment, and appropriate nursing care.

A.  Hyperemesis gravidarum

B.  Pregnancy-induced hypertension

C.  Bleeding early in pregnancy

1.  Abortion

2.  Ectopic pregnancy

D.  Bleeding late in pregnancy

1.  Placenta previa

2.  Abruptio placenta

3.  Disseminated intravascular coagulation

E.  Diabetes in pregnancy

F.  Infections

1.  UTI

2.  TORCH syndrome (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes virus

3.  HIV

4.  TB

G.  Multifetal pregnancy

H.  RHO incompatibility

XI.  Explain fetal development

A.  Genetic code

B.  Embryonic development

C.  Fetal circulation

D.  Fetal development

E.  Multifetal development

F.  Risk factors

1.  Teratogenic

2.  Chromosomal

XII.  Explain indications and nursing actions involved in fetal health assessment.

A.  Measurements

B.  Procedures

1.  Ultrasound

2.  Aminocentesis

3.  L/S ratio

4.  Chorionic villi sampling

C.  Equipment

1.  Fetoscope

2.  Doppler

3.  Electronic fetal monitor

XIII. Describe and explain the labor and delivery process.

A.  Labor forces

1.  Passage

a.  Pelvic types

b.  Pelvic structure

c.  Pelvic diameters

2.  Passenger

a.  Lie

b.  Attitude

c.  Station

d.  Engagement

e.  Presentation

f.  Position

3.  Power

a.  Contractions

b.  Effacement

c.  Dilation

B.  Labor onset

1.  Lightening

2.  True vs. false labor

C.  Stages of labor

1.  First stage

a.  Preliminary phase

b.  Early phase

c.  Active phase

d.  Transition phase

2.  Second stage

a.  Pushing phase

b.  Delivery phase

3.  Third stage

a.  Placental delivery

b.  Involution

XIV. Discuss normal labor and childbirth nursing care.

A.  Admission care and procedures

B.  Pain management

1.  Comfort measures

2.  Analgesia

3.  Anesthesia

4.  Psycho-social support

C.  Nursing care within each stage of labor

1.  Physical support

2.  Psychosocial support

3.  Ongoing assessments

4.  Birthing positions

5.  Episiotomy

6.  Placental assessment

7.  Documentation

D.  Immediate newborn care

1.  Airway

2.  Warmth

3.  Apgar score

4.  Assessment

5.  Identification

XV.  Describe complicated intrapartal period nursing care.

A.  Conditions affecting labor onset

1.  Preterm labor

2.  Induction

3.  Dystocia

4.  Malposition

5.  Cephalopelvic disproportion

6.  Premature rupture of membranes

7.  Hydramnios

8.  Multiple pregnancy

B.  Childbirth process complications

1.  Prolapsed cord

2.  Uterine rupture

3.  Uterine inversion

C.  Operative procedures

1.  Forceps

2.  Vacuum extraction

3.  Episiotomy

4.  Cesarean birth

XVI. Discuss the normal postpartum physical and psychosocial changes.

A.  Physical

1.  Involution

2.  Lochia

3.  Vagina

4.  Perineum

5.  Breasts

6.  Endocrine system

7.  Circulatory system

B.  Psychosocial

1.  Maternal responses

2.  Postpartum depression

XVII.  Describe postpartum patient nursing care.

A.  Assessment

B.  Immediate care

1.  Uterus

2.  Bladder

3.  Perineum

C.  Daily care

1.  Breasts

2.  Fundus

3.  Lochia

D.  Family-centered care

1.  Rooming-in

2.  Visitation

E.  Health promotion

1.  Comfort

2.  Nutrition

3.  Breast care

4.  Exercise

F.  Danger signs

XVIII.  Identify and discuss nursing care given to postpartum patients with complications.

A.  Physical complications

1.  Hemorrhage

2.  Puerperal infection

3.  UTI

4.  Mastitis

5.  Thrombophlebitis

B. Psychosocial complications

1.  Bonding disorders

2.  Depression

3.  Psychosis

4.  Grieving

XIX. Explain the newborn’s transition to extrauterine life.

A.  Body system adaptation

B.  Thermoregulation

1.  Heat production

2.  Mechanisms of heat loss

  1. Evaporation
  2. Convection
  3. Conduction
  4. Radiation

3.  Cold stress

C.  Neonatal behavior

XX.  Discuss aspects of normal newborn nursing care.

A.  Newborn assessment

1. Health history

2. Physical assessment

3. Reflexes

4. Vital signs

5. Body measurements

6. Behavioral assessment

B.  Routine procedures

1. Vitamin K injection

2. Eye prophylaxis

3. Hepatitis B vaccination

4 Newborn screen

5. Lab tests

C.  Infection prevention

1. Cross contamination

2. Cord care

3. Circumcision care

D.  Thermoregulation maintenance

E.  Infant nutrition

1. Breast

2. Bottle

F.  Parent-newborn interaction

G.  Health promotion

1. Safety

2. General hygiene

3. Positioning

4. Infant car seat

5. Accident prevention

6. Abuse prevention

7. CPR classes

H.  Discharge and follow-up

I.  Elective procedure

1. Circumcision

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